Chapter 7

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*****Dinah's POV****
Once Mila and I got out of the shower, we went looking for the girls. "I'll go look for ally and you go look for Normani, I think Lauren's in her room" I said, and then we split up. I went to Ally's room and saw it was slightly cracked open, so I decided to check if she was busy before walking in. "Troy, I miss you so much" she said, and then giggling at something he said back. I don't know how Ally and Troy managed to stay together through the monthly separation. I want to have the kind of relationship with Mila, which I think we're already starting to form in our short time together. Our 3 month anniversery is going to fall on one of our tour days, so I''m gonna have to do something special for her. We didn't get to celebrate our one month because I was in a coma, so had to make i up to her.

I shook myself out of my trance and then knocked on the door lightly, seeing her jump a little. "I'm coming" she said as she came and opened the door. "Hey Dinah, what's up?" she said. "Mila and I wanted to hang out with you guys before we have to leave each other for two weeks, you up for it?" "Sure, just let me say bye to Troy" she said. "I can hear your whole conversation baby" I heard Troy laugh from the computer screen. I walked in and sat on the bed next to ally, "hey troy". "Hey, what it do Dmac?" "You know, just chillin'". Ally laughed at our playful banter, and then we said bye to troy together.

"What do you plan on doing.....besides Mila" Ally said, smirking at the end. "What?" I said, shocked. "You guys are so freaking loud that Mani and Lauren left. They couldn't bare to listen to you guys scream anymore". I felt a blush start to creep onto my face as I tried to cover it with my hands. Then Mila walked in and sat with me and Ally, "Is something wrong DJ?" "They heard us again" I said plainly, and Mila looked confused. Ally laughed at my embarrasement, "You guys just get louder everytime". And that's when Mila's face dropped, "Oh jeez". "Yeah, mani and lauren left the house" I said.

"Where'd they go?" we asked Ally, but she didn't know. "I'm not sure, any ideas?" "When in doubt" I started, and then pulled my phone out my pocket. "Dinah, this is no time to take selfies" Camila whined. "Just hush" I said as I went to Lo and Mani's twitter pages, where I saw they posted pics from a bowling alley, where they were supposedly "owning that lanes". As if, I could crush them girls. "Looks like we hitting the bowling alley" Camila cheered. Ally grabbed her keys, "Let's go love birds". We hopped in the car and raced down to the bowling alley, and then went in looking for them little hoes. I swear, the nerve.

****Lauren's POV****

Me and mani were on our third round of bowling, and she had crushed me every round by more than at least 40 points. I sat down and huffed as Mani got another damn strike. "You fucking cheater" I whispered under my breath, and I think she may have heard me. "Your turn Laurenza" she said with her super model smile. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stay mad at her. 

I rolled and got a gutter ball, "Fuck it, I'm done". I sat down with no intent of rolling again. "C'mon Lolo" Normani said, grabbing both of my hands and pulling me to my feet. She grabbed a ball and put it in my hand, and then stood behind me while holding my hand. I was still iritated with the fact she was so good at this, but then she put her chin on my shoulder and pressed her front to my back. "Now just pull back" she said while guiding my hand. "Then release" she whispered, her breath lingering on the back of my neck. The ball rolled and all the pins fell over with ease, but neither of us moved from our current postition.

After deciding I needed to end this situation. I turned around and practically jumped onto Mani, wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you thank you thank you, Mani. You're awesome" I said, her holding me up off the ground. She pulled back a little, but still her her arm around my waist and I had mine around her waist. I just looked into her eyes, and I caught myself looking down at her lips more than one time. She looked at mine too, and then looked back into my eyes slowly. I leaned closer a little, and then I heard Dinah yell our names.

We quickly jumped apart as Ally, Camila, and Dinah ran over to us. "I swear, the nerve of you girls. Ditching us without saying anything" Dinah said, making us all laugh. "The nerve of us? You and Mila can't stay quiet enough for us to stay in the house" Normani said with so much sass. "Right!? The nerve manibear" I said. She smiled at me and then wrapped her arm around my lower back, and I leaned into her a little more. I saw Dinah quirk her eyebrow at me, and I widened my eyes and then moved away from Mani. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine, I'm just gonna run to the bathroom real quick" I said, and I heard Dinah said she was coming with me too. 

I went over to the sink and splashed my face with some water. "You okay?" Dinah asked me and I jumped, totally forgetting she was in here. I turned and saw her leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "Umm...yeah. I'm okay" I said, "Who am I kidding? I'm freaking out!" Dinah came over and stood next to me, "Calm down girl, breath". I took a few deep breaths and then she asked me what's on my mind. "I,....I don't know". "Tell me".

"I guess.....I might like Normani" I said, and then I heard someone gasp from the bathroom entrance.

Sorry for the short chapter. I promise I will start writing longer ones. Also, I've been asked to write a camaustin fanfic....should I do it guys?

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