Chapter 44- Made In Ireland

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Hola! Hehe, sorry I haven't updated in a while! We have so much things to do, in the last trim. It's like hell months and then SUMMER! Yihee! 

Hope you like it!

On the side is I'm Getting Over You by The Click Five. And a picture of the recent birthday boy!! x Hazza :) 

Enjoy and stay lovely!! 

“Where are you both?” Liam asked over the phone. Niall had his hand slung over my shoulders and I had mine wrapped around his waist since he kept on falling. The other one held the phone. We were on our way to our third bar and we were pretty tipsy.

I licked my lips and giggled. “Niall wanted to go out for a drink…because he uhmmm…missed Taylor.”

Liam exploded. “What is wrong with-” I put the phone out of earshot and put it back on my ear. When he calmed down, I put it back on my ear. “Olivia, why would you do that? That’s just so- stupid.” He exclaimed, not afraid to hide his madness.

That does it. “Maybe I wanted to go out too you’re no my boyfriend anymore, stop treating me like a child.” Niall looked at me and frowned. “We’ll be home by 3am.” I hung up and we went in a nearby bar. The guard studied us and then let us in with no question whatsoever. When I saw the bar I ordered two strong drinks. The bartender didn’t ask for I.D. because he was flirting with me.

”Let us toast!” I cheered, holding my drink up to toast with Nialler. We clunk our glasses and drank away.


Niall and I entered the shop, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” I ask, my voice slurring.

Niall nodded and looked at the guy, “It’s 12:30am, why is your shop still opened?” 

The guy replied with a look on his face. “Ask my boss, kid. So what can I do for you?” Niall was talking to the guy while I collapsed on the couch. I stretch and yawn. Im pretty drunk so I couldn’t really think with my brain.

“Olivia,” Niall hissed. I open my eyes and walk my way over there. “Hold my hand,” he asked, extending his hand to me. I nod and hold it. As the guy was doing his job. Niall started to scream like a girl and that was all I remembered.


People were noisy and it was annoying the crap out of me. Wow, I seem to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. I stir but don’t fully wake up.

“Liam don’t be so hard on them this time.” I think it was Louis’ voice. Bless your soul Louis Tomlinson! Harry chuckled. “Louis is right. They just wanted to have fun. Didn’t Olivia tell you to back off? You guys aren’t together anymore; she can do what she wants.”

I heard Liam huff. Then Zayn said, “It’s her life. She wanted to be there for Niall. So man you’ve gotta chill.” My head started to ache. “Shush up.” I groan, covering my face with a pillow. “I have a terrible migraine.”

Liam said, “You drank a lot. Do you even remember a thing?”


“you called me on your phone and you were really drunk. Then you told me where you were. I found you and Niall on the curb sleeping. Good thing I was there on time. I got you guys back to safety. Gosh Olivia, next time, think.”

Someone beside me stirred and I knew it was Niall. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes. I looked at Niall, who looked like a complete mess. He groaned and whined. “My arse hurts.”

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now