Chapter 39

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******Normani's POV******

I held Lauren close, trying to sit between her in the guy in the mask. "L-l-lauren, I'm scared" I whispered, laying my head in her shoulder. She just shushed me and held me close, "We're gonna be okay. It's all gonna be okay". They just started laughing at us, "It's not gonna be okay. Not unless I get what I want". I couldn't speak, I was just shaking. "Leave us alone" Lauren growled, pulling me closer. "Shut up kid, or I will not hesitate to blast your brains out" he said, cocking the gun. "Stop talking Lolo" I said, kissing her cheek.

"Why don't we go get the other girls, huh?" he said, and I could hear his smirk through his voice. "Get the hell up" he growled, putting his riffle onto his back strap and grabbing two revolvers. "Move" he said, holding the guns to the back of our heads, making us walk to the couches in our living room area. "Nobody move. If you're not here when I get back...I'm gonna kill each and everyone of you" he growled, taking our phones from us. "Wait here" he growled, walking away.

I looked over towards Lauren, tears stinging my eyes. "C'mere baby" she pulled me into her lap, kissing my forehead. "I-I'm scared Lo" I stuttered. She just held me close, rocking us back and forth. "I know bae, but we're gonna be okay.We're gonna get out of this" she said. I honestly almost believed her, but then I heard a scream.

He dragged Ally out by her hair, sobbing loudly. "Shut up!" he yelled, throwing ally down next to us. "Stay right here and don't fucking move". He walked out, still going around the bus. "Als, where's Troy?" Lauren ask, pulling her to us. "H-he knocked him out. He's b-bleeding" she said, shaking in sobs. "It'll be alright" I said while holding her hand. But not even I could believe that.

*****Dinah's POV*****

Camila and I were still in the closet, holding each other. "Mils, he's here for you. Hide behind the clothes" I whispered, but she held me tighter. "No. I'm not leaving you" she cried into the crook of my neck. "I'll be okay. You'll be safe" I said, pushing her towards the back of the closet. "Dinah, why are you trying to push me even further into the closet?" she said through tears, and I chuckled. "Hush Mila" I kissed her cheek, moving the clothes in front of her. "I love you Dinah" she whispered, and I leaned down to kiss her lips. "I love you too Chancho" I said, feeling a tear slide down my face as I stood up and closed the closet door.

I heard footsteps outside the room, and talking. "Oh Camila" the voice rang evilly, "Why don't you come out....and I don't mean from the closet". I slowly walked closer to the door, hiding behind it as it was slowly opened. "Where are you pretty girl?" the guy said, making me shake with rage.

He slowly walked towards the closet, and I knew he would find Mila if he opened it...and he was not touching my girl. Or any of the girls, for that matter. So while his back was turned, I snuck out of the room, purposely knocking a book off of the desk. I was pretty much planning my own capture.

I ran out into the living room, running to the girls. "Shhh, where's Troy?" I asked, and ally pointed to the room. I just nodded and ran to their room, seeing Troy laying on the floor. Unconscious. And bleeding out of his head.

I grabbed him by his shoulders, dragging him into their bathroom. I ripped off a sleeve from my shirt, putting alcohol on it, putting it against his head. He sat up an screamed, making me put my hand over his mouth.

"Shhh, it's me Troy" I whispered, looking into his eyes. "You have to be quiet Troy. Are you gonna scream?" He nodded no. I slowly took my hand off his mouth, continuing to clean his wound. "He's on the bus, and he has Laurmani and Ally. Me, you, and Ally have to stay hidden and save them. Understood?" He nodded again.

And then I heard footsteps. He was coming to the room. He must've heard Troy yell. "Stay quiet, act like you're still knocked out" I say, wrapping his head and making him close his eyes. I had my back turned to the door, preparing to be taken by Anon.

"C'mere you little brat" he growled, picking me up from behind. I started yelling, trying to kick him and fight him off of me. "I'll kill you" he yelled, putting a gun to my head as he pressed me between him and a wall.

"You know what, I might keep you for myself. You'd be fun to play with" he said, and I swear I could hear the smirk through his mask. "Stay the fuck away from me" I spat back at him, pushing him backwards. He started chuckling darkly, and then he put a gun to my head. "This time, I'm getting what I want".

He slid his knee in between my thighs, grabbing my hair. I fought against him...but something was bothering me. This time, who were they and what did they want. They were coming it's someone we know. I swung my arm, knocking his mask off and gasping at what I saw. "S-Simon?"

He rubbed his chin, smirking slightly. "Hello there Dinah, miss me?" he chuckled, walking back to me. "No. How did you get out? What are you doing here? What do you want?" I yelled, trying to run out of the room. He grabbed me before I could run, throwing me against the wall. "I've had enough of you, ya little brat. I'm getting what I want. Money....and you" he smirked evilly. I tried to crawl away.

"No. No, please!" I cried, trying to stand up in run. He grabbed me by my hair, dragging me into the living room and throwing me on the couch with the girls. "Dinah! Are you okay?" Ally asked, holding me to her. "Troy's okay. He's awake and not bleeding" whispering in her ear. She looked at me with a small smile on her face, mouthing "Thank you". But our moment was interrupted with a gun put to my head.

"Where's Camila?" he growled, but I didn't say anything. "Tell me where the hell she is?" he yelled, pressing the gun harder to my head. "I'm not telling you shit" I spat, and then he pulled the gun away. He started chuckling, "This is funny. Like really, this is hilarious. You wanna play games Dinah. Fine....let's play".

He pulled out a go-pro camera and computer, setting it up to face us. "Welcome to the auction" he said, "One of the girls is currently hiding, but I will find her in time. But until them, I think I should entertain you gentlemen". He pulled all the bullets out of one of his revolvers, and then left one in, spinning it. And then he turned to me.

"Let's play Dinah. Every time you refuse to tell me where Camila have to take a shot. You either shoot at yourself or one of the girls I tell you to shoot at. Are you clear?" he smirked. "Crystal". "Oh yeah...and if you refuse to play, I'll kill Camila when I find her".

"So.......where is she?"

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