Chapter 14

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****Camila's POV****

The minute we touched down in Miami, everything was different. I felt alone.....but then I saw them all running at me. "OMG CAMILA!!!" one yelled. "I LOVE YOU CAMILA!" "WELCOME HOME CAMILA!" I swear to God, 5H fans are the absolute best. I love our harmonizers like their family, and they love us right back. It was good to see the 5H fam, but I was so excited to see who came after them.

"Karla! Mija!" I heard the voice of the woman that raised me from birth. "Momma" I said, running up to her and hugging her. "Oh, my sweet baby girl" she said, spinning me around. And then I felt little arms wrap around my lower thighs, and I knew who that was right away. "Sofi" I yelled, picking her up and spinning her . "Hey there sweetheart, how are you?" "Better now that you're home Kaki" she said sweetly, using her little nickname for me. "I love you guys so much!" I squealed as we hugged together. "Wait, where's daddy?" I asked. "He's at home making little  with papa J(Lauren's dad)" my mom said, giggling like she always does.

And then I went over to Lauren and went and saw her family too. "Chris! Taylor!" I said, pulling them into a hug together. Chris definitely towered over both of us, but hey, a bunch of people are taller than me. "How have you guys been?" I asked them. "I'm trying out for football" Chris said proudly. "And I'm on the softball team" Taylor said proudly, and Lauren ruffled her hair. It was so nice to be back with my Miami crew again, and I was so excited to have fun. I saw my phone ringing and I looked at the caller ID that Dinah came up with for herself. , "Yo-Wifey". I hesitated for a minute, I just pressed ignore. Sure, I missed Dinah, but I knew I needed to enjoy my time apart from her. 

****Dinah's POV****

All the other girls had left already, and I'm pretty sure each of them had landed by now. I was trying to call Mila and check on her, but she didn't answer. I just decided to give her space and let her enjoy home. I, on the other hand, am stuck at the airport and waiting for my flight. I had no where to go because we no longer had the hotel, so I was just staying at the airport. I went up to the counter again and asked the lady when my flight was coming. "The next flight to San Antonio isn't until tomorrow morning at 6 AM ma'am" she said politely. I sighed, "I have no where to go, tonight". "I'm sorry ma'am, can I get you a blanket or something?" I nodded, and then she handed me a blanket with the airport logo. 

I went back to my chair and sat back with my headphones in. I went through my contacts and clicked facetime on one of my cousin's names. When the screen turned on, I saw all my cousin Masi. "Hey guys, it's Dinah!" he yelled, and I heard a stampede of feet coming into the room. "Wait wait guys" Masi yelled, let me hook the phone up to the tv". He projected the phone screen and then sat on the couch with all of my family. It was so weird seeing them threw the phone. They had changed and grown up so much, and I was missing all of this. 

"Hi Dinah!" they all chorused together. "Hey there guys, how are you?" I said, smiling at all of them. "We miss you so much Dinah" one of my cousins yelled. There were just so many of them in the room that I had missed who said it. "When are you coming home?" Regina asked. "I'll be home some time tomorrow. My flight got all messed up, so I'm staying here overnight". They all awed sadly, "It's okay guys. We can all hang out when I get home". My mom and dad came in the room, and gasped when they saw me. "Alright kids, it's 10. Go get showers and go to bed" my mom said, sending them out the room. "Bye Dinah!" they said together. "Bye guys, goodnight".

Now, it was just the older cousins and the adults of the house. "Dinah, what's going on? Why are you not home?" my mom asked with worried look on her face. "I'm fine mom, relax. The girls and I got into a little altercation ealier and we missed our flights, They left, but San Antonio doesn't have another flight till tomorrow morning". "What kind of altercation?" my dad asked next. I explained everything, and the more I said, the angrier he looked.

"Dinah Jane Hansen! You got arrested!" he yelled. "Yes daddy, but I c-" he cut me off by continuing his rant. "But nothing! You listen to your authorities and stay the hell out of trouble. Just to think, my oldest is a jailbird. I'm so disappointed Dinah" he said. "They hurt Camila daddy. I couldn't let them hurt her. She was being harrassed and had her human rights violated, so I protected her. I'm sorry, but I wasn't gonna sit around while she got hurt" I said back. I could feel tears start stinging my eyes, but I was not going to cry. 

"Dinah, I don't want to hear that you are going to jail for some girl. Maybe Camila isn't the best influence on yo-" I stopped him. "Okay, what? You have no place telling me that Camila is no good. She has done nothing but treat me right and love me. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her with all of my heart. I'm sick and tired of people telling us we're wrong. I don't care anymore. I love her and I don't care what you think!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

Everyone got silent, and my dad suddenly had nothing to say. "Why'd you stop dad? Still wanna tell me that you're ashamed of me?" I cried out all of the angry tears. "Dinah. I....." he started, but he couldn't finish his sentence. I wiped the tears from my face lightly and then spoke again. "I'm just having a bit of a rough week. I'm sorry for blowing up on you guys". "Sweetheart, what's going on?" my mom asked. "I'll explain when I get home. I gonna go try to rest. Goodnight" I said, and then hung up. 

When I hung up, I looked around and saw two other people, a young father and kids who looked to be about 4 and maybe 13. They were all cuddled up together, and the father seemed to be holding the kids in his jacket to keep them warm. I felt my heart swell at this display, and I knew I needed to do the right thing. I got up, grabbed my blanket, and walked over to them. 

I kneeled down next to him and he looked at me with tired eyes. " Here" I held out the blanket, "You guys look cold". He smiled at me, "Are you sure miss? It's gonna be chilly tonight" I nodded, "I know, but you guys need it more than I do". He smiled and took it from me, wrapping his kids inside of it. "God Bless you ma'am. If you ever ne-" I stopped him. "You won't ever have to repay me" I said. He nodded, "Okay, you have a blessed evening ma'am".

I laid back down in my chair, and although I was cold, I felt all types of warm on the inside. It felt nice to make someone else smile. I picked up my phone and tried to call Mila again. But just like the first time, no answer. The girl is obviously sleeping, so I just need to chill and fall back for a bit. I just hated being lonely, especially knowing everybody was with their families.Like always, I had kept my family waiting. But tomorrow, that wait is over.

I'm going home.

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon