Mclean is HAWT!

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"Hmm..", Will thought for a minute, then flipped to look at the bunk bellow him, "Leo! Truth or Dare?"
Leo smiled, "Well since all of you have been doing Dares, I guess truth!"
"Leo, if you had to have a threesome, who would you pick?", Will joked since he couldn't think of anything else.
Leo grinned like a mad man, "I'd pick Calypso and Pipers dad, because Mclean is HAWT."
Piper shrieked, "WHAT?!" Calypso punched Leo, who started laughing so hard he fell on the ground. Piper kept screaming, "What the HELL LEO?! THAT IS NOT FUNNY! WHO SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Leo just kept laughing, and rolling around on the floor. Jason let out a small laugh and Piper whipped around with fire in her eyes. She hit him on the arm, "THIS IS NOT FUNNY!", she shrieked. Then everyone was laughing. "Leo you wanna know something?", Piper asked as she laid on the ground next to him after everyone was completely laughed out.
"What's that?"
"You're a complete ASS!", Piper said smiling.
"I am fully aware of that!", He smiled back, "I missed you guys! And I've only been gone.... Wait how long have I been gone because it feels like eternity?"
"Leo you've only been gone for like five days!", Jason said looking down on his best friend and girlfriend, and feeling happier than he had in long time.
"Wow..", Leo whispered, "Time goes differently when you're dead..."
"Leo!", Calypso said with a laugh, "You were dead for like twenty minutes!"
"EXACTLY!", Leo jumped up, "And it has made me realize that there may be not tomorrow! So let's make today as much fun as possible! I don't want any regrets when I die!" Calypso pulled Leo on to the bed next to her and kissed Leo. Leo grinned and kissed her back. Jason grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.
"Gods! Get a room!", he joked.
Leo looked at him with a huge grin on his face, "Gladly! But sadly.. Girls and boys aren't allowed to be alone together!"
Jason and Percy exchanged a look, one that meant, 'hahaha... SOLANGELO!'
Leo held Calypsos hand, "It's my turn now!", he said and then added a maniacal laugh.

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