Chapter 41

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******Camila's POV******

The gun went off...but it wasn't the one in Dinah's hand. We all looked to Simon, who was standing there with his eyes wide, as if he was stunned. "Hello?" I said, poking him. And then he fell over onto the floor, blood flowing from his head. But Dinah didn't shoot him. Behind Simon, Alexa stood. Holding the gun and shaking slightly.

"Lex....what did you do?" Normani gasped, clinging to Lauren. "I-I-I didn't mean to. H-he just, I just...oh my god" she stuttered. She fell to the ground on her knees, face in her hands. "Alexa, it's okay" Ally said as an attempt to calm her down, but it wasn't working. "No....he's not dead! He can't be dead!" she started to shake him hard, gripping his shirt tightly. Dinah and Normani ran over first, pulling her off of his dead body. "LET ME GO! WE CAN SAVE HIM!" she screamed as the tears flowed freely down her face.

I just sat back in shock, still trying to process the entire thing. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Lauren standing there. "It's okay Camz. It's all over. He's gone" she said. I immediately jumped into her arms, holding her tightly. "Shhh, it's over Camz" she said, rubbing circles on my back. "She almost died....we all c-could've died tonight" I cried. "But we're safe. It's okay".

"The cops are on their way" I heard a voice say, and I turned around to see Ally. "Where's Alexa?" I asked her, and she pointed to me and Dinah's room. "Dinah's in there trying to calm her down. She can relate to it the best" Ally said, looking at the ground. "Hey, what's going on Allycat?" I asked, grabbing her hand and sitting her down next to me and Lauren. "Someone's still after us...this was just the beginning" she said plainly.

"Ally, we'll be oka-" Lauren attempted to say, but Ally cut her off. "No! Troy's dead and I'll never be okay without him! That's the love of my life. The man I want to marry. I want to have kids with that man. But now I can't, because of him!" she screamed, throwing things towards his dead body. "Ally! I'm not dead. I'm right here" Troy said, making us all turn in his direction.

"H-how are you alive? You were unconscious and bleeding out when I left" Ally said, shaking slightly. I just pushed her lightly, "Go to him you idiot". She immediately flew from her seat and into his arms. "Dinah saved me, baby. She helped me" he said, spinning her in his arms. So she was wrong, we didn't lose anyone.....yet. Anon was still out there, and I knew he would be making another appearance soon.

*****Dinah's POV*****

"Alexa, listen to me sweetheart" I said. She was pacing around my room and hyperventilating. I knew if she kept this up, she would pass out. I stood in front of her and held her to me, "Hey hey, it's okay. You did what you had to do". She cried against my shoulder, grabbing a fist full of my shirt. "He d-didn't need to die" she cried harder. "He was a monster, he needed to be removed" I said, trying to hold back the venom in my voice.

She pushed me off of her, and I saw a sort of fire in her eye. "Everyone's got a story and no one is just a monster. He had his reasons just like everyone else" she yelled, angrily wiping the tears from her face. She was angry...but not at him. But with us. Me and the girls.

"Hey, what's going on?" I walked closer to her, and she threw a book and my direction. "Alexa! What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled, swerving out of the way as she through more objects. "Leave me alone" she screamed. I just walked back until I was against the wall, dodging the books.

"Alexa! Please stop. I love you and I don't wanna have to hurt you" I yelled, but she just kept throwing things at me. "I HATE YOU!" she screamed, tears falling more rapidly. "It's not my fault! I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt" I said, tears stinging my eyes too. "You're a monster like he is!"

The door flew open, revealing Camila and Ally. "What's going on here?" Camila growled, leaning to the floor and wrapping her arms around me."S-she started throwing things at me" I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed circles on my back, pulling me to my feet. "Ally, talk to her. Me and Dinah are sleeping in the living room tonight". With that said, I was pulled out to the living room.

"Lay down babygirl" she said, and I did what I was told with no hesitation. She laid on top of me, facing me and pulling a blanket over us. "Are you okay babe?" she asked, stroking my cheek gently. "A little scared. But I'm alive and with you so I'm okay". I lean up and peck her lips, "I love you Camila". She just blushed and looked down. "I know that Dinah, you were willing to take a bullet for me...and the rest of the girls. That means a lot" she said quietly.

I wrapped my hands in her hair, bringing her head down to kiss me gently. "You mean everything to me and I'd play another game of Russian Roulette just to protect you" I whispered to her. "Dinah, I can't wait till I can marry you". I just pecked her lips again, her resting head in my neck.

Just as I was beginning to fall asleep, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "No, there's no way" I thought to myself, pulling it out my hand. I held my hand over my mouth to hold back the gasp, tears stinging my eyes. "You thought you could get away? You were wrong. Prepare for your death when you sing your final song".

I....I was next.

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora