Chapter 17

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****Camila's POV****

I was so excited!!! Our two weeks was up and I was going go be back with my cheechee. I missed my baby girl so much and I couldn't wait to see her. My plane was landing right now in New York and I couldn't stop squealing. "Chill Mila" Lauren said, laughing at me. "I can't help it. Dinah is gonna be there!" I squealed again. The minute they let us off, I ran off that plane and through bagging so fast. I was out of breath when I got my bags, Lauren stuggling to keep up with me. "Camz, slow down before you fa-"she said, but it was too late of a warning.

I tripped over my own feet, started stumbling, and then ended up rolling until I hit someone else. I looked up and saw Mani and Ally smiling down at me. "Hey there, Mila" Mani said, picking me up off the floor. We all immediately hugged each other, squealing and jumping up and down. "I missed my girls" Ally said. "We missed you too, Allycat" I said, squeezing a little tighter

. We pulled away and I looked around again, but I didn't see her. "Guys, where's my Cheechee?" I asked, pouting like a baby. I wanted Dinah to be here. I texted her and asked if she was here, but she didn't reply. All of a sudden, we all got a text from someone. We all looked at each other and said it together..."Francis". "Hey girls. We got workouts and rehersals in 30 minutes. Get your lazy asses here now. Oh yeah...and Dinah's here with me" he said, smirking at the end. I felt an awful feeling in my stomach, thinking about him alone with Dinah.

"Let's go girls, now" I said, grabbing my bags and running to catch a cab. I was desperately trying to flag one down, but they just kept driving past me. "Fucking shit" I mumbled under my breath, and then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "We got this Camz" Lauren said, and then she whistled out loudly and we were surrounded cabs. "Okay, how the he-" she cut me off by saying, "Are we gon' go....or nah?" I just shrugged and threw my stuff into the trunk.

Me, mani, and Lauren were I'mn the backseat, while ally sat in the passenger seat. My hands were literally shaking because of how excited I was too see Dinah. "Mila, you gotta chill" Normani said, grabbing my trembling hands. "I'm trying but I'm just really excited to see her. I miss her so much" I said. Ally awed, while Normani and Lauren were gagging at my affection. "Couples are gross" Lauren gagged, receiving a high five from mani. "Shut up, Laurmani" I said, silencing both of them. "Kids" ally growled from the front seat, "Behave". "Yes mama-bear" we said in Unison. "Good, cause we're here". I immediately jumped out screaming "DINAH!!!!".

I grabbed my bags and ran into the hotel, running up to the front desk. "Looking for Francis Beldwick" I said, out of breath. She scanned me up and down with a scowl on her face, "Bow. Dark hair. Perky attitude. You must be Ms.Cabello". I nodded frantically, "Room 153 and the third floor" she said and handed me the key. "Thank you" I said, running off. I got in the elevator, not even waiting for the girls. There was a couple inside and they smiled at me, "Hi there kid". "Hi" I replied, not able to control the grin on my face. "Someone special up there waiting for you?"the guy asked. "Just the love of my life" I squealed happily. "Aww"the girl started, "that's so sweet". The bell on the elevator rang and stopped on my floor. "This is me, bye" I said while running away.

I ran to the room and jammed the key in quickly. "DINAH! WHERE ARE YOU!?!" I yelled, and then I felt a hand clasp over my mouth. I turned my eyes to the side to see Francis with an irritated look on his face. "Her lazy ass is in the third room on the left, sleeping. Wake her up so you guys can get ready for rehersals" he said, shoving me towards the room. Not even his nasty attitude could bring me down, my baby was only a few feet a way. I ran to her room and was about to yell, but then I stopped. I saw her snoring on her stomach in a sport's bra and yoga pants. She was obviously exhausted, because she was snoring lightly.

"Aww, my wittle baby is tired" I cooed, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. I leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple, enjoying the feeling of my lips against her skin. "Hey sweetheart" I whispered to her, laying next to her and wrapping my arms around her. She shifted in my arm and turned so she she was facing me. She had her head on my chest, a smile on her face. I just sat there stroking her face, enjoying her presence. After a few minutes of that, her eyes started to flutter open.

"Mila? When did you get here?" She asked. I smiled, "I just got here baby. And we gotta get up for rehearsals". She groaned and leaned into me even more, "I don't wanna". "Baby, we gotta get up" I said. "Just kiss me Camila". "W-What?" "You heard me right, kiss me" she said, and then took my bottom lip into hers.

I moaned into the kiss as she rolled on top of me, running my hands up and down her sides. "Mila" she groaned, "I'm tired". She laid right back down and turned her back to me. "Baby, I wanna make love to you" I whined, kissing her neck. I heard her groan, "Not now baby, I love you but I'm exhausted". Oh, so she did wanna make love to me, she's just tired. I leaned next to her and wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin on her shoulder. She smiled, "That's nice Mila". And just like that, she was back sleeping.

And it felt so nice to hold her again.

*****Dinah's POV*****

I was so tired when Mila got here. Francis had told me to show up the hours earlier, and we did nothing to workout. Treadmill, weights, push ups, pull ups, sit ups. The workout was endless. He worked me until I literally couldn't stand any more. And the entire time, he did nothing but yell mean comments about my weight off of Twitter and tumblr and instagram. The physical and mental pain was excruciating. I don't know if I can do this. Losing eighty pounds would only give me sixty-four pounds left, but that's what Francis wanted. I just had to get there.

I just don't wanna fail anyone. Francis. The girls. Simon. My family. Camila. And myself.

I have to push through no matter what.

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