Chapter 1

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*****Dinah's POV*****

I felt all the warmth in my body turn cold, as if my veins had just turned to ice. "We c-can't be together?" Camila stuttered. I looked around the room as everything seemed to move in slow motion. I looked down at Camila who had tears slowly streaming down her face, "Dinah?" I couldn't even respond as I felt rage start to take over my body. "Dinah?" Ally questioned, and I saw everyone looked a little confused. When my eyes zeroed down on Simon, I went off.

"You've got to be kidding me uncle Si? You can't fucking be serious! You want me to act like I don't love her. Camila is my soul mate, and I can't deny that" I yelled, getting closer with every word. He stood and then we were face to face, "Girls, step outside for a minute. Dinah and I need to have a talk". They all slowly and hesitantly walked out, and I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw it was Camila, "I love you". "I love you too, now head outside with the rest of the girls" I said, and she walked out.

"Sit Dinah" Simon said, and we sat across from each other. "I can't hide my love for her, I'm sorry" I said. "But do you even really what could happen if you don't?" he asked, making me start to imagine all the possibilities. "You would be jeopardizing what you and the girls have worked so hard to accomplish. And all for your own gain, that's just selfish Dinah. And what about Camila? That girl was bullied and this is her chance to be the one that everyone loves for a change, would you deny her that? That joy that she didn't get to experience the first 15 years of her life?"

I felt my face soften as I processed what he said. I would be ruining things not only for myself, but for Lauren,Normani, Ally, and Camila. And now that I think about it, Camila did come from a tough life with bullying and what not. She deserves to be happy, and I want her to be happy. "Okay" I sighed, "I'll do it". "Good girl Dinah. I know it's gonna be hard, but it will all be worth it in the end. I promise". I stood up from my seat, "Let's be clear Simon, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the girls and Camila. End of story".

And with that said, I walked out of that room.

*****Camila's POV*****

We were all sitting outside in silence, everyone suddenly finding their shoes more interesting. I felt tears start to sting my eyes, and then I sniffled and that caught the others girls attention. "Mila" Lauren said quietly, and then moved next to me and pulled me to her. Ally slid into the hug and Normani wrapped her arms around on the outside of us. "I can't believe I can't be with her, after all we've been through". They were shushing me and trying to calm me down, but the tears just kept falling.

When I was able to calm down a little, the door of the studio opened and Dinah came out. She still looked pissed, so I didn't say anything. She looked at me with her hard glare, and then I saw her face soften. She walked over in front of me and got down on her knees in front of me, grabbing my hands. "Hey Mila, look at me baby" she said. I looked up to see her deep brown eyes filled with concern. "No matter what happens, I'm never gonna give up on us. I love you, okay?" she said, and I nodded. "Good, now let's wipe those tears from your beautiful face and let's go back to the hotel" she said, and then took my hand.

The girls followed behind us and we all filed into the car. Ally drove and we all just sat in awkward silence. I was resting with my head on Dinah's shoulder, our hands intertwined. "Guys" Dinah said, breaking the silence. "I'm not breaking up with Camila" she said, and the rest of us seemed to let out the breath we had been holding this while time. "Oh thank god" Mani said, and then Ally continued. "Right, I'm so glad you guys are still together. You're the freaking power couple".Dinah smiled and nudged my shoulder a bit, "You hear that baby, power couple". I just laughed and snuggled into her even more. I'm so glad Dinah didn't give up on us....but how were we gonna make this work?

"Dinah?" I said, getting her attention. "How are we supposed to keep dating?" She just smiled and kissed my forehead, "We're just gonna have to be each other's dirty little secret". I giggled a little and then pecked her lips, "I love you Dinah". She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, "Love you too baby". We all just talked and laughed the whole ride home. 

When we got back to the hotel, we decided to order some chinese and just watch some movies. We decided to watch "Ted", and we were all really having a good time. I was sitting on Dinah's lap, kissing her neck. "Mila" she groaned, "Stop". I just chuckled, hopefully sudectively, and whispered "But you know you love it". She stood up and held me bridal style, "That's it babe, you're in trouble". We walked out of the room, hearing Lauren yell "Don't be too loud". "Making no promises" Dinah yelled, and then closed the door behind us. 

Let's just say, we have a fun night.

*****Simon Cowell's POV******

I was sitting at the studio on the phone, waiting for him to answer. I had to make sure that Camila and Dinah weren't dating, so I needed him to be around. "Hello?" I heard a tired voice say. "Jake, where are you and how fast can you be in Malibu?" "I'll be there tomorrow morning" he said.

 Okay, that first chapter sucked beyond belief. So sorry it was bad. For those of you that do not know/remember Jake, reread the first chapter of "Taking Chances". I promise that my chapters will get better with time.

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