Chapter 18

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*****Camila's POV*****

"RUN CABELLO! NO BULLSHIT!!!" Francis screamed at me from his scooter. We were running around the lovely city of New York. Francis was real serious about us working out, and had a private gym rented just for us.  I was struggling to keep up with the rest of the girls. I know I'm the only one that is out of shape. Normani was a dancer, Lauren was a softball player, Dinah played basketball, and Ally did Palottis or something. I, on the other hand, stayed at home and ate bananas and read One Direction fanfic. I wasn't really physically active, unless you count me chasing my sister when we played tag. That wasn't really helping me right now. 

I stopped and put my hands on my knees, lungs burning painfully. "C'MON CABELLO, MOVE IT!!!!" he yelled. I tried to respond, but I couldn't stop gasping for air. "I-I-I-I c-can't" I stuttered in between breaths. "NO MORE EXCUSES CABELLO, LET'S MOVE!!!" he yelled at me. "Hey" I heard Dinah yell back at him, "Let her be. She's tired" she said. "Don't give me sass, Hansen. You're treading on thin ice already. Don't push it!" he growled. "Whatever. Mess with me, but not my girl" she said, but Francis just scoffed and moved on to the others who were ahead.

"Hey baby, stand up straight" she said kindly, and I did as I was told. "Hands on your head" she said, and I chuckled a little. "Want me to turn around and bend over next?" She laughed, "Maybe later if we have any energy left" she laughed. I laughed too, and I felt myself start to breath a lot easier. Dinah walked up to me and grabbed my face gently between her hands, "You okay now, baby girl?"  I nodded, and started to lean in a little. She turned last minute so I kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry, but we're in public Mils". "I know, but you owe me later" I said. "Yes ma'am" she replied, "But we should probably try to catch up". With that said, we jogged the rest of the route, all the way back to the our private gym.

When we got back to the girls, who were now doing push ups, Francis looked pissed. "Lauren, Ally, Normani, have a seat" he said, and they all laid out on the floor. "Dinah and Camila, assume a push up position" he growled, and we did as he was told. "When I say down, you go down with your arms at 90 degrees. When I say up, you come back up. Are we clear?" he asked. "Crystal" Dinah growled back. There was some obvious tension going on with them.

"Camila, get up" he said, and I saw Dinah look at him with fire in her eyes from her push up position. "Come here" he motioned, and I walked over to him hesitantly. "Yes?" I asked, and he smiled. "Would you like to have a seat?" he asked. I was gonna say yes, but I didn't want Dinah to suffer on her own. "I'll work out with Dinah" I said, but he nodded no. "Nonsense" he said, "Have a seat". I walked over and were about to sit with the girls, but he stopped me. "Have a seat on Dinah's back" he smirked. I mouthed "I'm sorry" as I sat on her back, hearing her groan. Oh no, my baby.

****Dinah's POV****

"How you feeling Dinah?" he said with a smirk on his face. I was shaking when he put Camila on my back, but I had to stay strong. "Fantastic" I groaned in response. I heard him chuckle and say "Down". I did as he said, almost hitting the floor. I could feel myself start to shake holding her and my own body weight. "Up" he said, and I pushed myself back up. "Good, now just 19 more of those" he said. "Son of a bitch" I mumbled. "You say something Dinah?" he asked, and I could hear the smirk on his face. "Nothing".

He went through five more painful push ups, and I could feel myself start shaking. "Not so tough now, are we Hansen?" he laughed. "14 more" I just said. "Down", and I was praying for that up. My arms were quivering, and I couldn't hold myself up for too much longer. "What Hansen? No talking back?" he said again. "Up" he said, but I couldn't push myself back up. I face flat on the floor with a thud. I felt Camila jump off my back, "DINAH!" She pushed my bangs out of my face, "Dinah, are you okay?"  I couldn't even respond, I was trying to catch my breath. 

"Get up Hansen! You're not done!" he yelled. "I can't Francis" I said back. I could hear the anger radiating off of him, "You sure you give up?" I looked up at him and saw his smirk, and I knew what he was thinking. "No! I don't quit. I'm sorry. I'll finish my reps" I said, getting back up. "Dinah, you don't have to-" Camila was cut off by Francis. "Hush Camila, get up Dinah" he smirked. I got back into the push up stance, arms still wobbling. "Camila, on her back" he said. She looked at me with a worried face, "It's okay. I'll be okay". She looked like she was about to cry. "I got this Mils, just trust me" I whispered to her.  ANd just like that, she was on my back again.

Rep after rep, one at a time. Down and up and down and up again. My arms, my legs, and my stomach were on fire. I was sweating a storm, and my whole body was shaking feverishly. I had sweat so much, my hands started slipping on it. "That's just fat crying Dinah. It should be burning" he yelled. "It burns" I cried back. "Don't be a wimp" he spat back at me. "Down" he yelled.....but this time, I didn't get back up. My eyes closed automatically as I hit the ground.

"Dinah" I heard Ally call out, and all the girls rushed over to me. "Dinah? C'mon DJ" I heard Lauren say, shaking me slightly. "Wake up Mufasa" Normani chanted to me. "C'mon sweetie, you gotta get back up" Ally said, and then Camila spoke next. "Cheechee?" she said plainly, but I could hear her pain. "I'm okay" I said, not moving an inch. "Let's help you up" Lauren said, but Francis stopped her. I felt a whole bunch of water get dumped on my head. "Get your lazy ass up. Everyone go shower and go to your rooms in our suite. Dinner will be brought to you". 

I got up, putting my sweat suits back on. My body was shaking as I put my suit back on, and I'm struggling to stay up. After we were all dressed again, me and the girls took a cab back to the hotel.  "Dinah?" I heard my lady's quiet voice say. I turned and did my best to smile at her, "Yeah baby?" "Are you okay? I thought you passed out earlier" she asked, grabbing my hand. And ran my thumb over her fingers and smiled at her, silently reassuring her I was fine. 

 When we got back to the hotel, all of us were going to share rooms with each other, but Francis stopped us. "Everyone's got separate rooms. The door has your name on it" he said, and we all went our  separate ways. I took a shower, and then I just went to be. I waited for hours and hours, but my dinner never came. I knew he was starving me, and I had no choice but to take it.I'll just try to sleep it off. And then at about two in the morning, I got a suprise. 

Water was on my head and I immediately looked for the culprit. And it was Francis, the devil himself. "What?" I said, and he scowled at me. "You're not done today, get your ass up" he said while flipping my matress. While I was tryna get off the floor, he laughed and said something that made me wanna cry.

"This is only the beginning".

How was that guys? Let me know in the comments. Till next time


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