Chapter 46

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*****Dinah's POV*****

"Please. Please, let me go. We brought the money" I cry loudly. "Anon has been expecting you" the man says in his same cheery tone. I don't know how long I've been rolling around in the back of this van, but everything was beginning to hurt. All this stress on my mind and body couldn't be good for my baby. Our baby...oh my god, Camila's still out there! And she doesn't know that I'm here. No one knows where I am. I'm gonna die.

"Please. I don't have what you want" I cry as I'm continually thrown around. I'm relieved when I feel the van stop, but then the back door opens. I feel someone grab me again, and I try to keep fighting. "Get the fuck off of me!" I scream loudly, only to be dropped against the ground. My head hit hard, and all I could hear was ringing and muffled speaking. "Get her on the plane" was the only thing I heard. Plane? Where was I going?

"Oh sweetheart" I heard a voice say next to me, someone lifting me up and grabbing my chin. "If we told you that, you'd ruin the mystery" they laughed, dropping my face back to the ground. "When I get out of here-" "you'll barely be alive" they laugh, picking me up by the back of my shirt.I choke as my collar is pressed tightly against my neck, and they don't drop me until I am gasping for air. "This is going to more fun then I thought".

I'm sat down on another hard floor, "This rides gonna be a little bumpy". As soon as I hear the door close, I start rolling around to try to break free. I'm hurt, I'm blindfolded, and I'm fucking pregnant. This is just the worst possible scenario. But I'm gonna protect my child and I the best I can.

I kept rolling until I somehow got my blindfold off. It was dark, there was dust everywhere, and no other people. I rolled around, bumping against the shaking surface. After a while, I just stopped. If I kept putting stress on my body, I would lose my baby. So I did my best to try to just lay down, get some sleep, and silently pray that I'd get away.

"Stay away from her" I cry, my hands shackled above my head as I stare out in front of me. I see the shadowy figure walk out to the baby's crib, picking her up. "Oh, I just wanna see what's wrong" they chuckled, the baby only crying louder. "Leave her alone" I scream, trying to pull myself off the wall. "Do you want this baby to be taken care of?" they pinched her cheek. "Her mother can fucking take care of her!" "Shh, watch your language around Brooke".

I continue trying to fight against my restraints, but it never gives. "Please, let me hold my baby. I never got to hold her" I cried, trying to set up my perfect escape. "How stupid do you think I am?" they walk over with my baby. "Just a couple minutes to hold her, and play with her" I plead. I look deeply into their eyes, and then I hear the cuffs get unlocked.

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