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Will sat next to Nico, eating the strawberries they had collected just minutes before. Nico watched Will happily stuffing the bright fruit into his mouth. Nico grabbed some of the strawberries out of the bin and stood up.
"What are you doing?", Will asked.
"You'll see.", Nico smiled, and then chucked a big squishy strawberry right at Will's chest.
The strawberry met its mark and Will screamed as the strawberry exploded all over his shirt. Nico laughed and hid behind the tree.
"WHAT THE HELL?", Will shouted and stood up.
Nico kept laughing. The boys got into a battle seeing who could make the other scream more, and who could get more strawberry on the others shirt. Will had pretty good aim but Nico was a smaller target, especially now that he had taken off his jacket. Nico grabbed strawberries straight off the bushes, since Will had taken the bucket they had collected.
He made sure to grab the biggest over ripe ones so that they exploded on Will's shirt. Nico chucked one at Will and it hit him right in the forehead. Nico fell over laughing as Will tripped over the picnic basket because he was hopping around trying to get strawberry out of his eyes.
Will scrapped off the strawberry guts on his face. "Oh so you think this is funny, Death Boy?", Will asked.
Nico laid in the strawberry field and kept laughing, "No! Of course not!", he said sarcastically.
Will flung the guts in his hand at Nico and sat on top of him.
"Gods Will! You weight a ton!", Nico wheezed.
Will laughed. Nico sat up and pushed the older boy off his lap. Nico then straddled Will and wrapped his legs around his midsection. Will smirked, and wrapped his arms around Nico. Nico grabbed Will shirt and pulled the other boy towards his lips. As they kissed Nico grabbed a strawberry out of the patch and moved his hands under Will's shirt, then he smashed the strawberry on Will's back and ran.
"COME BACK HERE YOU SICK TWISTED BASTARD!", Will screamed as he ran after Nico.
Nico laughed loudly as he ran through the camp. He high fived Percy as he ran past. Percy had no idea what was going on but the fact that Will was chasing Nico through camp and they were both covered in strawberries made up for that.
"COME BACK HERE NICO!", Will shouted.
"NEVER!", Nico screamed over his shoulder as he unlocked his door.
Will was right behind Nico and chucked a strawberry at him. It hit the door and splattered all over Nico's face. Nico shut the door and locked it, then went over to the window. He drew the curtains away and looked out at Will who was shouting some incredibly rude things at him in Greek. Nico laughed and stuck his tongue out. Will finally calmed down and Nico opened the door. Will came inside and pinned Nico against the wall.
"Fuck you, Di Angelo!", he said.
"Gladly, Solace.", Nico smirked.
"You are suck a dick head.", Will sighed.
Nico laughed, "Well I'm gay for a reason!"
Will gave him a look, "I'm going to take a shower and wash off all this strawberry you got on me!"
Nico gave him a peck on the lips, "See you later boyfriend."
Will frowned at him as he walked out the door, "Bye Nico."

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