Chapter 35

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******Dinah's POV******

I was currently in the bathroom curling my hair for the show, holding in tears. I'm done crying. I refuse to cry anymore. When I finished my hair, I stood there and looked at my reflection. If Camila wanted to be with Lauren, than she could be. But I was gonna make sure she knew everything she was missing out on with me. She was gonna regret doing whatever she's up to with Lauren.

I walked out and saw Lauren talking to Normani, and it looked like a pretty intense conversation. I decided to walk back into the bathroom and listen a little. "Mani, I'm not cheating with Camila. Why would Dinah even think that? Camila loves that girl" Lauren said. "Maybe because you guys are always together and Camila and you always disappear together. I understand how Dinah feels. Maybe we just shouldn't be together Lauren" Normani said back. Woah....This was not supposed to happen.

"Mani, I love you... I'd never do that to you. Please don't leave me" Lauren begged, but Normani wouldn't even look at her. Lauren grabbed her hands and got down on her knees, "I love you baby. Everything we're doing is to protect you and the girls" she cried. "What do you mean?" Lauren stood and whispered something into Normani's ear, and that made Normani hug her tightly. "I had no idea. I'm so sorry" Normani said as she hugged Lauren. "It's okay. I'm sorry I had to lie". "So you guys aren't cheating?" "No, not at all".

Mila wasn't cheating? She still loves me? If she wasn't cheating than what was she doing? According to Lauren, they were still hiding something. Camila walked in and I walked out the bathroom, immediately picking her up ad spinning her around. "Dinah! Put me down" she laughed loudly, but I just continued to hold her off the ground. "I love you" I whispered in her ear, "But you're hiding something from me".

She pulled back from my embrace and looked at me. "What?" I was about to continue to accuse her, but we were called out on stage. "Dinah? Camila said before we walkedt on, "What's going on?" I just turned my back to her and said "That's what I'd like to know".

We walked out and the show was going well. the crowd was feeling it and so were all of us. Things were going well. All of our dancers were in sync and everything was on fleek, if I do say so myself. We were now sitting and singing "We Know", and then the lights went off again. "Oh no" I heard Ally say. "Let's go everyone. Let's move" Big Rob yelled. 

I immediately got up and went to the other end of the chairs to grab Camila. "Dinah, I'm scared" she said as I held her to me. "It's gonna be okay" I said in her ear. I felt a hand grab my arm gently and start pulling us off the stage. "C'mon guys" I heard Ally and Troy say as they tried to walk us off. But as we tried to walk off, the stage exits were blocked....both sides. "What's going on?" I asked. "They blocked us in". 

The lights remained off, but spotlights started to circle around, and then they landed on Lauren. "Who loves Ms.Jaregui here?" a deep voice boomed throught the speakers. All of our fans screamed loudly. "Well, let's learn about your little idol" the voice said. A picture appeared on the screen of Lauren at school, pushing some kid over. "The girl against anti-bullying, picking on a kid weaker than her" the voice boomed. 

"No, that's not true" Lauren said into a microphone. "Is it not Lauren, cause it looks like you picked on this kid a lot". More photos popped up of Lauren harassing the kid. "These are all taken out of context. That guy was the real monster" she begged. "You're a monster Lauren" the voice boomed. "That's not true. Let me explain" she cried, but they just booed her. "He-" she was cut off by the voice. "He was an innocent kid who you harassed everyday. You're a monster" the voice yelled loudly. "Please guys, listen to me" she said, but a few people started to throw stuff, fights breaking out between them and the harmonizers. 

"Guys guys. Please relax. I can explain everything if you give me a chance" Lauren cried. "Go ahead Lauren, tell them everything you did to the poor boy". Lauren took a deep breath and then started speaking, "Yes...I did fight that kid more than once". The audience gasped, "But it was for a reason". "He harrassed a friend of mine everyday. He followed her home, he was a stalker. And then one night he showerd up in her house. So when I saw him that next day watching her at her practice, I kicked his ass. I did it to protect my friend". 

*****Lauren's POV*****

"Very beautiful speech Lauren, really. Touched my heart" the voice said sarcastically. "Leave us alone" I yelled back. And then the lights came back on. I looked at the audience and they stared back at me. For once at our concert, it was dead silence. And then I felt a hand grab mine. I turned and saw Mani looking at me, and I couldn't help but look at my feet in shame.  But she just squeezed my hand tighter and started to sing:    

There's a hero                                                                                                                                                         If you look inside your heart                                                                                                                             You don't have to be afraid                                                                                                                                 Of what you are                                                                                                                                             There's an answer                                                                                                                                                  If you reach into your soul                                                                                                                              And the sorrow that you know                                                                                                                               Will melt away

The other girls came and started to join in with her:

And then a hero comes along                                                                                                                                With the strength to carry on                                                                                                                                  And you'll finally seen the truth                                                                                                                             That a hero lies in you

They recreated when we sung "Hero" on Xfactor, and our fans joined in as well. They held up their phones and a glowsticks up. They sang along with them and it really touched my heart. "We understand, and we love you Lo" Normani said, pulling me into a hug. The other girls joined in the hug and everyone cheered. "Who's ready to finish this concert?!" I yelled, and the crowd erupted in cheers. So we sang all of our songs, and while we were closing with Like Mariah. "Get it baby" I said into the microphone, thinking nothing of it.

But when I got backstage and got my phone, I saw the notifications were filled. "LAURMANI IS REAL?!" one said. "Lo's turned the church girl;)" and other crazy stuff like that. I looked to Mani and she looked as concerned as I was. "Lo.....did you?" she paused. "Did we...." I paused. She walked over and grabbed my hands, staring into my eyes. 

"Did we just come out?"

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora