Chapter 9- Taylor Winters

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The boys would be having their first interview today. It's the second day and they aren't really that busy. Liam said that I could tag along, so I would be going with them. But I will be staying backstage, away from press. 

The interview is around the block in a studio. It would start around 3:30pm, it was only 1:01. I sighed, "I'll go down and search for stuff. Be right back," I said, bored out of my head. I stood up, not getting the lads attention, so I walk out the room and downstairs. 

Except Liam. He looks up and said "I'll go with you,"m he stood up walking his way towards me. He grabs my hand, and all my insides churn. I breathe heavily and let him drag me downstairs. The workers here were so nice and sweet, gretting us as we passed by.

"Wanna get coffee?" He asks, I nod quietly, I don't do coffee...."Oh, let's get tea, instead!" Like he read my mind. He should know that, I am his best friend....

We walk down the hotel, the staff here were so nice, they greeted us as we madeour way through the cafe. This hotel had everything -a cafe, a bookstore, clothing shops, and other things you can find in a mall.- 

We head into the cafe and sit down in a table for two. Liam, being a gentleman as usual pulled out my chair for me and made me sit first. As soon as he sat on his place, I said "So how are you and Dani?" 

He frowns. "It's like you're implying that me and Dani are together?" 

I pursed my lips. "Are you?" 

He shook his head. He signalled the waiter and ordered for me, "Two chocolate shakes please, and a blueberry muffin, for sharing." The waiter nodded and walked away with our orders. People were whispering around us and looking at us. Must be Liam.

After a few minutes of chatting with my best friend, the waiter comes and hands us our orders. Liam cut the muffin into two and offered me the one in the plate. "Thanks," I smile. We eat in silence, and suddenly, a man who was in a tux approaches us. He had a bit of white hair in his brown hair. He was tall and fit for his age. 

"May we help you?" Liam asks politely. 

The guy said "I'm John, John Winters, owner of this hotel." I find myself standing up and so does Liam giving respect. "It's pleased to meet you Mr. Payne and Ms. Summers." Wow, he knows who we are.

Liam shakes his hand and so did I "What can we do for you sir?"

He rubbed his chin and said "My daughter, she's a very big fan of One Direction, is it alright if she meets you?"

So her daughter is a Directioner. That's nice to know. "Of course, but excuse me, the other boys are upstairs."

He shook his head "Oh, no, no. It's fine, we wouldn't want to bother them. Besides, we will meet you maybe later." So we have to meet up with him and his daughter. I bet she's a brat, considering her father owns this magestic hotel.

He turns back and calls "Taylor!" A beautiful girl, with long brown hair tied into a high ponytail came running, and she grabbed her fathers arm, sticking close to him. She was tall, but I was a inch taller, she had pretty hair, brown eyes, and when she smiled she had dimples. She was also slim, her blue shirt was apparently big for her and her shorts were big for her too.

A memeber of the staff calls Mr. Wintrers and he turns to us. "I'll leave you guys to introduce each other. Please take care of my daughter." Then he walks off. Taylor smiled at us. She held out her hands. 

"I'm Taylor, Taylor Winters" she introduced herself just like her father did. Liam took her hand and shook it while I shook it last. Her hands were soft. 

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now