Chapter 11

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*****Dinah's POV*****

I was nervous waiting for his response, my hands shaking while I was holding Camila. "Mila, please listen baby" I whispered in her ear, but she refused. "Sweetheart please" I whined, and she only replied with "But I want you to hold me". "Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, listen to me right now" I said, getting frustrated. "No" she said a little louder. "Now Camila!" I said, and then I felt myself get tackled to the floor.

I was imediately was pushed onto my stomach, strong hands holding my hands behind my back. I wasn't worried about getting arrested, I dropped Camila and I had to make sure she was okay. I lifted my head and tried to look around, but my head was pushed right back onto the floor. "Your are under arrest. You have the right t-" I cut him off. "Where is she?" I yelled, trying to lift my head again.

When I managed to look up, I saw two cops grabbing Camila roughly and throwing her onto the ground. "Hey, be careful with her" I yelled, and I swear they just got even more rough with her. I saw her lift her head, only to have it stepped on by one of the cops. I was not having that, not today. I pushed myself off the ground and ran past the cops holding me, tackling the one that stepped on Camila's head. "Keep your hands off my girl" I growled while practically wrestling him. This whole time I've been wondering two things: "What is everyone gonna think when they see this?" and "Where are the girls?"

My second question got it's answer, when I saw Lauren come help me hold the cop down while Ally and Normani got Camila. "Thanks Lo" I said, smiling as we held the struggling cop under us. Right now, it looked like we were winning, but then everything went wrong. I saw Mani, Ally, and Mila get tackled to the ground. "Normani!" Lauren yelled, and we ran over to them. We got into another fight with offficers, but that didn't last long. I felt something hard collide with the back of my head, and then I was out.

*****Camila's POV*****

Me, Mani, and Ally were laying on the floor in handcuffs, and Dinah and Lauren were laying on the floor unconscious. "Dinah!" I yelled, trying to get her to wake up. A guard just through her and Lauren over their shoulders, and told everyone to continue with their day. We were taking to another part of the airport, the prison. They through me,Normani and Ally into a cell, telling us that we would have to wait to call someone. "Why do we have to wait?" I said, going up to the bars. The guard that knocked Dinah out with a batton smirked, and then pushed me to the ground. "Cause we said so. Now have a seat". And just like that, they left.

I was pacing back and forth, waiting for someone to bring my best friend and my girlfriend. And that's when the smirking cop carried in an unconscious Dinah and barely conscious Lauren stumbling with them. "Here you go" he said, pushing Lauren and dropping Dinah on the floor. We all imediately rushed over to them, me holding Dinah and Normani holding Lauren. "Hey baby, come back to me Dinah" I said, rubbing my fingers over her cheeks. "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry baby. I should've just listened to you" I cried, cradling her head in my arms.

I felt a small hand of Ally on my shoulder comforting me, "It's okay Mila. Let me see her". I moved Dinah gently so that her head was now in Ally's lap, where she started checking her head. She first checked the front of Dinah's head, where a large bruise was forming from her hitting the floor. "Don't worry Mila" Ally started, "Nothing a little ice can't take care of". And then she went to the back of Dinah's head, where a large lump had formed from being hit by that prick of a cop. "Yeah....that's swelling a little. We can probably get some medication that will help that heal". I just nodded, trying to remember everything she was saying.

I had to make sure I made this up to Dinah, and I didn't care how long it would take to do that.

*****Normani's POV****

I was holding Lauren, trying to make sure she was stable. She looked dizzy and nauseous, and it actually made me wish that she was knocked out like Dinah. I could tell she was going through pain, cause she just groaning and mumbling about her head. I was trying to help her, but she just couldn't form any words. I was just doing what I could. I had to take care of my Laurenza.

I was leaning against the wall with Lauren leaning against me, her head on my chest. "How ya feelin' sweetheart?" I said, kissing her head. She just groaned and cuddled to me further, and mumbled something. "Tell me what you want Lauren, and I'll get it for you" I said, stroking her hair. "My head, my stomach" she said. I looked at her head, and sure enough, she had a large lump like Dinah. That dick hit her pretty damn hard, and now she was feeling nauseous. I put my hand on her stomach and started to rub circles on it, and it seemed to help a little. She didn't seem like she was about to throw up anymore, so there was a start.

Then eventually, I got a couple words out of her. "Mani" she called, getting my attention. "Yes Laurenza?" "Can you do something for me?" she asked. "Anything, you name it" I replied. "Sing for me?" "Of course baby girl". I thought of a nice and calm song, and then started to sing:

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That, baby, you're the best

She smiled a little as she imediately recognized when of her all-time favorite songs. I honestly don't know why I knew all the lyrics, I barely listen to Lana. I have though, found myself up at night listening to her. Her lyrics had such a beautiful message and her voice was so enchanting.

I got my red dress on tonight
Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight
Done my hair up real big beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feeling alive

Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore

(1, 2, 3, 4)

At this point, Lauren started to hum a couple of the lines. She couldn't wipe that adorable little grin off her face even if she tried. I know Lauren was able to enjoy the song and block out the pain, which means I was doing my job. She wasn't feeling the intensity of the pain anymore, and that made me feel accomplished.

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That, baby, you're the best

I'm feelin' electric tonight
Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight

As I got back to the bridge, Camila and Ally started to harmonize with me. And then Lauren joined in softly as well. The only person missing from this little jam session was Dinah, which absolutely sucked. But hey, I guess Fourth Harmony had to go on.

Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothing scares me anymore

(1, 2, 3, 4)

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That, baby, you're the best

I got that summertime, summertime sadness
S-s-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

As we finished, we heard slow clapping in the background. We all looked and I saw that prick that hit Lauren and Dinah, smirking like usual. "That was beautiful, little songbirds. But that will be your last performance" he said. "What the hell are you talking about?" Camila said. "Fifth Harmony is gonna be all over the news for harrasssing cops. That's going to ruin you" he laughed. "If anything, it's your fault. You attacked us with no cause" Ally said back. "It doesn't matter" he said, "I'm the cop. What I say goes around here". "You can't keep us here" I said, holding Lauren close to me. "Don't we get a phone call?"

He dropped his mug look, but then it returned to his face. "Yeah, one phone call for 5 minutes" he said, handing a phone inside of the cell. I turned to Ally and Camila, "Who am I supposed to call?" We could call our boss Simon, one of our mom's,our new manager....but who would get us out of here and not be mad at us? "I know who to call" Camila said, and we all knew what she was thinking. "Call her Normani" they said, and I started dialing.

I just hope she picks up.

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