Chapter 27

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*****Dinah's POV******

Today was the day. I was getting released from the hospital and supposedly, my father was taking me home and back to the mental hospital. I was not going back there no matter what. That place messed me up more than it helped. I was finishing this tour and staying with the girls. I couldn't leave them and let down all of our fans. I owed it to them. All of them.

"Dinah" I heard a voice whisper sweetly, but I still heard his voice. "Wake up Baby" I heard the voice say, causing me to shake. "Dinah, it's me. Camila. Open your eyes, darling" the voice said, making me open them slightly. I looked and saw her looking down at me, her brown eyes filled with concern. "You're okay. It's just us and the girls in here. The boys are right outside, guarding the room" she said, stroking my cheek. "It's okay, you're okay" she said, kissing my forehead.

I was not leaving this for the rehabilitation center, there was no way. "Dinah? What are you think about?" She asked, and I just shrugged it off. "Babe, talk to me. I just wanna help you". I just laid my head on her shoulder and sighed, "I don't want him to take me". "He won't Dinah, he's in jail now" she reassured me. "I mean my dad. I don't wanna go back". "Back where?" she asked. I didn't tell her...... I haven't told her about the hospital.

"Mila, I need to tell you something" I said, sitting up in the bed next to her. "What's up?" "I haven't been completely honest with you, about my past" I said, fiddling with my thumbs. I couldn't look at her whole I told her. I explained how I fell apart after Brooke died, and how my parents put me in this teen hospital in Cali. All the cold and lonely nights, where I did nothing but cry. It helped me stop cutting, but I couldn't tell her I cut before. I didn't want to continue the disappointment.

"Camila, I'm sorry that I hid thi-" she cut me off by hugging me tightly. "You're so strong. I don't know how you do it but I am so proud of you. You have no idea" she said into my neck. "I love you" I said, kissing her cheek. "I love you too DJ, tu es mi corazon" she said. "You're my heart too".

I love her, and moments like this just added to why I couldn't leave. "Mila" I said, sitting up, "We gotta get out of here and get on the bus. My dad is coming and I am not going back. We have to go now" I said, starting to get out of bed. As I started to shuffle around more, I felt lightheaded. "Dinah, you gotta lay down" she said, gently pushing me back onto the bed. "You gotta get better first before we can move you" she said. "But my dad". "I'll do my best to stop him, don't you worry".

I knew there was no way I would make it back there. I just couldn't leave them, not now. I had to get my dad to let me go no matter what. "Mila?" I called, looking up at her. "How'd you end up in here?"

****Camila's POV*****

"I started having chest pains and breathing struggles, so Lauren brought me here. she thought I was having a heart attack" I said. "Aww, my poor baby" she said, kissing all over my face.

And then we ended up staring into each other's eyes, saying nothing. I saw her eyes flicker down to my lips and then back up to my eyes. I slowly moved forward so that our foreheads were touching. "Mils" she said, and I nodded, gently grabbing her face in her hands. "Yeah baby?" "Kiss me" she said, and we pressed our lips together. It was a slow and gentle kiss, like the first one we shared at......the hospital in Malibu?

"I love so much Dinah" I said, giving her an eskimo kiss. "I know Mila, I love you too. I'm gonna try to get better for you, I promise. I wanna be the girl you fell in love with again" she said. I grabbed her hand and brought it to my lips, "You will always be the girl I fell in love with. Nothing that happened is your fault. I know you want to get better, and I'll be there to help you with it. I'm here for you no matter how far apart we may be. I'm right here" . As I finished my rant, I pointed to her heart. "Right here baby girl".

We just cuddled and talked, trying to get Dinah to open up to me about all of the emotions she's feeling. I want her to know she's not alone. I have no idea what this must be like for her, but it's my job to figure it out. "I wuv you" I said, kissing all over her face. "I wuv your cheeks" I said, kissing her cheeks. "I wuv your nose" I said, and then kissed her nose. I kissed her eyelids, saying that I "wuv" he eyes. She was giggling so hard, and I loved seeing her so happy. She was getting that sparkle in her eyes back, I could tell.

But when the door opened, her eyes went dull again and she looked terified. I turned to see her dad standing there, glaring dead at me. "It's time to go Dinah" he said, never taking his eyes off of me. "I'm not going back there dad, I talked to mom and she said I could go. I just have to take Aunt Clarissa with me. I'm going on tour dad".

"I don't know what you said to my daughter Camila, but she's not going anywhere with you" he growled. "Please sir, going on this tour will help her. Music can be the best medicine. I know that better than anyone else. Music helped me through bullying more than anything" I explained. "My daughter isn't being bullied, she was fucking raped!"

I felt Dinah jump in my arms, and then she started shaking. I knew this was making her uncomfortable. "Do you know what that means Cabello? She was forced to have sex with two men while they held her down" he yelled. I could feel Dinah shaking in my arms, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me tighter.

"Mr.Hansen, can we not talk about this now" I said, with my hand over Dinah's ears. "No! We're talking whether you like it or not! My daughter is scarred for life by those men and you think music is gonna help?! That's not the cure for being used and abused. Those men ruined my daughter, and it's your fault! you were too busy having fun with the other girls and messing around!" he yelled.

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Dinah screamed, silencing her father's rant. "Dad, you're only making things worse. This happened two days ago. You screaming plus all the voices I'm heading in my head are breaking me down and I-I just can't dad. You're causing me so much stress" she cried.

I cradled her in my arms, "It's okay. It's gonna be okay" I whispered in her ear. I looked up and saw her dad's face soften, and he looked at the ground. "I'm sorry baby girl, you can go on this tour. Camila is right, music will help you" he said. "Camila?" he continued, "Take care of my daughter for me". "I live to care for her sir. She's my world" I said, and he smiled softly. "You're a good kid, Camila". "Thank you, sir". "You two get dressed now, the bus is pulling up and you guys gotta get going".

So we got dressed and I carried Dinah to the bus, where she was laying her bunk. I was sitting the living room on the electric keyboard and laptop we had in the living room. I played and sang a little, recorded it on my computer, and then burned it and I few other songs on the disk. In total, there were twelve.

I took out a sharpie and wrote "Good music for bad days" on it, sitting it in a case. I put it on the table and put a sticky note on it, saying "For Dinah, love Camila". After that, I went to lay down with Dinah, holding her in my arms while he slept. "Goodnight beautiful, I will fix this. I promise you that".Things seemed to slowly be getting better......

But I had no idea how wrong I was.

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin