Fish sticks

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Nico and Will went back to the infirmary and Nico grabbed his stuff.
"So any new foods I've never had?", Will asked.
"Have you had fish sticks before?"
"No. Don't think so.", Will replied, though he was kind of confused as to why someone would want a fish Popsicle. Nico smiled, he was happy because then he could be alone with Will in his room, with no Percy or Jason or even the threat of them.
"Good. You'll like them, Sunshine."
"I sure hope so Death Boy.", Will grinned. The boys got to the cabin. Nico unlocked it.
"Why is your door locked?", Will asked.
"I don't want people to get into my stuff, that's why.", Nico twisted the key and pushed open the door. The boys walked in and closed the door behind them.
Percy, Jason, Piper, and Annabeth sat in a bush in front of the Hades cabin, watching it with binoculars because they obviously had nothing better to do.
"They are so crushing on each other!", Piper squealed after the boys walked into the cabin.
"Solangelo bitches!", Percy exclaimed and then Annabeth slapped him.
"What?", He asked.
"I do not appreciate being called a female dog.", she said and then wacked him again.
"But Annabeth you'd be a cute dog!", Percy whined. Annabeth was about to slap him again when Jason said, "We are on a mission! Stop fighting like four year olds!" Annabeth frowned at him but didn't say anything.
"Do you thing Will knows Nico like him? It's so obvious but they are guys!", Piper sighed.
"I don't know but they sound like Percy and I before we started dating.", Annabeth replied.
"Hmm. Well I know Will likes Nico and Nico obviously likes Will, so they need to figure this out because it's getting boring just watching them talk about stuff.", Piper frowned.
"Let's hope they figure it out soon.", Jason said.
Nico and Will sat around while the fish sticks cooked.
"How do you always convince me into giving you food?", Nico asked.
"I don't know but you have good food.", Will smiled.
"Are you sure you're not just friends with me because I have food?", Nico asked only half joking.
"How could you say that!", Will said in mock surprise.
Nico smiled at him, "You are so full of it, Solace."
"That I am, Di Angelo." The microwave beeped and Will jumped up and ran over to it. Nico pushed him out of the way, grabbed a pot holder out of the cabinet and pulled out the food. He set it on the table and sat back down. Will just stood there looking at the little sticks of fish.
"Those look nothing like I expected.", Will said.
"Well they're probably going to taste worse than expected too. So come sit and wait for them to cool off.", Nico said.
Will sniffed the air, "They smell good."
"Ya.", Nico got up and grabbed ranch and ketchup out of the cabinet, personally he liked ranch on his but he wasn't sure if Will would. "You put ranch on your fish?", Will made a face.
"What? It tastes good!", Nico exclaimed. He squirted some down on his plate and some ketchup and ranch on Wills.
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me its good.", Nico said.
"Ooook.. If you're sure.", Will said and then crammed a fish stick in his mouth. He took another and dipped it in ketchup. After he finished with the first one he shoved the one covered in ketchup in his mouth. "Hmmm...", He said and then dipped one in ranch. He ate that one and smiled. "This is good!"
Nico smiled, "I told you. You should listen to me more often."
Will nodded and then started eating all the fish sticks on his plate.
When all the food was gone Will had a stomach ache from eating all the fish sticks and Nico was laughing at him.
"I told you not to eat them ALL!", Nico grinned, "You should listen to me more often."
"You said the same thing earlier...", Will sighed.
"We should really put a limit on how much new food I let you try!", Nico laughed.
"Not funny! I am in serious pain here!", Will exclaimed.
"Whatever Sunshine. Just don't eat all the food next time! I hardly got any you were sticking them in your mouth so fast!", Nico said and then started laughing again. Will laid down on one of the coffin beds.
"Have fun being in pain. I'm going to draw.", Nico said and sat on his bed with his sketch pad. Will made a face at him, but didn't say anything. Nico started drawing, and after a while looked up. Will was asleep. Nico laughed and kept drawing. Will acted like a little kid sometimes.

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