Sketch pads, Vases, and Percy

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Will watched Nico as he slept, even though he knew it was creepy but the younger boy looked so peaceful and happy, unlike when he was awake. Will picked up Nicos sketch pad and started flipping through it, even though Nico would be extremely mad if he knew. The sketch pad must have been old because the cover was faded and torn, and the pictures near the front weren't nearly as good as the ones in the back. The further back he got the more the pictures seemed alive, which Will found odd. How was the son of Hades able to draw such beautiful, life like pictures, when everyone thought he just brought death?
As he got further and further into the book he saw pictures of Hazel, Percy and everyone else on the Argo two. He saw a lot of pictures of Percy, and then suddenly they stopped. The pictures started to become sadder, pictures of Tartarus and things from nightmares. and he was sure he was going to have nightmares later, they were so terrifying. Nico truly had a talent. Then the last one, the one Nico must have been working on earlier, was a picture of him. One that looked so much like him, it was almost scary. Had Nico really drawn this? What was that about?
"Will!", Nico shrieked, "What the HELL are you doing with my sketch pad?!"
"Uh.. Nothing..", Will stammered, as he set the pad down.
"Nothing? You were going through my stuff!", Nico said, as he jumped out of his bed, with just boxers and a t-shirt on, and pushed Will into the wall.
"Uh...", Will stuttered, intelligently.
"Gods, Solace! I trust you and then you go through my stuff behind my back! Who does that?!", Nico jabbed his finger into the taller boys chest, which would have been funny if it anyone but Nico was doing it. Nico was pretty scary when he wanted to be.
"I'm sorry... I just wanted to see all your drawings!", Will replied panicked.
"And you thought snooping through my stuff was the best way to do so?!", Nico shouted up at him.
"Yes.. I mean no... er.. No?", Will stammered.
"Get out of my room! Or I'll blast you to bits!", Nico screamed, and pushed Will out the door.
The door slammed but then Will stuck his head in and said, "No Underworldy magic! Doctors' orders!"
"Gaaaah!", Nico shrieked and threw a vase at the door just as Will was shutting it. The vase shattered, and Nico slid down the wall and started bawling his eyes out.
What the hell was wrong with Will?! Nico had trusted him, they had been friends. This always happened! Every time Nico trusted someone they always did something stupid like this, and then Nico had to go through the trauma it brought all over again. Nico got up, slipped back into his bed, and cried into his pillow like a little kid which made him feel even worse.


After Nico threw the vase, Will got the hint and left him alone. He mopped around the infirmary and because there were no patients to treat (Which was weird...), he walked over to the lake. Then he mopped around by the lake, until finally Percy came up to him and asked what was wrong.
"Uh.. Well Nico's pissed at me.", Will said.
"Why? What did you do?", Percy stared him down.
"I may or may not have gone through his sketch pad...", Will muttered, looking at the ground.
"Oh Dude. I'm surprised he didn't kill you! He flipped when I tried to look in it.", Percy looked a Will astonished by the fact he wasn't dead.
"Ya, well that's 'cause...", Will trialed off, no way Nico would forgive him if he told Percy about all the drawings of him in it.
"That's 'cause what?", Percy asked, suddenly very interested in what Will had to say.
"Nothing! There is no way I'm going to tell you! Nico will be even more pissed at me!", Will exclaimed.
"Oh, come on! Now you HAVE to tell me!", Percy whined.
"No I don't!"
"Fine... Plus Nico made it pretty clear I wasn't his type... so why would you want to tell me his secrets.", Percy mopped, looking as sad as Will had just a few minutes ago.
"Wait what? What does that even mean? Not his type?", Will asked.
"I probably shouldn't tell you this.... buuut Nico's so gay for me.", Percy said, quietly.
"Are you serious?", Will asked.
"Ya, I'm serious.", Percy said, "Ok well, he's not gay for me anymore but he totally was. Actually he's probably just gay in general. It mostly for me."
"Umm ok then.. I actually have to go because um ah, Nico?", Will said then bolted back to the infirmary.

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