Chapter 43

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*****Dinah's POV*****

"Mila!" I cry, leaning over the toilet. "I'm coming baby" she yelled, and I heard her footsteps. She held my hair back, rubbing circles on my back. There was nothing left in my stomach after. I washed out my mouth, sitting back on the floor with Camila holding me.

"Aww baby, c'mere". She sat next to me and held me in her arms, rubbing circles on my stomach. "Brookie's putting up a little fight today, huh?" she said, making me giggle lightly. "She's an active girl, for sure. Usually doesn't fight this much though".

"Girls, breakfast is ready" Ally yelled. Mila stood up first, gently pulling me to my feet. "Are you feeling okay?" She cups my face in her hands, me leaning into her touch. "I-I'll be okay. Just a little morning sickness. Maybe eating will help".

Ally made her classic pancakes, but I just wasn't feeling the standards today. I just, craved other things.

"Mila!?" I whined, pouting in her direction. "Yes love?" she said, her mouth full of pancakes. "Can you grab me the peanut butter and bananas?" I asked, batting my eyelashes. She just laughed and got them for me, "No problem for my baby".

"Dinah....interesting food choices you got there" Ally laughed. "Hey hey hey, bananas are fricking great" Camila laughed, walking over and kissing my cheek. I just sat back and ate my food happily, "I really don't give a damn. A girl's gotta eat". Camila came over and sat next to me, putting her hand on my stomach. "Mils" I whispered, "What are you doing?" "Tryna connect with my baby".

I only turned over when I heard someone clearing their throat. I turned to see Lauren lifting her eyebrow at us. "So....anything you girls wanna tell us?" I looked to Camila. "Do you wanna tell them?" she asked. I couldn't decide. With Anon still out there...Would I be putting my baby in danger?

Ally came over and grabbed our hands, "5H family meeting now". So we all walked into the living, sitting at the couch together. I lay my head down on Camila's lap, her playing with my head. The girls sat on the couches around us, Troy with ally and Lauren with Normani. "Alright girls, let's get talking".

"Mils, should I tell them?" I mouth up to her. "It's up to you baby. I'll support you through it all" she kissed my lips. So I sat up, took a breath, and grabbed her hand.

"So.....we might sorta maybe kinda be a sixth harmony?" I shrug my shoulders. "Um...please clarify" Normani said. She still sat with her eyebrow arched, making me even more nervous. "I um...see the thing i-" they all cut me off yelling. "SPIT IT OUT!" "I'm fucking pregnant, okay!?" I yell back, bursting out into tears.

Everyone was silent. Not even the very opinionated Lauren Jauregui had something to say. "Oh, so now you have nothing to say? I'm a fucking teen mom and now we have a problem?" I yell through my tears.

"Hey hey, it's okay. It's not your fault" Mila pulled me into her arm's, holding me tightly. I just cried into her shoulder. I knew this would happen. They hate me now. I did this to myself. "I need to go on a walk when we get to the hotel in South Sheilds" I said, rubbing my eyes. "Okay, I'll go get m-". "I think I'm gonna go alone this time, if that's okay" I look down to my feet. "Oh....yeah, yeah of course. Just take your fine and be safe".

We pulled up to our hotel, and I just walked out of the door, saying nothing. I just wanna get some thoughts together. I just need to be alone...well, with Brooke too.

******Ally's POV******

My heart dropped through my stomach and to the floor. "Oh my god". I sat my elbows on my knees with my face in my hands, trying to process everything. "I...I should've said something" I cried, my voice cracking as I speak. "Ally, none of us knew what to s-" I cut Lauren off.

"You're wrong, I knew. I went through the same thing she did. I may have lost my baby but I was in her shoes" I cried. I went through the same thing. I wasn't raped, but I was a pregnant teen. "Our baby" Normani started, "Is having a baby". Lauren just ran her fingers through her hair, then suddenly gasping out of nowhere. "What's wrong Lo?"

"Guys!! She's pregnant!!" she said, and we all just kinda noticed. "Um, yeah. I would know if I had a baby" Camila said, rolling her eyes. "Listen smart ass, let's put two and two together. You cannot be the dad" she continued. Camila stood up and got face to face with Lauren. "Excuse me?" "Camila, I'm not trying to ruin this for you, but you physically can't be the father. It's one of them..."

That realization hit us all hard, mainly Camila. "NO! Neither of them will ever be the father. That baby is mine. Brooke is my baby. Not Francis. Not Jake" she screamed, breaking down into tears. I got up from the couch and grabbed her, holding her from falling on the ground. "I know sweetheart, it's gonna be okay". We cried a lot, everything fall in on us at once.

"I'm fine, really. I'm okay" Mila said, pulling back and wiping her eyes roughly. "I gotta go find Dinah. I'll be back later" she said, but I grabbed her wrist. "No, not this time babygirl". I sat her down and put on my jacket. "I'm going to go find her. I think I might be the best person to talk to her right now. I've been through it a-". "Just go Ally. Take care of her." I just nodded and walked out the door.

I walked for only a little while, reaching a bridge. And I saw a girl, sitting on the railing. Her feet dangling over the water. As I got closer, I saw it was Dinah. I ran up, not screaming so I didn't scare her.

"Dinah, please get down from there" I said, slightly out of breath. She didn't reply, just gripped the rail tighter. "Please come back over here" I said, slightly moving forward. "Ally, I'm just sitting. Relax" she said. Her voice was so empty.

I had no idea what to do. "C-can I sit down with you?" She nodded no, and I saw tears falling into her lap. "Why not sweetheart?" I reached forward to grab her hand, but she started shaking. "He's gonna kill me Ally. Me and Brooke and maybe even Camila and all of you" she choked out. "Who sweetheart?" "J-Jake. H-h-he's Brooke's dad".

"Oh....when are you gonna tell Camila?" I asked, and she just cried more. "I'm not, I can't. She'll hate me. I need her. My baby is going to need her". I grabbed her hand, rubbing my small thumb over her large hands. "I know how you feel sweetheart. I thought Troy was gonna leave me too, but we both have good people in our life. We're gonna be okay. Both of us. All of us. Including little baby Harmony" I chuckled, lightly sitting my hand on her stomach.

"I wanna go home Ally" she sniffled. I helped her off of the rail, and we started walking home. I held her hand the entire time, feeling like I needed to stay close to her. "I love you Ally". "I love you too, kiddo. You're gonna be a great mom". She just blushed, "I will be if I have you girls". Everything seemed to be okay, but Anon to the rescue to screw stuff up.

"Aww, baby harmony! Killing two birds with one stone is always so fun, don't you think".

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