Chapter 47- Truly Madly Deeply

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Niall’s POV

Olivia has been getting better, but still very sickly. At times, she’d be so weak she couldn’t stand up. The lads think that she’s just not use to traveling with us, anymore. It breaks my heart that the boys don’t know. Though it’s not my secret to tell, now isn’t it? It is a big secret to keep from the lads, especially since they deserve to know.

 Olivia and I were alone in the hotel room, “Olivia…” I started.

She opened her eyes, she was laying beside me on the bed, listening to her iPod. “Niall…” she copied me. “I know that tone, and the answer is no. I know they deserve to know, but I just can’t, okay? It’s my secret to tell Niall. Not yours. So please, for the last time, stop reminding me.” 

She could get really pissed off. Her mood swings were off the top. It’s because of the pills, they’re just side affects. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

She closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep. I felt her forehead and it was burning hot. I stood up, grabbed a towel and went to the shower to wet it. I put it on her head and pull the blanket up on her. I checked the time and prepared her pills to drink. I didn’t mind taking care of Olivia. She’s my best friend; I would do anything for her.

My phone beeped. “Hello?” I answered, walking out of the room. I sat on the couch and sighed heavily. “Nialler! It’s Liam! Get ready! Let us go out. Oh, and tell Olivia to get ready too.”

“She’s not feeling too well. So I think we’ll pass.”

“You’re boring! You two are always stuck in that hotel room practically the whole time.” Liam said, sadly. “Is there something you’re not telling me? ARE YOU AND OLIVIA AN ITEM? Man, I can’t believe you. You’re like my best man, and you know how I feel about her.” He’s drunk.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Who planned to go to a bar? Tell me now.” His answer did not surprise me at all. “Larry…” He slurred with his words. Harry and Louis are always goofing around, sometimes it’s annoying. They can give a bad picture for One Direction. Who wants that?

“Who is not drunk, Li?” I asked Liam.

Liam answered, taking a bit of time. “Zayn.”

“Give the phone to him,” He obeyed and Zayn answered. “Hello? Niall? Is that you? OH THANK GOD. Liam, Harry and Louis are driving me insane. I need to go home. I’m not even kidding. Their like strangers to me.” He begged.

I laughed at his sudden reaction. “Call Paul to pick them up. You can come home if you want.”

“Smart idea.” Zayn muttered. “I’ll be home in a while. Bye.”

He hung up and I was left all alone. The peace was unusual. It was so quiet I could hear my own thoughts and the beat of my heart. Everything has been different around here. Olivia is dying, the lads are acting weird and I don’t know why.  Liam still had feelings for Olivia, but can’t show it. The way he acts around her, makes my head go ‘just go and ask her out already’. I can’t seem to wonder what’s keeping them apart.


“What the fuck?” I heard someone cuss. I opened my eyes and I spotted Zayn, sitting in front of me on the couch. He was holding something so familiar. My eyes widened when I suddenly noticed what it was. It was Olivia’s bottle of pills, which was especially for cancer patients.

Zayn looked at me, with confused eyes. “Why is Olivia taking cancer pills? She doesn’t even have…” that’s when everything hit him, so hard, he started to breathe unevenly. I jumped to his side and patted his back. “Zayn, breathe, breathe.” I said, quickly.

“After all this time…Olivia….has….fucking CANCER?” He stood up. “What the hell NIALL? What kind of person are you for keeping that away from us.” He stopped for a while. “All the signs, and I didn’t bother to know…”

“Zayn, it’s not your fault. I’m sorry, okay? Olivia told me not to tell.” I confessed.

“Hey,” We looked up and saw Olivia smiling down at us. “It seems to me, that you found out, huh?” Zayn nodded. “I was just afraid to tell you guys, because I thought you’d leave me and not bother to care. I know it’s so selfish of me, and I’m sorry. But Zayn, please, don’t tell the rest. I’ll tell them when I’m ready to face them. Okay?” Even though she’s sick, her smile is as bright as the sun.

Zayn sat there, motionless. That was when a few tears ran down his cheeks. Olivia smiled and hugged him tight. She sat on his lap and they just hugged. I sighed, everything was all right. I guess.


Louis’ POV

We were in the bar, parting like crazy. Zayn just left us and what terrified us the most was that Paul is gonna get us. Good thing, he’s stuck in traffic, I wanna party! I’m pretty tipsy. The three of us sat on the couch, watching everyone dancing and laughing. Suddenly, a girl came over and sat on Liam’s lap. Liam’s eyes grew big and he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, I have a girlfriend.” Huh? WHO? I thought.

The girl rolled her eyes, “No you don’t. You’re just saying that, babe.” She was in really short shorts, a tank top and I could smell her strong alcohol from where I sat. She had long blonde hair and she seemed like a slut to me. I just called a girl a slut. I must be pretty drunk. I giggled to myself.

“I do. Please, get off me. I don’t want to cheat.” Liam pouted at the girl. The music was not so loud, so they could talk in normal volume. Some people started to stare. Who cares? I’m freaking Louis Tomlinson. Hihi. And I’m drunk!

The girl looked down at Liam, she bit her lip and asked. “Then what’s her name? Tell me all about her.” Liam sighed and took a deep breath. The girl crossed her arms. People circled around. Harry was clapping his hands, “Go Liam. You go show them!”

Liam sat there, with the girl sitting on his lap. He looked so awkward. “Her names Olivia. She’s the nicest, funniest, prettiest girl I have ever known. She makes my heart beat, she understands me like how no one else does. She has that beautiful smile as bright as the sun. She’s my best friend, and I fell in love with her. Her laugh is the cutest thing I have ever heard. Her eyes are so enchanted. She’s the most amazing person I’ve ever met. When I met her, she changed my life, for the good. She’s my best man’s best friend, and that’s how we met. So please, get off me, because I love her.”

Everyone stared at him. They all erupted in awes. For a guy whose drunk, his words are pretty deep. Harry whispered to me. “He really loves Olivia, doesn’t he?” I nod, watching him. The girl sighed and apologized.

“He’s madly, deeply and truly in love with her.” I said. Liam looked at us, finally free. He smiled at us. That was when I saw his sparkly eyes, the eyes I haven’t seen ever since they broke up. He did change him for the good. He’s in love. 

AN: Hey sorry for such a late update! I wasn't happy with my last update, so I changed it. Hope you like it! PLEASE, comment, vote and fan!!! :)  I'd love for a feedback! 

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat