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Nico woke up to Hazel's voice. "Nicooooo...", Hazel cooed. Nico sat up and saw Hazel had Iris messaged him.
"Hey big brother.", Hazel smiled at him.
"Gods, Hazel, why are you up so late?", Nico asked.
"It's not late! It's like nine o'clock here!", Hazel exclaimed.
Nico sighed, "Hazel that means its midnight here!"
"Oh. This is so confusing.", Hazel said into her hands.
"Ya. There are different time zones.", Nico explained. "Oh! Duh, forgot."
"So what do you need sis?", Nico asked.
"I was just missing you.", Hazel smiled.
"I miss you too, Hazel. How's camp Jupiter?"
"It's nice. We just got in this afternoon." Nico wanted to hug Hazel, he missed her so much and it had only been three days.
"So how's Will?", Hazel asked.
"Wills good. Why do you ask?", Nico said suspiciously.
"Uh.. No reason. Piper told me you guys have been hanging out lately."
"Did she tell you anything else?", Nico asked.
"Mmm. No. Why?"
"Good because I have something to tell you.", Nico said, he still hadn't told Hazel he was gay and he didn't want her to find out from anybody but him, "Hazel. I'm gay."
Hazel smiled, "Nico I know! And no, nobody told me. I figured it out."
"Really? Was I that obvious?", Nico said.
"No, I just know stuff. I'm your sister, remember?"
"That's good."
"And by the way, Will so likes you."
Nico coughed, "What?"
"Uh. You didn't know that? He sang to you and everything.", Hazel exclaimed.
"Were you spying on me?!"
"No! I wanted to see the Campfire and then Will sang to you and it was soooo cute! He soooo likes you!"
"He wasn't singing to me! That'd be ridiculous," Nico laughed.
"Nico, he totally likes you, it's obvious."
"Really?! Oh my GODS!" Hazel grinned at her brother as he started hyperventilating.
"Calm down! It was obvious! Seriously just kiss him already!"
"Oh my gods! Hazel you can't just drop a bomb like that on someone! This is serious! What am I going to do?!"
"Why? Just kiss him or something! I don't know! Or you could just act natural until you find the perfect time.", Hazel said thinking about his options.
"I'll go with the second one and don't tell anyone about this! Thanks! Love you."
Nico swiped his hand through the mist. Hazels smiling face disappeared. Nico fell back into his pillow. Apparently Will liked Nico. His whole world felt like it exploded. How could someone so bright and beautiful like someone as dark and ugly like Nico? Nico started to hyperventilate again. Did Will really like him?
Oh my gods... What was he going to do? He couldn't just go up to Will and kiss him, he had to wait till the perfect time. Plus he had to make sure Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Piper didn't find out. Let's just figure it out in the morning. He rolled over and tried to fall asleep. It took a bit but he finally did.


Will walked into Nico's room. Will Solace was in Nico's room. Here. With Nico. Will Solace. Nico was tempted to faint. Nico was collecting his stuff as he came in.
"What are you doing?", Will asked.
"What does it look like? I'm getting all my stuff together.", Nico said, trying to be his usual grumpy self.
"Who said you could leave."
"You did!" "Mmm... No don't remember that.", Will replied, somewhat sarcastic, "You have to stay for longer. Doctor's Orders, Death Boy."
"Solace! If you keep calling me Death Boy!", Nico exclaimed.
"You'll do what?"
"I'll... I'll... I'll call you...", Nico thought, hard. What could he call the sun of Apollo, who thought everything was great, that would annoy him? Then Nico got it.
"You'll call me what?", Will grinned.
"Sunshine.", Nico smirked, since when did he smirk?
Wills eyes widened, "You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh. But I would!", Nico said, "Sunshine."
"Death Boy!"
"Yes, Sunshine?", Nico asked innocently.
Will screamed, "Don't call me that!"
"But it fits you so well! Doesn't it Sunshine?", Nico said, trying to piss Will off. He was hot when he was angry, actually he was hot always.
Will shrieked.
"Don't be that way, Sunshine!", Nico was grinning so big his cheeks were hurting.
Will shrieked again. "Death Boy! Stop that!", He shouted.
"But Sunshine!", Nico gave Will a puppy dog face.
Will frowned, "If you're going to call me Sunshine, then I'm calling you Death Boy."
"That's fine by me, Sunshine."
"You know you're really pissing me off."
"Oh, I know.", Nico said. Was this a good time to kiss him? No. Even though Will was so hot when he was pissed.
"Whatever. Just come on.", Will started walking towards the door.
"Where are we going?", Nico asked, suspicious of where Will was taking him.
"Archery range."
"But you're terrible at archery."
"Exactly! I need practice and you need to work on your upper body strength.", Will said as he held the door open for Nico.
"Whatever Sunshine."

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