Capain America's abs

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"Do you want to just skip dinner?", Will asked rapping his arms around Nico and kissing his neck.
"Will.", Nico smiled and snuggled into Will's chest, "We need to go or people might suspect something."
"Fine.", Will kissed the top of Nico's head. They heard the dinner bell and got up. Will shivered, he had been sitting in the bed for so long his legs were cold. Nico grabbed Will's hand and smiled.
"You can't kiss me or hold my hand when we get out there.", Nico said.
Will frowned, "Ok." He kissed Nico, and wrapped his arms around the other boy's neck. They pulled away.
"What was that about?", Nico asked.
Will smiled, "Well since I can't kiss you out there I might as well kiss you in here." Nico smiled and opened the door. Will followed him out smiling. They went to the pavilion, Will going to his table and Nico sitting down at his.
"Hey.", Jason said, while Percy smiled like he knew something Nico didn't.
"Um... Hi.", Nico said, sitting down cautiously.
"So... How's Will?", Percy wiggled his eyebrows.
"He's good. Why?", Nico asked slowly.
"No reason." Their food came and they dumped part of it in the fire.
"So. What are you and Will going on any dates soon?", Jason asked.
Nico chocked on his drink. "Wait, what now?", he asked, wiping his mouth.
"Nothing. Nothing.", Jason chuckled.
"This is why I don't talk to you guys.", Nico frowned.
Jason smiled, "But Nico! I'm your bestie!"
"Don't talk to me.", Nico frowned and kept eating his food.
"But Nico!"
"No. Not a word!"
Jason sat there pouting, while Percy just smiled and drank his blue drink.After dinner Nico and Will walked towards the Hades cabin. Piper came up behind them.
"Hey!", she smiled.
"Hey, Piper.", Nico grinned.
"So, Jason told me you guys are like dating now. Is that true?", Piper asked bubbly.
Nico frowned.
"No!", Will said.
"Oh. Ok.", Piper said sadly.
"We're going to go now.", Nico grabbed Wills wrist and pulled him towards his cabin.
"What the hell?!", Nico whispered.
"You told Jason we were dating?!", Will asked.
"I did no such thing!", Nico said indignantly.
"Good.", Will smiled. Nico walked into his cabin. Will followed behind him, "Forbidden love is hot."
Nico laughed
"What's up with Jason anyway? Him and Percy keep trying to get us together? I mean we are together but they don't know that.", Will asked.
"I don't know.", Nico sighed, "They're just annoying, like older brothers almost."
"That must be nice...", Will smiled.
"You have a bunch of older brothers!", Nico said.
"I guess but we're not all that close.", Will sighed. Nico wrapped his arms around Wills waist and hugged him tightly. Will kissed the top of his head. Nico loved it when he did that, it was such a sweet thing to do. Something boyfriends did, and it made Nico's heart flutter every time. Nico and Will went and sat down. Nico pulled out his laptop and the opened up Netflix.
"What do you want to watch?", Nico asked.
"Hmm.", Will smiled and flipped through the movies.
"We should watch Mean Girls."
"Will! Mean Girls? How about the Avengers? Have you seen Chris Evans and Robert Downy Jr?", Nico whined.
"Fine. We can watch the Avengers but don't get mad at me if I get bored! Lou Ellen makes me watch that all the time.", Will said.
"If you get bored just look at Captain America's abs or something.", Nico grinned and clicked on the movie.
"Are you sure you won't get jealous?", Will smiled wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Nico laughed and they sat snuggling together until the movie ended and they both fell alseep.

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