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As they walked to the Zeus cabin the wind started to pick up and they heard a familiar flapping sound. Everyone turned and gawked at the sky.
"Hello Nerds!", Leo said into the meg-phone he was holding, "Did you miss me?" Festus circled around the cabins and started to descend, "It tis I! Leo, bad boy supreme, captian of the Team Leo fan club! And my amazing, extremely attractive girlfriend Calypso!" Calypso hit Leo on the arm, "Ow! Calypso you know it's true!", Leo smiled at his girlfriend.
"Leo!", Piper exclaimed as Festus landed, "You're alive!"
"Of course I am! You didn't think I'd be leaving so soon, did you?", Leo asked and jumped of the mechanical dragon. He turned around and helped Calypso, who gave him a peck on the check, almost like she was proving he was hers. Everyone just stared, looking as shocked as Nico felt.
"How? What...You were dead.", Nico asked, "like dead dead, I felt you die."
"How? Festus obviously! This guy right here saved me!", Leo said as he patted Festus's side. Calypso looked Nico over and a slight smile appeared on her face. She tapped Leo on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear, with a giggle. Leo grinned and tried to hug Nico, but he stepped back.
"Nico", Leo said through his teeth, "I need to tell you something." Leo hugged Nico and whispered next to him, "Why aren't you wearing parts?"
"What?", Nico's eyes widened.
"Your just wearing boxers.", Leo's voice was still low.
"Shit...", Nico said breaking the hug, and running towards his cabin to put pants on. He slammed the door to the cabin and ran to his closet. He went to take his shoes off but then realized that he wasn't wearing any. Will hadn't let him put anything on! He had just pushed him straight out the door with no pants, and no shoes, but he was wearing a jacket, which Nico was very appreciative of.
Nico slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, pulled off his gray shirt and then slipped on a black one. He stuck on a pair of flip-flops, and ran back out the door towards everyone. They were all hugging Leo and welcoming Calypso. Calypso smiled at them but seemed so... out of place. They all started walking towards the Zeus cabin, which made Nico realize the Truth or Dare game was still on. He frowned but followed them. Percy hung back.
"Nico", he said, "Why'd you run to your cabin? Did you change or something?"
"No.", Nico frowned and looked at his feet, hoping Percy wouldn't see him blushing.
"No.. I could have sworn you did. Weren't you wearing shorts earlier? They look kind of like..", Percy said, and then it dawned on him, Nico had been wearing boxers, not shorts. Percy's eyes widened.
"Are you and Will..", Percy asked and then made a thrusting gesture.
"What?! No. Why would you ask that?! I don't even like him. He is the most annoying person I've ever met other than you."
"Oh.. Ok. Are you like in a relationship?", Percy smiled.
"No! No, we are not!", Nico gaped at Percy, "And dumb questions like this are why you have the top spot for most annoying friend.", Nico said then walked towards the cabin.
When everyone was in Jason's cabin, Nico pulled Will outside and pushed him up against the wall. "Why in HELL did you let me leave my room without pants?", Nico asked angrily.
"You're not wearing pants?!", Will looked down at Nico's legs.
"I am now! But I wasn't earlier! And it's all your fault!", Nico practically shrieked.
"I'm sorry! But it's not like I've been looking at your groin!", Will blushed. Nico felt his face growing warm, Will was seriously pissing him off.
"Gods! I know! But still you should notice when someone's not wearing pants!", Nico said, his face still burning.
"And you should notice when you're not wearing pants!", Will exclaimed. Nico stomped into Jason's cabin and climbed onto the top bunk on the right side. They had redone this cabin so that it had six bunks, two on one walls, two on the other, and two beds in the middle.
Will wondered in and climbed onto Nico's bunk and sat next to him. Nico gave him look but didn't say anything. Will just smiled at him. All the couples sat on one of the beds.
"Jason, You start because it was your idea.", Percy said.
"Ok", he said looking around the room at everyone.
"Hmm...", He murmured and then stopped on Percy, which caused Nico to sigh out of relief.
"Percy,", Jason smiled mischievously, "Truth or Dare?"
Percy thought for a second, "Dare!"
"Perfect!" Jason rubbed his hands together, while grinning wickedly.

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