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Nico's soul was being thrown through the world as he headed straight for the Underworld. Right as he was about to enter something pulled him back. It was Hades.
"Dammit Nico, you're not supposed to die yet, what the hell?" he said and chucked Nico back in the direction of Long Island.
Suddenly Nico was back in his body. He jerked up and took a deep breath. Will stared at him from the floor. He jumped up and tackled Nico, who hugged him tightly.
"I thought you were dead.", Will whispered.
"I thought so too.", Nico whispered back.
Will started to sob again but this time it was because he was relieved. Nico began to cry to. They sat up and held each other as they sobbed. Finally as they stopped crying, the seven (including Reyna and Hazel, Frank was busy being Praetor) walked in the door. Will let go of Nico quickly.
"Hi guys.", Nico croaked.
They all stared at him in disbelief until Hazel ran over and hugged him. Everyone else followed her and there were so many arms and hugs that Nico felt claustrophobic but at the same time it was nice. They all began to cry and even Percy and Jason teared up. They all let go and Reyna slapped Nico.
"What the hell?!", Nico shrieked.
"That is for almost dying.", she said and then hugged him. "And that's for not dying.", she explained as she let go.
Will was tempted to kiss Nico, almost everyone had figured something was going on between them, but he knew Nico would be pissed if he did. Everyone slowly left the room hugging him before you they left. When it was just Will, Nico, Percy, and Annabeth left, Percy hugged Nico and said, "You should really take a shower. You smell like crap."
Annabeth smacked him, "Percy! He could have died! Leave him alone!"
Percy left the room laughing. Annabeth closed the door behind them and almost immediately Will and Nico were kissing.
"Gods. I missed you.", Will whispered.
"I missed you too. How long was I out, anyway?", Nico asked.
"Twenty-five days.", Will said.
"Hmm... New record.", Nico joked.
"Don't joke about this!", Will exclaimed.
"Sorry but it is a new record."
Will smacked him, "You're an idiot."
"Ya but I'm your idiot."
Will laughed, "Yes, you most certainly are."
Nico kissed him again. "Hades kicked me out of the Underworld. He said I wasn't supposed to be there yet."
"And he's right. You're supposed to be here. With me.", Will kissed Nico's nose and then placed his forehead on Nico's.
Nico smiled, "Of course I am."
"You need to rest.", Will said and stood up. "I'll go get you some food and something to drink. Plus you need to take a shower. Percy's right you do smell like shit."
"Percy said crap."
"He was just being nice. You smell like shit.", Will laughed and walked out the door.
Nico wanted to laugh but he couldn't. He felt like something was grabbing his heart and every time he would try and be happy it would squeeze it tightly until all his desire to smile would be gone. He laid back in bed and sighed. Then he realized he had to pee very badly and should probably take a shower. He tried to stand up but his legs were seriously wobbly. He slowly made his way over to the little bathroom in his room. He looked in the mirror. He looked like death, more so than usual. Quickly he undressed and got in the shower. Luckily for his this was one of the one's with the seats in it, so every time he thought he was going to fall over he just sat down. He scrubbed his hair as well as he could and then got out. He dried himself off and then wrapped himself up in a towel. He then realized he was forgotten to get an extra pair of clothes before getting in the shower.
Nico heard someone come in the room. He peeked his head out. "Will."
"Mhmm.", Will muttered while putting things away.
"Can you uh... can you get me a change of clothes?", Nico asked awkwardly.
Will turned around and his eyes widened. Nico was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, completely naked except for the towel wrapped around his waist.
"Uh... Sure. I'll be right back.", he said and ran out the door. He grabbed the extra clothes he kept in his locker and brought them back for Nico. "Er... Here.", he handed Nico the clothes and the other boy disappeared into the bathroom.
Nico changed into the outfit and almost laughed when he saw himself in the mirror. He looked ridiculous. He walked out into the room. "Seriously, Sunshine?", Nico asked.
Will smiled, Nico looked adorable. The sweat pants Will had given him were too big and the orange Camp Half-Blood shirt was baggy.
"You look so cute! Is it wrong that I'm turned on by you in this outfit?", Will asked.
"Yes. Very.", Nico sighed and flopped onto the bed. "And Solace, I'm death! I'm anything but 'cute'.", Nico frowned.
"I find you very cute.", Will said and flopped down next to Nico.
"I'm not cute!"
"Yes you are, Death Boy! You're cute to me.", Will smiled.
Nico pushed Will off the bed, "Am I cute now?"
Will got up and sat down next to Nico, "You're even cuter when you're angry!"
Nico sighed, "Whatever Solace."
"You need to eat something. Doctors' Orders.", Will said.
Nico sat up and Will set the try on his lap. Nico surveyed the food. Ramen, fish sticks, and Pizza Rolls.
Nico almost laughed. Will handed him a Sunny D and Nico unscrewed the cap. He hadn't had anything to drink in almost a month so he was seriously thirsty. Nico chugged the drink.
"Someone's thirsty.", Will said with a slight smirk.
Nico chocked. "Will!", he exclaimed.
"What? Just saying.", Will smirk got bigger.
"Oh my gods! You perv!", Nico exclaimed.
"I'm not a perv!", Will said.
"You are too!", Nico whined.
"Whatever. Just eat your food. Doctors' Orders.", Will said.

(( HAHAH YOU GUYS THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO KILL HIM! That'd be like killing my baby!! I don't kill babies!!!! *Dances around like a dumb ass* HA HA HA HA! *falls on face* but honestly I love you guys ))

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