Chapter 12

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*****Normani's POV*****

I typed the number and listened to the phone as it rang, and I was so nervous. She's a busy woman, so I understand if she doesn't pick up. "Anything Normani?" I heard ally say, and I nodded no. Two rings down and I was nervous as hell. "Please pick up. Please please please pick up" I prayed. I really hope she picked up, or we'd be stuck here forever. And then I heard the phone get picked up on the other end.

"Hello?" her confused voice said. "Demi? We need your help" I said into the phone. "What's wrong? Where are you girls? I don't recognize the number" she said. "We're in prison at the airport in Malibu. Don't be m-" she cut me off. "I'm on my way, just relax and I'll be there as quick as I can" she said. "Thank you demi. Bye" I said, hanging up.

When she hung up, I signed in relief. "What d-did she say" Lauren stuttered. "She's on her way sweetheart, hang tight babe" I said as she stumbled into my arms. I heard someone clear their throat, and I turned to face the officer, "Can I help you?" Then he shocked me by grabbing the collar of my shirt and pressing me up against the cell bars. "Don't get smart with me kid?"He spat, hitting my head against the bars over and over. "H-hey!" Lauren yelled, stumbling up to us. "L-let her go-o"she said grabbing his hands. This couldn't end well.

"Get off of me, your trash" he yelled, trying to hit Lauren. She moved forward and dodged it, and then bit down on his hand hard. He immediately let go of me, but she still didn't let go. "Get off of me your crazy bitch" he yelled, trying to pull his hand back. She wasn't letting go though, and it was starting to get bloody. He took his baton off the desk, and I saw he was about to strike Lauren. A couple seconds later, she was on the floor in pain. I rushed over to her and pulled her to me, "Thank you Lolo, I love you". "I.....I-i"she started, fading a little. "Hey, stay with me lo" I said, and I heard the cop laugh. "Fuck her, she deserves to die in this sell. I'll be back later to file these assault charges" he said, and then walked out.

"Lauren" I said, holding her in my lap. "Mani. P-pain. Hur-urts" she whined, tears starting to move down her face. "C'mon babe, you're gonna be okay. Just fine" I said, but that hit on her head was terrible. I pressed my lips to her head, trying to keep her distracted. I left small kisses on her cheeks and head, trying to keep her focused on only the kisses. "Mani, stop" she said. "Why sweetheart? Did I hurt you? What did I hurt?" I asked. She put her hand on her chest, "My heart".

Wow, what's wrong with me. I was still hurting her, even when I was trying to help. She thought I was playing with her. I love Lauren, but I just don't known how I love her. I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I can fix that".

*****Dinah's POV*****

I started to wake up slowly, head pounding. "Hey, she's awake" I heard ally say. I opened my eyes and say ally and Camila staring down at me, "Hi there Dinah. How ya feelin?" "Oh, you know, like shit"Camila chucked a little, but I could tell there was something on her mind. "What's up baby?" I asked. She opened her mouth to say something, but then nothing came out. "Just......fuck it" she said, pressing her lips onto mine. I immediately gave in, but that isn't what I was looking for.

I pulled back "Hey hey, what's up baby? Cause that's not what you had to tell me". She just sighed and looked at the floor, "I'm sorry. None of this would've happened if I just listened to you"she said. I gently lifted her chin, "It's fine, I'm okay. And all the girls are okay". She nodded no, and then pointed over to Lauren and Normani.

"What happened babe?" "Lauren fought that cop again trying to protect Normani, and she got hit with that baton again.....a lot harder than last time" Camila said, single tears going down her face. I sat up slowly and moved against the wall, and pulled her to me. "She'll be okay baby, she's gonna be just fine" I said, kissing her temple. "She'll be just fi-" I was cut off by Normani yelling "She's bleeding!"

"What's going on mani?" Ally said, moving over to her. "Her head is bleeding, she needs something" she yelled, and we were trying to calm her down. I grabbed the bandana off my head, "Yo Normani". She turned and then I threw the bandana, "Thanks Dinah". Camila just laid on me, "I love you Dinah. Thank you, for everything". "No problem, cause I love you, and the girls. I'll take care of you girls for the rest of our lives, and maybe even our own babies one day".

*****Camila's POV******

I felt a huge smile creep to my face when she said that. "You wanna have kids? With me?" he asked. She chuckled a little, "I wouldn't want to have them with anyone else". "Aww, Dinah" I giggled, my voice getting all high at the end with excitement. I pressed kisses all over her face, "You're the best". "Well what about me?" We heard a voice say, and we turned to see demi.

"Heh, what's good dems?" Dinah said, making us all laugh. I ran up to the front of the cell, "Demi, you gotta get us out of here. Lauren needs help". "What's wrong to my little tiger?" "She got hit in the head by that bastard cop, way too hard" I said. "I'm guessing that's the same cop that tried to get my number?" She said. "Yep, that's the bastard" she said. "Don't worry, they're coming with the keys...." She looked down at her phone....."Now".

The smirking cop came back, smiling at demi. "Hey hot stuff, wanna give me that number?" he asked. Demi raised her eyebrow at him, "But you put my girls in jail. And hurt them pretty bad. Now what makes you think I want your number?" For the first time today, he had nothing to say. "Which girl is yours?" He asked. "All of them, I'm a bit of a pimp" she said.

He took the keys, and then let us all out. Normani was carrying Lauren bridal style out, cause she was not stable enough to walk. He stopped her and said, "I hope you bleed to death". I turned back to him, and punched him straight in the nose. He fell to the ground in pain. "Fuck you, you dirty prick" I spat, and then walked out.

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