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Will was sitting on Nico's bed when he walked out. Will smiled but Nico felt like something was wrong. His smile just wasn't as bright as it usually was, it seemed like he had remembered something he's been trying to forget.
"So.", Will said, "Do you want help moving back into your cabin?"
"Sure.", Nico said and started to pile things on top of his sketch pad. He didn't have much in here but he wanted to have a reason for Will to walk with him.
Will picked up the sketchpad and even though Nico protested to him carrying it Will just said, "Doctors orders', and started walking. Nico flipped on the light in his cabin and almost jumped out of his skin. The seven (minus Frank, Hazel, and Reyna) were standing in the middle of his cabin shouting, "Welcome Home!"
Nico screamed and practically jumped into Will's arms, which was ok because he had set down the stuff he was holding already. Once Nico had recovered from the initial shock he thought it was actually kind of sweet.
Percy and Annabeth had made him a cake, that said, 'Welcome back, Nico!', except Welcome was all slanted and smooshed together that it was hardly legible (which was no doubt Percy's fault). Leo and Calypso had made the banner, it also said 'Welcome Home, Nico!' I looked fine except it had flowers and multiple holes burnt into it. Piper and Jason had decorated the place and it actually looked kind of nice, minus the spots Jason had tried to decorate, which were covered in stickers and randomly placed streamers.
Percy and Leo had set up karaoke and felt the need to sing terribly to every song on they could think of, which included: Twinkle Twinkle little star, the ABC's and for some odd reason, YMCA. Nico just laughed along with everybody else, trying to be happy even though he knew it wouldn't last. After the girls got fed up with their terrible singing they cut the cake. Nico had a small piece while Percy and Will ate like half of it. Nico laughed when Will started to complain about a stomach ache and realized the older boy needed him more than he let on, which truly is saying something because Will let on he needed Nico quite a bit. After a bit Will kicked Percy and Leo off the mic and convinced Jason to do a song with him. Jason wasn't to terrible of a singer but Will's voice made him sound like a dying mule.
After everyone (except for Nico) had sung, Leo and Percy more than anyone else, they all started trying to get Nico to go up. Finally Will dragged him up there, Nico complaining the whole way. Will convinced him to pick a song and Nico took his time. He might as well delay this! It wasn't like he wanted to sing. As he scrolled through his IPod looking for the perfect song, he saw all the couples smiling and instantly felt like a seventh wheel, which was odd since Will was there and they were dating. He realized how Leo must have felt for all that time he was on the Argo two until he had met Calypso. Will smiled at Nico and he kept scrolling, trying to get lost in the songs instead of his thoughts. Nico was tempted to click on 'The Mighty Fall' by Fall Out Boy, because it would be a great way to tell everyone he and Will were dating but he decided against it, he just wasn't ready for everyone to know yet.
"We should do a duet", Will grinned.
"The only duet I can think of is Home! And that's a love song... well kind of.", Nico said.

((Home is by 'Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's, for anybody who didn't know))

"Hmm. I wouldn't mind that."
"I don't care if you'd mind it! I'm not singing a love song with you!"
"Fine. Then something by Fall Out Boy? They have some good duety stuff.", Will smiled widely and grabbed the IPod from Nico.
Nico tried to snatch it back but Will held it out of his reach. "How about 'Young Volcanoes'?", Will asked.
"Alright...", Nico still didn't want to sing but he didn't want to disappoint Will.
Will plugged in the IPod and pulled up the song. It started with them both singing 'La dedada, La dedada da, La dedadah dah da deh.', which almost made Nico laugh at how ridiculous they sounded singing it.
"When Rome's in ruins,
We are the lions,
Free of the coliseums.", Will sang beautifully.
Nico took a deep breath, he didn't want to sound terrible, "In poison places,
We are anti-venom,
We're the beginning of the end."
Will grinned wildly, he loved Nico's voice, he sounded like every male singer he really liked. Everyone else found Nico's voice nice but they all thought Will's was better, though they'd never tell Nico that.
"Tonight The foxes hunt the hounds
It's all over now
Before it has begun
And we've already won", the boys sung together.
When they finished the song Nico immediately sat down, while Will bowed like an idiot to the applause of their friends. Will came and sat next to Nico.
"You have a lovely voice.", Will smiled.
Nico blushed profusely, "No I don't...", he said and then quieter, "and don't complement me, I don't want them to think we're like dating or something."
"Well we are.", Will whispered next to Nico's ear.
Nico pushed him away. "We won't be if this conversation continues any longer.", he snapped.
Will stood up, "Nico's being a wet blanket, who wants to go throw him in the lake?"
"Will Solace! I swear to all the gods, if you throw me in the lake again I will beat the shit out of you!"
Will frowned. "Ok, so apparently no throwing Nico in the lake...", he sat down.
Percy leaned over and whispered something to Jason which caused him to fall out of his chair because he was laughing so hard, which made Percy start laughing and fall out of his chair. Piper and Annabeth exchanged a confused look, while Leo and Calypso fed each other cake. Nico was tempted to gag because of the whole cake thing but he just kind of looked around confused instead. Piper and Annabeth picked up their giggling boyfriends.
"We're just going to take these two idiots away now.", Annabeth said, while her and Piper dragged the boys out of the cabin.
Leo and Calypso stood up. "We're gonna leave too.", Calypso smiled.
Leo grinned like crazy as he backed out of the room, leaving Nico confused and highly overwhelmed in a cabin full of incredibly sweet cake and way to colorful decorations.
Will smiled at him, "So. That was fun."
"If by fun you mean excruciatingly painful, then yes, that was tons of fun.", Nico sighed, and flopped on one of the beds.
Will came and sat down next to him, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing.", Nico muttered, his face stuffed in a pillow.
"Nico, something is wrong.", Will started to rub Nico's back, which made him slightly uncomfortable but he let him do it anyway. "I know you."
"Will, everything is just fucking peachy."
"Alright, then you won't mind me spouting a poem."
Nico groaned.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're being a jack ass
But I still love you."
"Ha. Ha. Ha.", Nico said highly unamused, "But if we're going to play that way boy, let's play."
Will smirked slightly as Nico sat up.
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
You may be my boyfriend
But I don't know why I chose you.", Nico smirked back at him.
Will pouted, "Neeky! You hurted my feelings!"
"Will, stop acting like a baby."
"But Neeky!"
"What can I do to make you stop talking in that damn voice?"
Will wrapped his arms around Nico, "Well..."
"Ok. Not what I meant...", Nico pushed Will back a bit.
"Sorry, sometimes I forget I'm older than you.", Will said and pulled Nico in tighter.
Nico laughed loudly, "Sunshine, I'm ninety something years old, you are not older than me."
"Is that so? Then if you're such a grown up then you should be able to admit to everyone that you're dating me, like a big boy, "he said even though he wasn't really ready either.
"William! That has nothing to do with how old I am!"
"Then what does it have to do with, Nicolas?"
"It has to do with the fact that uh... I don't want to go around telling people I'm gay... I'll become less intimidating!"
"And we can't have that can we?"
"Will!", Nico whined.
"Alright, fine! I won't make you tell everyone but you have to promise you will eventually."
"Of course I will!"
"Good.", Will kissed Nico's nose. "Now, if I hang out in here for too long people might suspect something is up more than they already do, so I'm going to leave."
"Not so fast, lover boy. You better help me clean up my cabin.", Nico said and grabbed Will's shirt as he tried to leave.
"Damn. Well, as long as we can make out half way through."
Nico looked around the room, "I think we're about half way through right now."
Will grinned and pinned Nico to the bed, "Then we better get started."
Nico laughed as Will began to attack him with kisses.
"You better not give me a hickie, Solace."

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