Chapter 46- Still The One

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“Honey, it’s best to tell them. They’re your best friends, they would want to know.” My mom said, caressing my hair. I shake my head, my eyes swollen and red shot from crying.

She looked down at me. “Mum, what if they leave me? What if they think I’m too much to handle.  They are busy with all the things that they have on their plate. ”

Someone knocked on my door.  I sniffed and said, “Come in,” Niall entered holding flowers in his hands. He smiled when he saw me. My mom stood up, kissed Niall on his forehead and left us alone. He replaced the flowers in the vase and sat beside me.

“How’s Olivia doing?” Niall asked, putting his arms around me. What should I do? Should I tell him? He is your best friend after all. My fear is that after I tell him, he wouldn’t dare be my friend anymore. He wouldn’t want the burden I’ll bring him and the other boys. I don’t want him out of my life.

Do you want to die instead? They’ll question why you’re having all these tests, and sickness. Olivia, think before you act. Tell him, he deserves to know. You just cannot tell him after all he’s done for you. The voice said to me. “Shut up!” I covered my ears. Niall looked at me weirdly and asked, “Olivia, are you alright?”

I purse my lips and nod my head. “Sorry, I just didn’t get much sleep.” He nods and sighs. “Olivia, there’s something wrong. Can you please tell me what the hell is going on? You’re mom and dad look at me like I did something wrong, and you…you’re not your usual self. I’m your best friend Olivia.”

I look up at his clear blue orbs. “Niall, you’ll leave me. I swear, if I tell me. You’ll get rid of me because you don’t want anything else to do with me.” I started to tear up. He hugged me and said, “Why would I do that? I would never ever leave you.”

“You swear, you won’t tell the boys?”

His expression softened. “Olivia, whatever this is…I think the boys need to know too.” I shook my head. “No. I’ll tell them when I want to.” He nodded and looked down at me.

Then I spilled. I told him everything that happened for the past three days.  I broke down after I said it. He took me in his arms and I hugged him so tight, I didn’t want to let go. “Shh, Olivia, shh…. Why would you think I’d leave you? I would never do that. And I know the boys wouldn’t too.”   

“I’m dying Niall. And I’m only nineteen. I still have a life ahead of me and I’m dying. How do you think that feels? It feels like shit.  Niall…” I sobbed on his chest and it felt good. He was my best friend and it was like half of my burden lifted off my shoulders.


“So, wanna eat somewhere before we head to the house?” I was discharged, I had to take medicine and therapy and shit. My mom and dad allowed me to go with them and stay with them. Niall knows about everything, he promised to take care of me. So it looks like I’m stuck with them. Yipee! 

The other boys don’t know a clue. All they know is that I need to take vitamins for my headaches and back pains. “I’m not really hungry.” I tell Louis as he was the one that asked and is driving.

Liam smiled at me, “Did you know…last night, they were so excited to see you again, and they baked cookies and made an empire out of three blankets and pillows. We’ll be having movie night tonight, if that’s alright.”

I laughed as Louis was arguing with Liam. “That was supposed to be a surprise!! Liam you suck! You’re so annoying!” Louis complained as he took a left and right, heading to the apartment.

Liam laughed, “I’m sorry! Give me a break,”

“WE SHALL NOT GIVE LIAM A BREAK SINCE HE JUST RUINED A SURPIRSE. ATTACK HIM MY SOLDIERS.” Louis commanded. Harry and Zayn attacked him and they wrestled on the floor of the car. Oh boys, will be boys.

If you tell them now, you’ll break their little hearts and they won’t be the same anymore. It will be your fault for being horrible to them. My insides snickered at me.

I can’t do that to the boys, it’ll just break their hearts. I sigh and lean on Niall. He looked down and me and gave me a smile. He mouthed, ‘Are you okay?’ I nod, yawning. There must be someway I could tell them. Maybe not now, but someday, they still deserve to know.

“Olivia? Were you listening?” I snap out of my thoughts and see Harry kneeling in front of me. He looked like a little kid and it broke my heart. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

He gave me a cheeky smile. “I love you,” he kissed my forehead and giggled. I laugh and suddenly felt exhausted. Liam looked at me and gave me a look, “Go and rest. We’ll wake you up.”


For the next past few days my body was so weak, I couldn’t leave the bed. The boys started to worry and ask questions. I even coughed up blood, but good thing, Niall was the only one present to see it. We called my mom and she said that it was part of the side effects from the medicine. I didn’t like it at all. My head started to ache badly, I cry. My back pain came frequently and it was worse than ever. Niall would bring me to the hospital every other day. The boys think that Niall takes me out to eat and shop.

I was lying on my bed, too sick to get out. Liam came in the room and smiled as he saw me. “Still feeling bad?” He asked me, making his way over to me.

He looked so handsome in his grey shirt and black jeans. His eyes were so brown; I forgot how I missed looking at it. His lips were so pink; I miss kissing it as much as I want to. I touched his hand, the pain was coming back again. He looked at our hands and I whispered. “Don’t leave me.”

Liam just stared at me for a while and then obliged. “Yeah, of course.” He got in my bed and hugged me. My head was on his chest and he had his strong arms around me. I started to cry, not just because of the pain, because I miss Liam. I miss his laugh; his strong arms around me, and his voice, the one that tells me everything will be all right.

“Olivia, don’t cry. Everything will be alright, I’m here…” Liam whispered in my ear. I hugged him even harder and I whispered. “I love you Liam. I’ll always love you.” Then I started to fall asleep.

~Liam’s POV~

She just said it. She said the words I thought she’d never say to me again. Olivia was still in love with me and my feelings were mutual. I still loved her. I love her so much, that it hurts me.

Even though I try and not think of her, she’s still there in my head. I try to push the thought away but she always makes her way in. I’m still in love with her. Even if I try hard, it will always be the one.

Now, I’m staring at her. She’s fallen fast asleep and she look adorable than ever. She looked like she was in pain, I wanted so bad to help her and make her feel better. Her hair fell down on her beautiful face, she was snoring lightly.

Oh how I missed her head on my chest. It just felt…right.

All I know now, is when she wakes up, I will tell her everything. I’ll tell her I still love her with all my heart. That I was wrong for loving two girls at the same time. I’ll tell her that she’s still the one. And will always be. 

AN: HEEEEYYY!! Sorry it's been a long time. It's summer here in Asia! Wassup? WAHAHA. Anyways I'll be updating frequently. 

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                                                                                                             Yours truly, 


Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora