Chapter 3- They Accept Me Regardless

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"So boys, how is the band coming along?" My mother asked, over dinner. Dad was unfortunately at work, since he was a doctor. My mom has cooked grilled chicken and her famous gravy, she also prepared veggies.

Niall answered "It's doing good Mrs. Summers,"

Zayn and Liam nodded, enjoying the food. Harry added. "We are having tons of fun!" Niall got his third serving of chicken, my eyes grew big, Niall caught my eyes, he chuckled and continued eating. I can't believe this kid, he had a big appetite, but doesn't gain weight at all.

My brother, Chris said, "So you guys taking care of my sister?" I gave a look at Chris. He shrugged, I know he was only trying to protect me. He didn't like the idea I was best friends with the known worldwide band. But he loves them, I guess.

Louis answered. "Well, of course Chris. We won't let anything happen to her." They boys had big smile on their faces. It creeped me out.

"What's going on?" I asked my mom. She too had a smile on her face. She put down her fork and looked at the boys, to Chris to me. Something was up. I hate this, they barely tell me anything and leave everything as a surprise.

Liam looked at me "Well, as you know we are having our U.S tour this summer..."

I frowned. They'll be leaving me. Just once they got here, they'll leave me and be surrounded by millions of girls. Zayn continued "And well, we asked your-"

Louis interrupted Zayn, "Parents, if you could come with-"

"us to the tour, all over U.S" Harry smiled.

Niall gave me the news. "And guess what! They said YES!" the boys screamed and cheered. While I sat there, my mouth hanging, in total shock.

Liam told me "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies!" I did and looked at my mom and Chris.

"Really? I can?" I can't believe this. This is like the best news I have even ever received. Good thing I just have to review for my subjects later, for my test tomorrow. It was only English and History. I was pretty good at those subjects too. This was like a dream come true. "Even dad said yes?"

Chris spoke "I had to convince him, and since you are turning eighteen, you are old enough." I stood up and hugged him. He squished my chubby cheeks. "Have fun, lil sis!"

I nod, looking over at the boys, who gave me goofy smiles. "I definetly will."

~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day, at 7:10am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I can't believe you're leaving with One Direction! The hottest boyband in the planet!" Sam said, hugging me. We were walking to school. I told the boys to stay home since they'd be mobbed by fans. "I really wanna gooo!"

I said "Why don't you?"

She gave me a look "Well, cause let me see, I have to go to DC with my family to visit my grandpa and grandma."

Thinking, it came to me "They're having a concert there! You can ask them for tickets and buy it!" She clapped her hands, like a happy-go-lucky girl, who just won a trip to DisneyLand.

"Yeah!" she exclaimed. "Did you get to study last night? Since the boys were with you?" She changed the subject immediately. She was one of those girls who can't talk about one topic for less than a minute or two.

I shrugged "I did, but the boys wouldn't leave me alone. They sort of helped but at the same time, then they made my headache worse. So I kicked them out of my room and made them go to Niall's house." Sam laughed.

"As usual." she rolled her eyes, as we entered school.

We looked at each other "Good luck on the test!" I said, she replied with a "You too!" We headed to our classrooms and began the test within minutes. I had a feeling I'll have straight A+'s again. I hope, mom and dad were so proud of me!

~~~~~~~~~~~~Dismissal-Last Day Of School~~~~~~~~~~~~

After our goodbyes to all our friends, Sam and I headed home. Before we did, we stopped by Nandos. We thought of the boys and thought that they'd like this for lunch. We bought seven burgers and fries and Sam and I split the bill. We walked out of the restaurant bags on our hands.

"I bet they'll be overjoyed!" Sam said, "Especially Nialler."

I agreed "Haha, yeah!"

We got home and opened the door of my house. The boys were in Niall's house. Mom was at her restaurant, dad at the hospital and Chris probably upstairs or at school. I fixed the food and placed it on the living room's coffee table, I set up seven place mats and got six Coke's while I got myself water. You know why....

I got my iPhone and called Niall. "Yellow?" His accent said through the phone. I heard voices in the background. 'Give me back the remote controll Zayn! Liammm, tell him to give it back!' I was guessing it was Louis. 'Zayn, share! Come on!' I heard Liam. 'FINE!' Zayn said, clearly upset.

I laughed. "Livvy, what's up?" Niall said, he knew my laugh anywhere.

Sam shouted at the phone. "Move your arses here! We have Nandos! Let's goooo! Hustle!" I heard scramling on the phone. Niall said "We'll be there in a few seconds." he sounded excited. He hung up and after twenty seconds, the door burst open and I saw five hungry boys. They lunged at the coffee table and sat at there places. Liam on my right and Sam on my left.

They ate there foods, saying how good it was. The doorbell rang. I was eating half of my burger. I stood up and got it. John, Sam's boyfriend appeared. He has black hair, until his ears, he was in a polo shirt, Capri shorts and converse. "Is Sam here?" I nod. "Come in, John."

"Hey John!" the boys chorused with mouths filled.

John smiled. "Hey guys!"

I snapped "Don't talk when you eat!" I sat at my place, Sam making space for her boyfriend. I handed John my other half the burger. "Here, eat this. Don't worry, I used a knife cutting it." He refused it but I told him to take it anyways.

John and Sam have been dating for nearly a year and a half. John really loves, her I can see it. He's also fine that she fangirls about the boys. It's not like she has a crush on them. They are celebrities, who we happen to know.

I just picked at my fries"Liv, why aren't you eating?" I heard Zayn said. I look up from my fries. "I'm pretty much full. I'm alright." The boys gave passed a worried glance to each other.


"Really? Lucky for you Olivia!" John said, after he found out from none other than sam, that I was spending my whole summer with One Direction.

I gave them a smug smile "Yeah, I can't wait! When do we leave, lads?" I asked the boys.

"In two days." Zayn replied, drinking his soda. Louis was playing with Harry's hair with his right hand and on his left he was sipping from his soda. Louis gave me a smile and said something to Niall, which made him smile.

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now