Chapter 36

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******Camila's POV******

We got back onto the bus and headed to our next stop in America before moving onto the UK, Los Angeles. Dinah hasn't said anything or even looked at me since the show. She knows I'm hiding something from her. But I couldn't tell her. I had to keep her safe. The more she knows, the more danger she is in.

We were sitting and watching a move together, but I knew she needed to talk to me. I got up and grabbed her hand, making her look up at me. "C'mon DJ, I wanna talk to you baby". She just looked at my hand and then back into my eyes, "Okay". I pulled her to her feet and we walked to our room, closing the door. She sat on the bed and looked at me, "Go 'head. Spill it".

I took a deep breath, trying to figure out what I was gonna say. "I don't even know what to say" I said, and I heard Dinah scoff. "Here's a start, tell me what the hell you've been doing with Lauren" she said. "I'm not cheating on you" I said, trying to hug her. She held her hand to my face to stop me. "I did not ask you what you weren't doing. Answer my question" she said. I knew she wasn't letting it go until she got answers.

"Dinah, baby I-" she stopped me again. "Think very carefully about what you're gonna say to me Karla. This could determine our relationship if you say the wrong thing". My heart dropped, what am I supposed to say? Do I save her? Or our relationship? What was more important to me?

"I.......I can't tell you baby" I said while looking at my feet. "Really Camila? So now we're keeping secrets from each other?" she said, chuckling dryly. "Dinah, it's for your own good". She just looked up at me with an, if this makes any sense, an angry smile. "How is this helping? All I can think about is you and her together. Every time I close my fucking eyes, I see you and her together. It's all I can fucking think about now".

I stepped forward and grabbed her hand, but she pulled it back. "I've been waking up crying because I keep thinking you left me. But no, it's okay. It's for my own good right? Right Camila?!?" she yelled as she broke down into tears.

I walked over and pulled her into my arms, her fighting my hug. "Let go! Let go of me!" she cried as she hit me repeatedly. I just held her tighter until she calmed down, sobbing into my chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Camila" she cried into my chest while I just stroked her hair. "I didn't no you felt like that. I love you Dinah and I'm gonna take care of you. Everything I do is for you" I whisper in her ear.

"Please Mila. I need to know" she sobbed, her body shaking against mine. I just shushed her while rocking her in my arms, "Just wait". She pushed me back gently and looked into my eyes, "Please tell me so I can be at peace with this. I can't sleep Mila". I still couldn't do it, her safety was more important than our relationship. "I can't tell you" I said, looking into my lap. She just sat there silently, and then she snapped.

"Get out of here" she said quietly. "No Dinah. baby please, I-" she cut me off by standing up and walking away from me. She started folding my blanket, sitting a pillow on top of it as she laid down on the bed. "What are you doing Dinah?" I asked. "You have two choices: You can tell me what's going on and then, come get in bed with me. Or you could keep it a secret and sleep on the couch". I knew what I had to do.

A smile spread on her face as I walked over to her, grabbing her face in my hands and bringing our lips together. She moaned and smiled into the kiss, "I knew you'd make the right choice" she mumbled into the kiss. "I love you babe" I said, kissing her forehead and then grabbing the pillow and blanket. "'re still not telling me?" she asked with anger in her eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, but she stopped me. "You know what? Just get out Camila" she said, her voice cracking at the end. "I love you" I said, and she slammed the door in my face.

I walked out and went out where the girls were, trying to be as quiet as possible. Ally looked up at me first and gasped, "Mila? Why are you crying baby?" I just walked over and sat on the couch with her, laying my head in her lap. "What happened sweetie?" "She kicked me out" I stated plainy, tears running silently down my face.

"She what?!? Let me talk to her" Lauren said as she stood up from cuddling with Mani. "Babe, she's my best friend" Normani said, "I'm gonna talk to her". Lauren just huffed and opened her mouth to say something else, but Normani kissed her and shut her up. "Mani" I called before she walked away, "Please take care of her".

******Normani's POV******

I walked into Dinah's room, expecting to see her in bed...but she wasn't there. "Dinah? Where you at boo?" I called out as I walked around the room. Things were scattered on the floor, the bed was messed up, and everything was out of place. Either Dinah was in trouble or her and Camila just had sex. Knowing that it obviously wasn't the second option, I decided to keep looking around.

"Where did she go?" My question was answered when I heard quiet sobs coming from the bathroom. I opened the door and saw Dinah sitting on the floor, crying into her hands. "Oh DJ, C'mere girl" I said as I sat and engulfed in a hug. "Why doesn't she trust me, Mani?" she cried into my shoulder. "She's doing this to protect you" I said, but she just shook her head.

"Tell me what's going on mani, please" she begged. I could see the pain in her eyes. They didn't shine like they used to. They were dull and it was painful to see her like that. "Dinah. Camila and Lauren were investigating what happened in New York. They're looking for answers together. That's all" I said. I didn't lie to her....but I didn't tell her the whole truth. How could I possibly tell her a psychopath was threatening our entire existence?

"Now c'mon, let's go to bed". I pulled her off the ground and had her on my back, carrying her to bed. I laid down with her, holding her to me. "You never told me how this put me I danger" she whispered, and I swear my heart stopped a little. "Dinah, you need to understand that we're protecting you" I whispered while holding her. "From who? Who wants to hurt us so bad?!" she cried.

I just held her tighter, not saying anything. "Tell me Normani!" she cried, fighting her way out of my grasp. "If I tell you, you'll be in danger". "I don't care if I'm in danger. I need to know Mani,please? I can't think straight, I can't sleep, I can't even talk to Lauren anymore". This was really messing her up. "I can't tell you boo, I'm sorry" I said, kissing her head.

"Get out". I tried to grab her hand but she stopped me, "I said get out!" "Please Dinah, please don't push me away". I tried to go in and hug her, but she pushed me away from her. "Leave me the hell alone" she cried as she got back into bed. "We all love you Dinah, please know that". "Just another lie, now leave".

I walked out, closing her door and collapsing to the ground as I got outside her room. I heard footsteps make their way to me, and I looked up to see Lauren looking down at me. "I tr-tried" I stuttered, tears cutting of my speech. "I know bae, I know". She gently brought me to my feet and walked me to our room, where we cuddled that night.

"Lauren. We're breaking her by not telling her" I said, snuggling into her chest more. "We gotta keep her safe, Mani. For Camila". I sat up and looked at her, "We're making her safer by leaving her alone and tearing her and Mila apart? Are you serious!?" Lauren tried to grab my hand but I pulled away and stood up, pacing around. "Last time we did this, bad things happened. Secrets tore us apart and she got hurt, bad. That is my best friend in the entire world and I refuse to let her get hurt again. That bastard will have to kill me before I let him hurt Dinah. He'll get to her over my dead body". After my rant, I got an anonymous text.

"Over your dead body, huh? That can be arranged".

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