Another Dance

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(( The song Will sings is 'One Step Closer', by Christina Perri))

Nico and Will woke up to a knocking on the door. Nico yawned and told Will to get out of his bed. Will got up and laid down on one of the others. Nico opened the door and winced as the sunlight streamed into his eyes.
"Is Will here?", Lou Ellen asked.
"Ya. Why?", Nico said groggily. Will walked up behind Nico, wrapped up in a blanket.
"What are you doing here?", Will questioned.
"You weren't in your cabin and I needed to talk to you!", Lou Ellen said and grabbed Wills arm, pulling him through the door. She shut it behind them.
"Why are you over here?", she asked.
"Medical Reasons.", Will said with a yawn.
"Medical Reasons? That is the stupidest lie ever!", she frowned at him.
"It's not a lie! He was doing this weird thing and his skin kept getting all translucent!", Will exclaimed all indignant even though he was so lying.
"Ya. Sure Will. You are terrible at lying. Right now you are legit glowing and you only glow when you are supper happy."
"I'm not glowing! It's just really bright out here.", Will whined.
"You are an idiot! I know there's something going on between you two!", Lou Ellen accused.
"There is not! We watched the Avengers last night and that's only because I had to keep an eye on him and then I fell asleep half way like I always do!", Will said all in a rush.
"You watched Avengers with him! Oh my gods! You never watch that with me!", Lou Ellen smacked him.
"That's because you flip out every time Robert Downey Jr. comes on the screen!", Will exclaimed.
"I do not!", Lou Ellen smacked him again.
"Whatever! I'm tired! You woke me up way before I needed to be! What time is it anyway?", Will asked.
"It's almost noon.", Lou Ellen frowned.
"Yes! That means I can eat lunch!", Will said, and opened the door.
"Will! Don't you leave!"
"Leave? Ok!", Will smiled and closed the door behind him.
Nico laughed as Will walked towards him. With his blanket cape and blonde hair he looked like the lion from the Wizard of Oz.
"What?", Will smiled.
"Oh. I just love the cape but I don't think Edna would, she has that whole no capes thing.", Nico grinned.
"NO CAPES!", Will said doing a perfect impression of her.
Nico started laughing. He loved the Incredibles. It was one of his favorite movies, he loved super hero stuff. Will sat next to Nico. "What are we going to do today, Boyfriend?", Will felt like he had to say boyfriend as often as possible; it made it more real.
"I don't know, Boyfriend.", Nico laughed.
"Well Lou Ellen said it's almost noon so we could eat.", Will smiled.
"Are you sure you don't like me just because of my food?", Nico grinned.
"Never!", Will said acting hurt.
"Good! Because then it be weird if I did this!", Nico smiled and kissed Will on the lips. It was just a little peck but it made Will smile.
"Yes, that would be weird but it be even weirder if I did this.", Will said as he lifted Nico's chin and kissed him softly for a minute. They pulled away.
"Yes. That would have been weird.", Nico grinned.
"I'm going to go get some food now.", Will smiled and jumped up. Nico laughed.
Will and food. They were like besties. He put some ramen in a pot in the microwave and started singing as it cooked.
"I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more", Will held the note, his voice perfect.
"Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this", Will smiled at him.
"One step closer", Will sang and took a step towards Nico.
Nico smiled at his boyfriend's dorkiness. Will grabbed Nico's computer and sat on the other bed.
Nico made a face, "What are you doing?", he asked Will.
Will smiled evilly, "You'll see."
Will clicked onto YouTube. He found a slow song he liked, and clicked on it. The music started playing and Will grabbed Nico's hand. Nico stood up.
"Um...", Nico muttered.
"I've decided we're going to slow dance for real, no blind folds. Just you, me and your pomegranate hair.", Will whispered and took a deep breath.
"You know just how to make things unromantic!", Nico laughed.
He wrapped his arms around Wills neck, while Will wrapped his around Nico's waist. Nico smiled up at him. Will kissed the tip of his nose. They swayed back and forth listening to the slow song. The door swung open and the boys leapt away from each other. Will turned off the song as quickly as possible.
"Were you two dancing?", Annabeth asked. She was standing in the door way looking furious.
"No.", Nico said, his eyes wide.
"Don't lie!", Annabeth frowned.
"That is none of your business! Now why are you here?", Nico asked.
Annabeth got all pissed again. She slammed the door and walked over to him. "How dare you tell Percy he's 'not your type'! He hasn't shut up about it! Asking me what you meant! Gods! He is such a Seaweed Brain!", Annabeth screeched.
"It's not my fault he's obsessive and annoying!", Nico exclaimed.
"Well you started it!"
"Jason would have said something eventually so I thought he might as well hear it coming from me!", Nico replied.
"Um. Jason? What?", Annabeth asked.
Will stood over in the corner completely confused.
"Long story! That I so don't have time for! I was in the middle of something before you so rudely interrupted!", Nico said and stared pushing Annabeth towards the door. Annabeth stopped and turned around to face him.
"I'll leave but you have to tell me what's up with you and Will.", Annabeth whispered so Will couldn't hear.
"Nothing! Just... don't say anything to Percy or Jason or Piper! Or you know what? Just don't say anything to anyone.", Nico muttered back.
Annabeth smiled, "Ok but you owe me." "I do not!"
"Do too! First this whole Percy thing and second this don't tell anyone thing.", Annabeth said.
"Fine! Now leave.", Nico frowned. Annabeth smiled and walked out the door. When Nico turned around Will was sitting at the table eating ramen.
"The microwave went off when Annabeth was shouting at you.", Will said with his mouth full.
Nico sighed and sat on his bed. Him and Will could not get any alone time, first Lou Ellen then Annabeth. Who would be next? Percy? Leo? Nico looked over at his boyfriend who was happily stuffing his face with noodles. Will may have been a dork but he was Nico's dork and nobody else's. Their relationship had moved quickly but he just felt comfortable around Will. More comfortable then he had ever felt with anyone else. He was just kind of drawn to him.
Will wasn't afraid of the darkness, he didn't have any reason to be. Nico wished he wasn't afraid of it. He wished he wasn't worried about melting into the darkness. About oblivion and what would happen if he did just disappear. Would he die? Or would he just float around forever, conscious but unable to do anything? Nico shivered at that thought.
"Are you going to make some food?", Will asked.
Nico got up and stuck some ramen in a bowl. He placed it in the microwave. Then he sat across from Will. He was so perfect. So, happy. Nico had no idea how someone could be that happy. He certainly wasn't, nor did he think he ever could be. Maybe someday. Some far away day in the future as long as Will was there it would be ok, he though.
Nico loved the way Will's hair flopped into his eyes and all his freckles. He loved his nose and his perfect lips that always tasted like honey. He loved Will's Camp Half-Blood shirts and all of his stupid khaki shorts. Nico loved the fact Will was a few inches taller, and he loved it when Will kissed his head. He loved everything about his Sunshine, even the annoying parts. Like the way he slurped his noodles, or the way he ate too much food and then got a stomach ache, though that was kind of funny. Will, his Will, was perfect, even though he would never admit it.
Will looked at his boyfriend. Will wondered how Nico could be so sad all the time. Will could never be like that but he knew Nico had been through a lot. Maybe someday he'd share and Will could take some of his heartbreak so he didn't have to carry it all by himself.
Will loved Nico's fluffy hair, and how it hung, perfect, though it seemed like Nico did nothing to it. He loved Nico's pale skin and the way he always tasted like pomegranates when they kissed. He loved Nico's aviator jacket and dark clothing. Will loved the fact Nico was shorter, so he could kiss his head. He loved everything about his Death Boy, even the annoying parts. Like how he always seemed closed off, or how he made sure Will didn't eat all the food and get stomach aches, which was kind of nice; Will didn't like stomach aches. Nico, his Nico, was perfect, even though he would never admit it.

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