Kiss the boy

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"Nico!", Connor said looking him straight in the face, "Truth or Dare?" Nico thought about it, who knew what Connor could come up with? "Truth.", Nico replied. "Oh come on Nico! Dare!", Jason shouted. Nico frowned. "Dare! Dare!", They all chanted, except for Calypso and Will. "Fine!", Nico shouted over all their chanting, "Dare!" Gods, he hated peer pressure.
Connor smiled, "Nico! I dare you... to kiss Will." Nico's stomach dropped and his eyes widened, "No!", he said firmly. "Come on Nico do it!", Travis urged. Nico could feel his cheeks heating up, "No! I am NOT kissing Will!" Will sat next to Nico silently, almost bummed that Nico didn't want to kiss him but he got why. It was for the same reason he didn't kiss Nico earlier, plus Nico probably didn't like Will the way Will liked Nico...
"Oh come on Nico! It's just a game! It'll be fun!"
Nico couldn't take it, he shrieked and ran out of the cabin. He could feel his eyes tearing up as he reached his cabin. When he opened the door tears were streaming down his cheeks. He slammed the door behind him and then slid down it, sobbing. This was the second time he had cried today, why did this always happen to him? He and Will were perfectly happy being awkward around each other. They were perfectly happy not knowing the other was gay but the Stoll's ruined that for them! They ruined everything. Nico sobbed harder. His life was falling apart, his sister had left, his friends were crazy and he felt so alone.
Everyone stared at the Stoll's. "What? What did we do?", Connor asked. Annabeth sighed. Jason looked at them like they were stupid (which they were). Leo was just confused, had he missed something? Since when was Nico so emotional?
"Yes! You did something!", Will exclaimed.
"What?", Travis asked.
"Nico is GAY. Ok? And he's super sensitive about that junk! You just don't do something like that!", Percy explained, incredibly pissed off at the twins.
"Wow, wow. Nico is GAY? That explains so much...", Connor said.
"Who's going to go talk to him?", Annabeth asked.
"I could.", Piper volunteered.
"Nah. I'll do it.", Percy said standing up. Annabeth grabbed his hand, "Be nice.", she whispered to him. Percy nodded and left.

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