Fruit Baskets

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((I'm listening to The Fray while I write this and... I think it may have influenced my writing a bit... so tell me if that's a good thing or not.. Because I'm not sure))

After a bit Nico crawled out a bed and took a shower. He used a lot of his pomegranate shampoo, though he didn't know he used too much until he got out of the shower and realized his hair smelled like a fucking fruit basket. He sighed, great, he thought, now everything I own is going to smell all fruity. At least Will would like it. He tried to push Will out of his head as he got dressed. What did it matter what Will though? It didn't.
Nico laid in his bed and started drawing, in the sketch book he kept in the room. He did it so absent mindedly he didn't even realize what he was drawing till he was half way through it. He was drawing Will, but not just any picture of him. It was the view Nico had of him while they were dancing. Will had the blindfold on and Nico smiled at the picture. Then he sighed. Will didn't like him, but Nico just couldn't get that into his head. He kept drawing though, might as well finish the picture.
He added Will shaggy blonde hair and his almost stubble. He wished he could touch Wills face, he wished Will wasn't so... out of his reach. Just because Will was maybe gay didn't mean he would like Nico. Nico was weird and summoned dead things but it was ok because him and Will would totally never date.. Right? He finished the drawing and closed his sketch pad.
The dinner bell rang and Nico put on his converse. It felt so good to wear actual shoes. He didn't know why he stuck flip-flops on earlier or why he even owned them. Nico walked out of his cabin and headed towards the dinning pavilion. As he walked people whispered, some pointed. He wasn't sure what they were saying and that made him nervous but he kept walking and didn't look back. He sat down at the Big Three table with Percy and Jason. Jason gave him a weird look but didn't say anything. Nico was used to Jason's weird looks. Percy smiled at him and Nico could tell he was happy that Nico had actually showed up and not skipped dinner like he had wanted to.
Will looked over at Nico from the Apollo table. He almost sighed, he just wanted to hug Nico. To tell him everything would be ok. Nico looked sadder than usual, and he knew why. It was because of the Stoll's. He watched as Nico got his food and scraped some into the fire. Then Will got up and did that himself, smiling to Nico as he walked past. He sat and ate with his friends, laughing along with them and looking at Nico every couple of minutes to make sure he was actually eating.
Finally when all the food was gone and everyone started disappearing to their cabins, Will walked over to Nico.
"You still owe me two more nights in the hospital, Death Boy." Percy and Jason exchanged a look.
"Fine.", Nico said getting up, grumpily.
"Well, have fun, just not too much fun.", Jason grinned.
Will could feel his face heating up. Nicos face was a nice strawberry color, Will saw when he looked over at him. Both of the boys turned and practically ran towards the infirmary trying to get away from Jason.

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