Fish stcks = Friendship

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"Sunshine...", Nico whispered. "WAKE UP!"
Will practically jumped into the wall he was so scared. "Ow! What the hell Nico!", Will said rubbing his head.
"It's time for dinner."
"Oh. Ok.", Will climbed out of bed and put his shoes on. Nico walked over to the door with Will in tow and they went to the dinning pavilion. Nico went over to his table and Will went to his.
"So Nico. What were you and Will doing, alone in your cabin all day?", Jason wiggled his eyebrows.
"We ate fish sticks and then Will fell asleep because he ate so many.", Nico frowned. "What? You had fish sticks without me?!", Percy exclaimed.
"Yes, and Will at all of them."
"WILL SOLACE YOU ASS!", Percy shouted over at Will.
"Percy, they're just fish sticks. I can get more."
"No! They are a symbol of friendship and the fact that you didn't give me any proves that we are not friends!", Percy whined.
"Percy. You're acting like a five year old.", Nico sighed.
"What does it matter? I'm not your type anyway!", Percy picked up his plate and walked over to the fire.
"What's up with him?", Nico asked Jason, slightly confused because wouldn't Percy eating fish be kind of like cannibolism? 
"Ever since you said he wasn't your type he's been doing this more and more... It's weird. I don't think he likes being rejected.", Jason smiled.
"I didn't reject him! He didn't even like me!", Nico exclaimed.
"Ya but in Percy's messed up little mind, that was a rejection.", Jason sighed. Percy sat back down at the table. They ate in silence for a while.
"What does Will have that I don't?", Percy asked quietly.
"What?", Nico said.
"What does –"
"No. No. Don't repeat it! I heard you the first time," Nico frowned.
"Well what is it?" Percy whined.
"First off, I don't have a crush on Will and second, he isn't going on and on about this!", Nico replied.
"So what you're saying is, if I were to dye my hair blonde, and act like Will you would like me again?", Percy smiled.
"No. That is not at all what I'm saying.", Nico frowned at Percy.
"Do you guys know where I can get blonde hair dye?", Percy asked.
"What? Annabeth would kill you.", Jason laughed, picturing blonde Percy getting beat up by Annabeth.
"Ya. I suppose.", Percy said sadly.
"Ok, whatever. I'm done with dinner so I'm just going to leave now.", Nico said and backed away from the table. He then turned and ran away towards his cabin.

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