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(( So I decided to update again! Mostly because I don't know if I'll update next week and partially because I want to see how much hate I get for posting this chapter. You guys are going to be so pissed. ))

For the next week Will sat by Nico's side hardly sleeping, or eating. He just held Nico's hand and prayed he would be ok when he wasn't in his cabin sleeping while the other like Percy, Annabeth, and all of the other watched Nico. He prayed to every god he could think of, including Hades and Thanatos, especially Thanatos. He called Hades the second day Nico had been out and told him. During the Iris message Will broke down crying.
"You care for my son, don't you?", Hades asked.
"Yes, sir.", Will managed.
"Hmm.", Hades muttered. "You are dating him now, correct?"
"Um. Yes, sir. If I may ask how do you know that?"
"I keep in touch with my children.", Hades shrugged. "Now if you would excuse me William, I'm must be going."
Now, the seventh day into Nico's absence, Will was practically going crazy with worry, and it didn't help that he hadn't well slept for almost a week. He could see Nico slowly getting better. Color was returning to his skin and he was beginning to become more solid but he still looked like... well, death.
What was going on in Nico's head? Will wondered. To truthfully answer that question, not much. Nico was hardly conscious, even in his own head. Sometimes he would go into brief dreams filled with wild colors and confusing noises but mostly he was fully asleep, hardly stirring.
By the tenth day Will was a ball of worry, he could hardly stop crying and was so tired he couldn't fall asleep. Everyone told him he needed to but he was afraid Nico would wake up while he was in his cabin, and even when he would sleep it wasn't well. He would slip in and out of reality, never truly getting to the REM sleep he needed but making him feel a bit better whenever he awoke. Finally Lou Ellen got so annoyed by this she dragged in a cot and forced him to lay down on it and within seconds he was asleep. He slept for almost two days, right alongside Nico.
When he finally awoke on the twelfth day he was a wreck, a starving mumbling wreck. Lou Ellen made him eat some food, and though he wasn't happy about it she made him leave Nico's side long enough to take a shower. As soon as he was finished he rushed back and sat next to Nico, trying to see if Nico's condition had improved in the twenty minutes he was gone (it hadn't).
On the fifteenth day Will was dehydrated, tired and sad. He could hardly feel anything other than remorse, and even though Nico wasn't gone it sure felt that way. Lou Ellen made him drink some water and got him rehydrated again, though it did little to improve his mood. Everyone was sure Nico would be ok eventually but Will wasn't too sure, which he knew was bad. He should be hoping Nico would get better instead of planning his funeral but he couldn't help it. He just couldn't be optimistic when he wasn't sure it would work.
The eighteenth day was the best one so far. Nico had actually said something in his sleep, and though it was indistinguishable it was something and something is always better than nothing. Nico was also looking much better than before. They had been pumping him full of Nectar, trying to keep him from getting worse. Lou Ellen made Will leave Nico to take a shower everyday, and eat food. When he was gone someone stayed with him. Nico himself was still stuck in dream land, though now he was actually trying to get out and trying to make sense of his dreams. Sometimes he would hear crying or voices but mostly he just saw jumbled shapes, and heard random noises.
Day twenty was the day Nico started to become fully conscious in his own head, though he could not get out. He could feel Will's hand holding his and hear Will crying but everything else was just a dull throbbing. He began to wonder if he would ever wake up. Would he ever regain consciousness and return to his life? Or would he be lost in his own head forever, just floating around in the darkness? He surveyed the space around him, he could see the backside of his eyelids, and his mouth. Was that really how he pictured the inside of his head? He seemed to be floating in the darkness just staring at the back of his eyes, which let a little light in, not that it mattered.
Finally on the twenty-second day Nico decided he couldn't be trapped in his own head anymore. Every time he had thought it would just appear next to him. The words, or pictures he was thinking of would just pop up, and it was driving him crazy because he couldn't find the delete button for all of this crap he had thought of. He floated over too his ear and tried to climb out, because obviously he thought that would work. It didn't. He tried another approach and tried to pry open his eyes, but just succeeded in giving himself a massive headache. Then he stopped and started to scream. He just stood there on a sheet of plywood (that he for some reason thought of) that was floating in the air, and screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
Will decided on the twenty-fifth day that he needed to actually do something but as soon as he stood up he immediately regretted that decision so he sat back down. That day was also the day Nico decided that if he wasn't going to wake up than he might as well die. He had been trying so hard to be strong and to find a way out but he just couldn't do it anymore, so he started to think about how he would want to die. He finally settled on a gun. He held it up to his head, and prepared to shoot. Would he actually die? Could he even hurt himself when he was floating around his subconscious? Then he thought about Will. Will would move on if he flat lined, right? Of course he would, they hadn't been dating that long and it wasn't like Nico was the best boyfriend ever or some shit. Nico slowly moved his finger onto the trigger. He could do this. This was the only way to get out. He closed his eyes and felt tears welling up in his eyes as he pulled the trigger. *BANG* Nico began to fall through his subconscious and then nothing.
Will watched as the cardiac monitor flat lined. He fell to his knees and began to sob. He had tried to hold himself together for so long and now... now all he could do was cry...

Solangelo - PJ and HoO story - Percy Jackson FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora