More fucking fruit baskets

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(( HAHAHA You guys are so going to hate me after reading this but just wait it gets better! Not for you though, for me!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA *laughs like a crazy serial killer* ))

After Will left Nico took a quick shower and tried to get all the strawberry smell off of him by using a bunch of his pomegranate body wash but just ended up smelling like a fucking fruit basket, again. He then walked back out to the strawberry patch to retrieve all of the stuff they had left out there. He felt exposed without his jacket. He wondered out to the strawberry field, only to run into Will who had the same idea. They walked together up the hill and deep into the strawberry field. Once they were far enough in that no one could see them Will grabbed Nico's hand and they walked like that till they got to the tree.
"So.", Will said as they cleaned up.
"I don't know.", Will laughed. "What are you planning on doing later?"
"I was planning on sleeping.", Nico said.
"Really? You're going to sleep? It's not even dinner time yet!"
"You said later, not like in an hour!", Nico smiled.
"Ha. Ha. But seriously, do you want to do something after dinner?", Will asked.
"We could sleep.", Nico yawned, as if to prove his point.
Will frowned, "Fine. But we need to wake up early because people can't know that I've been sleeping over in your cabin."
"How about you wake up early and I sleep.", Nico said, and slipped on his jacket.
"You are so difficult!", Will sighed.
"No! I'm just sleepy.", Nico yawned again, he was feeling really, really tired...
"Whatever.", Will grabbed the last of the stuff and they started heading back.
Nico wrapped his arm around Will as they walked.
"Are you ok?", Will asked.
Nico nodded drowsily.
"Babe, really, you're not looking to good.", Will said and stopped.
"No... I'm fine... Really.", Nico smiled, and then collapsed.
Will dropped the basket as Nico fell, and then slowly sat down holding Nico.
"Hey Neeks? You awake?", Will asked as he laid the boys head in his lap.
Nico moaned.
Will scooped up Nico. "Come on, Death Boy. Let's get you to the infirmary."
Will looked at the other boy who seemed to be getting lighter as he walked. Nico was getting paler and paler with every step he took.
"Shitshitshitshitshit!", Will muttered and started running.
He knew something was up with Nico. He had been perfectly fine for too long. As Will excited the strawberry patch Percy started to run after him.
"Will! What's wrong with Nico?", he asked as he ran.
"I don't know! One second he was fine and now...", Will puffed.
They entered the infirmary and Will rushed straight towards one of the rooms. He laid Nico down on the bed. Percy sat down next to him. Will rummaged through the cabinets trying to find some of the injectable nectar.
Will turned to Percy, "Go to the front desk and have them find Lou Ellen. Tell her what happened and have her come here.", Will said in a rush.
Percy ran out the room while Will injected Nico with the syringe. He was not going to be happy about that when he woke up. Lou Ellen ran in followed by two of the Apollo kids. They all rushed around hooking up Nico to this and that and taking his pulse and other vitals. Percy called Hazel to tell her what had happened, while Lou Ellen went got the rest of the seven. Everyone crowded around the waiting room waiting to see if Nico was ok. Will finally came out.
"Is he ok?", Annabeth asked as she watched Percy bite his fingernails.
"He should be...", Will chocked and started sobbing. He sunk into one of the chairs and Piper hugged him.
"Shhh... Will, I'm sure he'll be fine. This boy has been to Tartarus and back by himself, he's going to be ok.", Piper whispered.
Exactly, Will thought. Nico had been to Tartarus and back, what if that was too much for him? What if... He didn't wake up? Will continued to sob, while Piper, and everyone tried to comfort him. Hazel watched through the mist as Will cried, then she started to cry herself. Frank held her tightly. They were all so worried about Nico and he didn't even know it.
Finally Will got up. He took a deep breath, "I'm not going to help him sitting here crying."
Will went into the room and held Nico's hand, trying to get some warmth back into his body. Nico still had his jacket on and Will didn't want to risk taking it off. He wrapped Nico up in a blanket and sat back down. He looked at Nico who kept fading and then coming back, almost like he was fighting inside himself. Will hopped he was, he hoped he was fighting. He wanted Nico to come back. Will held Nico's hand to his forehead and felt silent tears slip down his face. He closed his eyes and tried to think about all the things they would do when Nico was ok. They would go swimming again and maybe go roller skating. Will almost laughed as he pictured Nico roller skating. He placed Nico's hand underneath the blanket and then leaned back in his chair. Nico is going to be fine, Nico is going to be fine, Will kept repeating that in his head until the words started blurring together and he could hardly keep his eyes open.

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