Chapter 30

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*****Dinah's POV*****

We were all just sitting on the couch, Normani holding onto Lauren and Ally and Camila holding me for a change. "I like holding you" Camila whispered in my ear, making me blush. She was being so patient with me and I loved her for it. I wanted to make it up to her and let her know that I loved her back, but I'm still not ready to give myself to someone completely....even the love of my life.

"Dinah" she whispered, stroking my hair, "You're thinking too much baby. I can tell". I looked up at her, "How could you possibly tell?" "You furrow your eyebrows" she said, making me think about it a little bit. I really do that? She giggled, "You're even doing it now! Just relax baby girl, I got you". She kissed my cheek as I laid back into her. "I love you Mila. And I wanna get better for you". "I know baby girl, I love you too".

"Girls, Troy's coming today" Ally said, and we all gasped. "When did he tell you that?" Lauren asked. "He told me yesterday. He just said he was coming today and that we needed to talk" she said with teary eyes. "I don't even know how this got out. How did they even get this information" she cried. I felt Camila tense up, and I knew something was bothering her.

"Mils, is everything alright?" I looked up at her and saw that her expression was completely blank. I put my hand on her cheek lightly and she jumped, "Huh? What did you say?" I sat up and looked at her eye to eye. "Babe, what's going on with you? You seem a little distant" I said. "I'm alright. I just need to go check my phone" she said, and then got up off the couch. I saw Lauren get up and follow after her.

All that was left was me, Normani, and Ally sleeping in her lap. "What's going on?" Normani asked, and I just shrugged. "I have no idea Mani, but I feel like Mila is hiding something from me. Do you think she's gonna dump me?" I asked. Normani laughed, but then stopped, "You weren't serious right?" I just looked down into my lap. "Aww, C'mere Mufasa" she said, and I moved to sit with her.

"You know Mila loves you more than anything, right?" she asked me as I laid my head on her shoulder. I know Mila loves me, but I didn't know if she wanted to be with me anymore. I mean, who wants to date and broken girl who cuts and got raped? "Don't say that Dinah. Camila loves you and has always loved you through all the struggles you've been through. That girl thinks you're a goddess, that
you put all the fucking stars in the sky" Mani ranted on.

"I guess you're right" I giggled, "But that doesn't make me any less concerned". "Well know this for sure" Mani started, grabbing my hand. "She loves you and she's staying with you". I smiled a little, knowing she was right. But something was still up with Camila.

*****Camila's POV******

"Lauren! What am I gonna do?" I said, pacing back and forth. I was breathing heavily and deeply, and I started coughing again. "Woah there Camz" Lauren said as she sat me down on the bed. She kneeled in front of me and put her hand on my head, "Are you sick?" "I'm fine Lauren, really. I just don't know what to do".

"This guy is obviously the real deal Camzi" she said, grabbing my hand. "You don't really think they sent that thing out about Ally, do you?" I asked. "I don't know who else could have Camz" she said, and then I heard my phone vibrate. I immediately grabbed it and searched for the message.

"Still think I'm a joke, Karla?" the text from A said. "How did you get this?" I asked. I could practically feel them smirking through, "I want my money, 'Camz'" He the hell does he know. "Didn't think I'd hear about that, did ya?" "Leave her alone! You're not getting shit from me?" "Hmm...then let the games begin". 

I looked towards Lauren fearfully, "I can't give him the money. Think about all of our families. Think about Dinah's family. All this money would mean the world to them. Money that Dinah brings home for them. I can't do this to them Lauren. I can't do this to any of you guys". Lauren pulled me into a hug, "I know Camz. I know. You have to calm down sweetheart, it's gonna be okay. We're gonna figure this out". "But how?" I asked, and she just shrugged and looked towards the floor.

Later that night, we were getting ready for the second show of the tour. I saw Ally in her chair in front of her mirror, looking extremely nervous. Dinah walked over to her and grabbed her hand, "Our fans love us and you know that. Flaws and all sweetheart". "I just don't want this to hurt you girls' careers. I know for sure that you girls will be capable to go on without me, or even as solo artist. But I just don't want it to come to that". "And it won't" Dinah said, kissing her forehead. "5H, let's move" one of the stage directors called. I sighed, "Show time".

******Ally's POV******

We were almost through the entire show, and I was so sure everything was going to end fine. But as we were singing "Who are you", the light all went off. And then the signs started to go up. "Who are you, Ally?" "Why did you lie to us?" "You killed your own child". "Slut". "Whore". "Child of the devil". It was all too much for me.

I stood from my stoll on stage and tried to direct myself off. But between the darkness and my tears. I felt someone grab my hand gently, "I got you Ally, follow me". I immediately recognized Big Rob's voice, and he guided me off the stage. He securely got me to the dressing room, and then went to get the others. I just sat on the floor and broke down. I'm a monster. I can't believe I did this. 

The  girls came in and surroinded me in a hug on the floor. "You are none of those things Ally" Camila said. "You were a kid and made a mistake. That does not define who you are" Lauren said next. "But that's how the world's gonna define me. The fans, the paparazzi, my family...and Troy". "He'd never see you like th-" Camila was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Ally, it's me. Open up" I heard his voice yell from the other side of the door. I looked towards the girls, but none of them knew what to do". I walked over to the door, and saw him holding a flashlight, so I could see his face. "Troy, I'm so sor-" he cut me off by pulling me into a hug. "I don't care what happened in the past. You're my right now and forever. I love you more than anything in the world and I will be here for you forever". I just cried and held him tightly as he held me off the ground. "I love you so much, Troy. I'll fix this". "Shh, I got you now. You don't have to fix anything because you did nothing wrong".

What would I do without him?

*****Camila's POV*****

"Did you like my little rally tonight?" I got from Anon. "You did this? You were here?" I asked.

"Sweet sweet little innocent, Karla.....I'm everywhere". 

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora