Chapter 16

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*****Normani's POV*****

I was currently at my dance studio, finna get crunk with my homies. I honestly hadn't just danced in forever. It was always singing and dancing, and as much as I loved singing, it was nice to get a vocal break. I was just strectching with my friends, catching up on old memories. "So Normani, any new crushes?" my friend(we're gonna call her Taylor) asked. Lauren? Not Lauren? Yes Lauren? No Lauren? I don't know. It just came out as a shrug and "Nah .Gotta stay on my hustle-game shawty". 

And then just like that, my choreography Tony walked in. "Okay class, let's get i-....." he paused and looked at me confused. I waved shyly and he looked at me and then to the other members of the class, "Do ya'll all see Normani or is it just me?" "She's back Tony, we all see her" someone from the class said, and everyone started clapping. He smiled and came over and hugged me, "Welcome back superstar". "It's good to be back to Tony" I said, and then he pulled away. "Alright ya'll, LET'S DANCE!!!" We all cheered, and then the day began. 

We were had been dancing for about an hour, and I was having a really good time. We were dancing to "Cockiness" by rhiana, and I just realized how provocative these lyrics were. I mean, "eat my cockiness"? "Lick my persuasion"? There were kids in this class. We were taking five, and I was talking to my friends about this. "Guys, this song is dirty as heck. I mean "lick my persuasion"? C'mon guys" I said, and they all just laughed at me. "Normani, how many of your friends are actually virgins?" Scott, another friend, said.

I thought for a second, and then gasped. I pulled out my phone and immediately did a four way call. "Hello?" the first voice said, "LAUREN!" "What's up mani?" the next said, "ALLY!!" "What's good ya'll?" the last said, "DINAH!" "Normani, is there a reason you called? Is something wrong?" Lauren asked. "Are you guys virgins?" I blurted out, and they burst out laughing. "What kinda question is t-" I cut Ally off. "Just answer it" I yelled. "I am a virgin mani" Ally said. "I am not, gave that to my lady" Dinah said. "Lauren?" I said, but the line was silent. "Ummm, I gotta go. See ya" she said, and then hung up.

"What's up with her?" I asked, but no one had an answer.

*****Dinah's POV*****

I was currently outside cleaning out the pool from the storm last night. There were branches and shizz everywhere. Me and all the older kids were cleaning around the house. That storm was feirce, but luckily nothing got damaged too bad. We lost the net of the basketball hoop, and a tree fell against the hood of one of the cars. Luckily, the issurance company covered it. I guess someone would be sharing a car for a while. In the middle of me working, my mom came out with my phone. "It's your Manager" she mouthed, handing it to me. I mouthed back "Thanks mom". 

"Hello" I said into the phone. "Hello Sir, get it right Ms.Hansen" Francis said with a bite in his tone. "What's the reason you called?" I asked, completely ignoring him. "Hansen, I don't like your tone with me" he said. "Well Francis, my tone right now is tired and confused, so please tell me what's up" I said as nice as I possibly could. "I'm calling because we have a problem". "A problem with what, may I ask?" i asked. "We have a problem with your image". 

"Excuse you, my image? I'm a good person" I said. I was honestly offended. Sure, I was late a couple times, but I didn't think that was such a crime. Damn, I guess I'll just buy me a watch. "I don't mean your personality. I have a certain look that I want for you girls, and I plan to accomplish it. The only thing holding me back from that is you" he explained. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Dinah, you need to lose weight. You're too big to be in my group and if you can't lose the weight soon, you're out. Have a nice day" he said, and I felt my heart stop.

Was I really that fat? I mean, I knew I wasn't a little skinny girl, but still. I can't help that I happen to be all about that bass. I was just born like this and it's in my genes. I mean, have you seen the woman in my family? We couldn't help that we were made like this. This just came with the "Poly-package". If Francis saw me like this, does that mean other people see me like this? Did Mila see me like this? 

The thought of Mila seeing me like a gross and fat creature....I couldn't even describe the feeling. I felt disgusted by myself. By my apearance. I needed to go somewhere private right now, I just needed to go. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about this. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me, dropping to my knees over the toilet. I was dry heaving and gagging. My stomach felt like it was on fire. After ten minutes of nothing, I just laid on the ground and started crying. 

I felt.....I felt disgusting. I didn't even know if I could get off the floor. But then there was a knock on the door. "Dinah? Are you in there?" I heard Masi say. "Yeah" I said shyly. "Is everything alright?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said, pulling myself off the floor. I opened the door and walked out, smiling at him. "You look terrible Dinah, you look really pale" he said, grabbing my hand. "I'm okay, I'm just gonna go lay down for a little bit".

I went to my bedroom and locked the door collapsing onto my bed and going on tumblr. It's like, the minute I noticed a flaw I saw how much other people pointed it out. When you have you're own insecurites, it hirts when people point them out. I got a text from Francis, and it was a picture. "This is your workout plan" was the caption.  "Lose 80 pounds before the third tour performance in LA or you're done" it said after.

80 pounds, and then everyone will love me. That's all it will take. 

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