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After the movie Will fell asleep even though it was only 2 o'clock but Nico knew he must be tired. Will had stayed up the whole time Nico was out, waiting for him to wake up. Nico set a timer on his computer and curled up next to Will. He might as well take a nap...


The timer went off and Will shrieked, causing Nico to fall out of the bed puling the blanket and Will out with him.
Will landed next to Nico. "Shit...", he breathed.
"Fuck.", Nico muttered.
Will turned to Nico and smiled, "You awake now?"
"Are you just going to continue to say fuck?"
Will sighed and kissed Nico.
"Fuck!", Nico said when Will pulled away.
"Gods! Are you broken?"
"I don't FUCKING know!"
Will smiled, "You aren't broken!"
"I might fucking be!"
"Babe, chill!"
"But Wiiiiiillllll!"
"Nico, I'm sorry that I knocked you off the bed."
"Mmm... Ok."
"Are you ok now?"
"I guess."
"Alright.", Will kissed Nico again.
The dinner bell rang and Nico pushed Will away.
"I suppose we have to go to dinner?", Nico asked.
The boys stood up.
"Gods, Nico! Your hair is a mess!"
"You're not too much better yourself, Solace.", Nico said and tried to fix Will's hair, while Will tried to fix Nico's.
"How did your hair get so messy?", Will asked.
"Well, I haven't brushed it in like a month so...", Nico said, because he'd been out for like the past month.
"Nico! You should really brush your hair more often!"
Nico shrugged, "I finger brush it."
"You better start brushing your hair!"
"But Will!", Nico whined.
"Nico, please. Now come on.", Will said and grabbed Nico's hand.
They left the cabin and Will let go of Nico's hand. They walked up to the dining pavilion and the boys went over to their tables. Nico sat down.
"Hey Nico!", Percy practically yelled.
"Sup'?", Nico said.
"Are you getting tanner? Because your looking very sun kissed.", Percy grinned wildly as Jason cracked up.
"Ha. Ha. Ha.", Nico said completely unamused, "You guys are such idiots."
Percy and Jason high fived. "You get it right? Will is like the son of Apollo who's like the god of the sun or whatever, so like sun kissed.", Percy smiled.
"Ya. I get it but Will and I are not dating.", Nico insisted.
Jason squinted his eyes at Nico, "Percy and I are going to get you two together! Mission Solangelo activated!"
Percy and Jason fist bumped and made explosion noises
Nico sighed, "I don't like him, and even if I did, I could get him to date me by myself, thank you very much."
"Don't lie Nico! You need the help of the pros!", Percy exclaimed.
"No, thank you, and what makes you two idiots 'pros'?"
"We both have girlfriends!"
"I'm still not sure how you managed that. Now, forget I asked and let me eat my food."
They let Nico eat and then as soon as he had taken his last bite started bothering him again.
"So, do you want our help? I mean really, that boy totally likes you so it shouldn't be too hard! He keeps looking over here!", Jason grinned.
"Gods! I don't like him!"
"Alright but he so likes you!"
"Jason, leave me the fuck alone."
Jason turned to Percy, "I think he's on his period.", he whispered to the other boy.
Nico sighed, "You guys are such dumbasses."
They two boys started laughing.
"Ok. So bye now!", Nico said and stood up.
"But Nico!"
"Will!", Nico shouted.
Will stood up and ran over to him, "What's up?"
"Hey, Will!", Percy said.
Will smiled, "Hey."
"We're going to go now.", Nico pushed Will towards his cabin.
When they were far enough away Nico said, "They super think we're dating, you need to stop being so obvious."
"I'm not being obvious."
"Yes! You kept looking over at me at dinner and we're spending a lot of time together.", Nico unlocked his door.
"Percy and Jason spend a lot of time together and no one says anything.", Will pointed out.
"That's 'cause they are both so straight they couldn't even pass as bendy straws."
Will laughed, "Whatever, but I'm not going to spend less time with you."
"Fine.", Nico sighed and walked into the cabin, shutting the door behind them.
Will grabbed his butt.
"Dude!", Nico shrieked and turned around.
"What? Am I not allowed to grab your ass now?"
"Will, you were never allowed to grab my ass!"
"Gods! So many restrictions!"
Nico sighed, "Will."
"Don't grab my ass."
"Mmm. How about no?"
"Will!", Nico shrieked as Will grabbed his butt again.
"Don't do that again."
"Alright, but I can still look, right?" He smirked
"Whatever.", Nico said, giving up. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Oooo! Can I come?"
"You never let me do anything fun!"
"Go sleep in your bed! And don't call me Nicolas.", Nico's Italian accent was thick as he said 'Nicolas'.
"Alright, fine! I'll see you in the morning."
Will kissed the top of Nico's head, "Bye."

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