Chapter 5

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*****Dinah's POV*****

I fell asleep with Mila on top of me, but I was still more comfortable then ever. This girl was something special, and I knew I couldn't let her go. She was the one for me and I knew that. The girls knew it. Simon knew it. My parents knew it. And no matter what goes down, I have to fight for our love. No matter who stood in the way. And right now, Simon and Jake were in my way.

I was sleeping peacefully, and then I heard a loud alarm start ringing. I sat up immediately and looked around, holding Mila with one arm so she wouldn't fall. "What's going on baby?" she said, rubbing her eyes. "I don't know, let me go check it out" I said and laid her down on the bed. I walked into the living room and saw Simon sitting on the couch with some guy in a suit, and the other girls filed out of there rooms too. What the hell is going on?

There was an alarm clock sitting on the coffee table, and the man in the suit turned it off. "Morning girls" Simon said, and we all just groaned. "They're not very responsive, they're going to have to work on their morning attitudes for the tour" said the no-named stranger. "Excuse my briefness, but what the hell is going on and who is this guy?" Lauern asked rudely. "I'm calling a 5H family meeting before we leave for tour in a couple of weeks. And there are a few new things I think you should know about" Simon said. "Can someone go get the other one?" said the guy. "Her name's Camila, and I'll go get her" I growled and walked out.

She had fallen back asleep, and she looked so peaceful. "Mila, baby. You need to wake up" I say, and I shook her a little. She just whined and held up her arms at me like she wanted to be carried. I sighed and put my hands under her arms and lifted her like I would one of my little cousins, and she latched onto like a baby. "Alright Mila, you get this one for free. But you so owe me next time". She just smiled and I carried her out to the living room. I sat down next to Normani with Mila in my lap, her arms around my neck and mine around her waist. "Okay Simon, let's get this done".

"Alright girls. I'm sorry I woke you up at like 6 in the morning, but it is important. I wanted to let you know that you girls have two weeks to go home and see your families, your flights leave later tonight at 9. And now about the mystery guy. Would you like to introduce yourself?" The guy smiled at us and then started to speak. "My name is Francis Beldwick, and I am your new manager" he said, and all of our jaws dropped. 

"Excuse me? New manager? What happened to Alexandra?" Lauren said. That is one of the things I loved about Lauren, she was never afraid to say what was on her mind. "Alexandra and I had a.... disagreement, and she had to be fired" Simon stated. "What did she do Simon?" asked Normani. "She didn't do what I told her to. She went against me and what she was going to do would hurt you girls. So she had to go" he stated. Something seemed a little off about his story, but I wouldn't question. At least, not now.

"So can we go back to sleep?" "Yes, you may" simon said. We all sighed in relief and collasped back onto the couches, positve we weren't going to make it to the beds. I had Mila's head on my shoulder and Normani's in my lap. Ally was wrapped up with Lauren on the other couch. This was a picture-perfect 5H fam moment right now. It was moments like these that made me feel better about being away from home. I felt like I was part of our own little blended family. And I knew I couldn't live without these girls.....especially Mila.

*****Camila's POV*****

I held my arms around Dinah tightly that night, trying to savor our moments together before we go our seperate ways. I haven't been without Dinah for about 3 months now, and I was going to miss her so bad. Who was going to hold me when I was back at home? I didn't have very many friends, so I would be alone too. I mean, I'd be back with my little sister Sofia, but she wasn't Dinah. No one could ever replace her or do the things she does with me. I was going to miss her so much it was literally going to hurt. 

When I woke up, it was about 10 in the morning. Lauren, Ally, and Normani were all awake and watching tv while eating cereal. Dinah, on the other hand, was still sleeping away. I snuggled into her and started placing light, feathery kisses on her face and neck. She cracked a smile a little, and then she started to giggle. "Baby" she whined cutely, "Stop it". When I stopped we just looked into each other's eyes, smiling like idiots.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said, and she frowned a little. "Oh yeah, I forgot that was happening today". "You know that no matter what happens, nothing will tear us apart. Okay baby?" I said, and she nodded and just pressed her lips to mine again. "I wanna spend as much time as I can with you and the girls. We have grown SO much closer with every passing day, and I know leaving you guys is going to be hard. Especially you, Mila. Who's gonna be my cuddle buddy?" I giggled, "One of your many family members?" "I'm serious Mila, I'm gonna miss so much. But it's only two weeks, right". I nodded, "Yeah". 

But was I going to be able for two weeks with half of my heart across the country?

Act Like You Don't Love Me (Taking Chances Sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant