Chapter 53- Sweet Nothings

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Fear is a word which has millions of meanings depending on the person. There are lots of things that are considered as a fear. It depends on the person, though. Everyone has a fear, like riding a rollercoaster, swimming in the ocean, spiders, taking a math test, falling in love. The possibilities are endless! For me, my worst fear would have to be losing someone you love and care about.

Come on, doesn’t it hurt to lose someone you once knew? Like suddenly you lose their grasp and then you feel so empty? It’s like losing your first puppy, the pain and depression. You knew the person so well, and one little thing can change your life. For so many years, I have watched people come in and out of my life. They would either stay or leave. For me, there are more people who leave than people who stay.

When you look at the bigger picture, the people who stay are the ones who truly deserve your unconditional love. It’s always the person’s choice to either stay or leave. Sure the person who left may have a good reason to leave, but ask yourself this; did they make the effort to try and stay even if they knew the answer? Did they care that they were leaving you?

“Here you go,” Liam smiled at me, handing me my nuggets and drink. We were currently in McDonalds, which was in a mall near the place where the boys rented a flat. After having my surgery and resting, we flew to N.Y.C because the boys wanted to take their break here.

The other boys were out, so Liam decided that we should spend this day as a date. You know just me and him. Him and me. That kind of date… “Thank you,” I replied to him and we start eating our food. We talked about life and how Harry was still in love with Annie. They were still going strong even though they were millions of miles away. Sadly, Niall and Taylor have taken a few months off. They promised each other that they would still be together, just after a long break.

I looked up at Liam and asked him, “Why did you boys pick New York to have your break?”

He shrugged, “Zayn and Niall wanted it here. I’m not sure why…I think it’s because of the food.” He chuckles to himself, finishing his burger. I was only third nugget, I push the small box in front of Liam and he gets one. I still didn’t have an appetite, I would eat but in small amounts.

“Wanna go shopping?” He raises his eyebrow at me and I nodded my head vigorously. He finished the rest of my nuggets and we head around the mall. We were stopped a few times, but a lot of fans just passed and smiled at us. I think they knew we were on a date and wanted us to have privacy. My heart warmed at the thought.

We went in stores like Gap, Victoria Secret, Zara and other girl stores. Apparently, the shopping was for me and not him. I tried to argue but he refused and paid for practically everything.  At the end of the shopping spree, I had four bags, from different stores. He took my hand as we walked to Starbucks to get a drink. I stopped and he stopped too, looking at me. I smiled and tiptoed, kissing him on the cheek and pecked him on his soft lips.

He smirked, “What was that for?”

“Thank you for the clothes, by the way,” I thanked him again. He shook his head and kissed my forehead as we enter Starbucks. People were whispering and looking at us while Liam looked at what to order. I told him my order and his hand was still firm on mine. When it was our turn, he dropped the bags and took out his wallet, telling our order and paying.

We waited for our drinks and finally got them, sitting on the cushion beside the window. “Isn’t it a nice weather today? It’s not sunny but cloudy. I love it.” I tell him, looking into his brown eyes.

He nodded, drinking his frappe, “Yeah it is. Do you wanna walk around the garden upstairs?”

My eyes widened. “There’s a garden in this mall? That’s so cool!” I clapped my hands, excitedly.

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