Chapter 40- This Is For The Better

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“No Harry! I will do what I want!” Annie yelled.

Harry and Annie were inside the hotel room and they were arguing. While Taylor, the rest of the boys and I stood outside, eavesdropping on their conversation. I have never seen Annie like this. Apparently both of them were arguing on something.

Harry groaned. “Annie, just listen. I don’t want you to do this. Why can’t you see that the boys and I are trying to help you?”

Annie said, bitterly. “I feel like I’m wasting your money. You boys work hard to earn the money, while I’m here, wasting it because I don’t have a family that actually loves me.”

I bit my lip, while the others looked sad and not themselves. “Of course not! I don’t feel that way, and neither do the boys. They adore you to death, and I love you.”

Annie cried, “Harry! Why can’t you see that I want to be independent? I don’t want to waste your money; I want to buy things with what I earned. That’s why I am making this decision. You have to understand, you just have too.”

“Then what happens to us?” Harry asked, his voice quivering.

“Nothing happens to us, I mean if you want to have a long distance relationship…I’m fine with that.” She muttered, I couldn’t really hear her though.

Harry didn’t say anything at first, that was when I heard Annie cry. “I don’t want to do this either, but I have no choice.”

“Of course I want to be with you. I love you,” Harry finally said. I knew he was hugging her, because Annie’s cry subsided.

Someone tapped my shoulder and saw it was Niall. With his eyes he told me we had to go and leave them for their own privacy. I take his hand and we walk to the living room. We were all silent, no one was talking and the vibe from each person was off. I sat beside Niall and Zayn on the couch. Liam was on the armchair. Taylor was beside Niall while Louis sat on the floor.

The door opened and a stressed Annie and Harry walked out. We all looked at the two of them and Harry nudged Annie. She sighed and looked at us. “Hey guys!” she smiled, sadness clouding her usually happy eyes. “I need to tell you something, and its quiet important. Listen okay?”

We nodded, like robots. Harry seemed to dread this, even though she didn’t say anything yet. “I’ll be leaving for a while. I feel like I’m just a nuisance to all of you and im freeloading you guys. I want to work and earn a living. It’s been a good month and three days, I wanted to tell you guys that I love you all so much.” A tear slipped down.

“Where will I be staying, you ask? Olivia’s mom offered me a place to stay at their house. She kindly offered it and told me to take it. Olivia, I hope it’s alright with you…” I look at her, tears forming my eyes. I nodded, quickly wiping it away. “And from there I will work my butt off and I’ll try and visit you guys!” She said, happily, but you could sense her sadness. “Harry and I agreed that we'll still be together and I can visit when I have the money. I love you all. I've never felt so much love before. Thank you so much....”

She finished, now crying with a lot of tears. We all got up on our feet and hugged her tight. I thought that everything was perfect and nothing would happen. Harry had Annie, Louis had Eleanor, Zayn had Perrie, Niall had Taylor and I had Liam. But clearly it can't stay like this forever. 


The next day Annie left with Harry early in the morning. She took a plane to Mullingar. Harry came home, saying nothing. He went in the hotel room, looked at us and then stomped his way to the room where the boys slept. I started to go after him but then Zayn held my wrist. I look at him, "I want to talk to my best friend." Zayn sighed and let me go.

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now