Chapter 26- Two In One

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Hey lovelies!

How’s life so far? Comment down below and tell me stuff about you! I really wanna get to know you guys better! :P

@OMGItsTasha I posted, so technically you have to post too! :) Fan my friend guys!

Annie is based on my friend @ifyougivemethechance so go and fan her too! HAHA(:

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I enjoyed writing this!

I wrote this just now and it’s 10:30 here, so I usually sleep at this time. So don’t blame me for my mistakes. I will edit it tomorrow!

“Without mistakes, you will never succeed”

Harry’s POV

When Liam dragged Olivia out, the boys and I started coming up with teases as soon as they get home. Liam actually had the courage to take her out. He was a shy type of a boy and well he wasn’t really that good with ladies. Yes he was sweet and caring, but when he flirted, it looked so cute on him and it never worked out.

“Mr. Liam and Olivia Payne.” Zayn hollered, getting a bag of popcorn and passing it around. We were all gathered in the living room watching horror movies.

Louis clapped and stood, “They make a cute couple, don’t you think?”

We all nodded. Taylor said with her mouth full. “Yessss, I doooo!” We all giggle. She covers her mouth and swallows, giving us a shy smile. On the couch, I was beside Niall, Taylor was in his other side and Louis and Zayn were on the floor.

“Liam just doesn’t know how girls work, that’s why he’s having trouble,” I tell them, they look at me. The movie was still going on but we really didn’t pay attention to it since we were talking about our two best friends. I muted the TV.

Niall sighed, “I may say so myself. But at least he got the courage to bring her out. I wonder what they’re doing right now…” We all stare at the ceiling.

“Maybe they went to a carnival!” Taylor shrieks.

“No, maybe they went to catch a movie and eat out.”

“It must be, them walking on the beach in the middle of the night. I mean have you seen the stars?!? They are gorgeous!”

Louis questions “Fishing?” We all stare at him with ‘awe’ I slap the back of his head and he says “Oi!” He rubs the back of his head. “Fishing? Common sense Lou! It’s night, how can they fish at night?” He scratches his head and laughs.


We all roll our eyes and continue with the movie. After a few hours, when the movie was done. I opened the lights and Niall was rubbing his tummy. “I’m hungry!” The others agreed except for Taylor who looked like she’s gonna conk out soon. “NANDOS!”

Zayn got his phone out and called for delivery. “What? Oh, it will take an hour and thirty minutes because there’s no delivery dude? Okay, thank you anyways.” Niall whines and so does the other boys. “Harreh!” Louis says, in pain. “BUY THE FOOD? PWEASE?”

I fell on the couch, crossing my arms, “But I’m tired.”

They all give me puppy dog eyes and Taylor laughs, holding her stomach. “Ugh, fine. But you all owe me!” I stand up grab the car keys we had for rent. I get behind the wheel and drive to Nandos. (So there are only 8 Nandos in the USA, I did my research and there’s none in Miami, so please bear with me!) It was a twenty minute drive, I ordered the usual and waited for a few minutes.

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now