Chapter 6- You're The Only One I Told

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"You take care, okay?" Chris said. Mom was getting my three luggage and handed it to one of the boys. She came to me and hugged me "I gave your share of money to the boys, okay?" Mom said. "And you behave?" 

I laugh, hugging her back "Yes mom, I will."

My mom withdrew the hug but still held my shoulders. "You boys," she looked at the boys. "You take care of my baby girl. I swear, if she ever gets hurt..." she trailed off, glaring at the boys. 

Niall smiled "Yes, Mrs. Summers, we promise to take care of her."

I walked to dad and hugged him. "Love you dad." 

He messed my hair up, what is it with that anyways? "Love you too, hun. Call every once in a while. And you have to stay safe and eat well, alright?" 

I nod, dad was the over-protective type of dads. He was always there, because I was the baby of the family. To make it worse, I'm a girl. Dad's are very over-protective over their girls. He even almost didn't allow, my older sister, Alice to marry, since she was too young. But she really loved Dave, so she did and went for it. Now she has her own life, and it makes dad watch over me more. 

"Yes dad" I hugged each of them for the last time and kissed their cheeks. 

I got into the tour bus, but looked back when Chris said "Don't forget to say hi to Alice and Colin for me!" Oh yeah, that's right, we will be passing by them, since it was on our way in the U.S. I gave him a thumbs up and waved one last time. 

I had said my goodbye to Sam, she was heading to D.C too, for the whole summer, she spends her summer there. I bet I was gonna have a fun with these crazy boys. I sat on the edge of the bed and saw the five boys, giving me crazy looks. 

I laugh. I know I won't have a normal summer with them. Being with them, is never normal. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~On the bus, headng to the airport.~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We gonna go to America, America. Yay, yay!" Loui sang. I shook my head smiling. "We're gonna have fun, with Livvy...!!!" 

The bus stopped. We walked out of the bus, being greeted by screaming fans. The bodyguards had made a circle to surround us. I carried two of my luggages while Harry had my other one. I smiled a thank you to him. 

Finally we were in our seats. I sat beside Niall and Liam, while the other three were sitting in front of us. We were in first class, all because of the boys. I felt so comfy in the chair. I took out my iPod and listened to music, while the boys were fixing the luggage. They were kind enough to put mine inside. 

I went to my One Direction playllist. I had a lot of songs, I didn't take count. Since I also have the X-Factor songs. I shuffled it and it landed on Torn. I listenened to their voices, drifting off to sleep. I always loved this song, actually I love all their songs. 

~~~Niall's POV~~~

I listened to music on my iPod and hummed to the meldoy. Until something landed on my shoulder. My best friend, Liv as fallen fast asleep, and we weren't even on air. I told Liam to put the seatbelt on her and he does, fastening it around her. 

No one knows-except Liam-. That I have a crush on her. Yes, I do. But I don't show it. It isn't obvious right? She is my best friend, and I don't know, I just fell in love with her. The way she smiles, she laughs, the way when she gets nervous her ears and face turn bright red. The way she starts a conversation when she gets bored.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The flight was about ten hours. Very long, so i'd like to get my sleep right about now. We fly off the floor at exactly 10am. We'd be in U.S, Seattle at around 8pm. 

After a hour, I woke up with a hungry tummy. It growled. Liv has moved her head to Liam's shoulder. He was reading a book. He looked at me and said "Hungry aren't you?"

I love it how your best friends know what you're thinking about. I nod, raising my hand for a stewardess. i asked her for food and she gave me a burger. Oh did they have a burger on board? "Paul told us to stack our fridge with foods you guys like." she said, studying my food. Oh Paul. I smile at her and she smiled back. her nametag said Kiki. She looked nice. Kiki handed one to Liam too.

I looked over at Liv. She had her hair, covering up her beautiful face. I know she felt inscure about herself. But I don't get why she doesn't feel pretty? She's absolutely gorgeous. I just want to tell her how she lights up my wold, how she puts a smile on my face every time she walks through the door. And now, I have three months to spend with her.

"Niall," Liam whispered. "Stop staring." I rolled my eyes, when it was just the both of us,  he'd always take the chance to tease me about it. He also agreed that she was pretty and nice. 

I chomped on my burger, "Whatever Liam. Feel lucky, you're the only one I told."

Liam chuckled, flipping through the next page and taking a bite out of his burger. "Louis, Zayn, Harry" he whispered. No one answered, they must be sleeping. He looked at me, and furrowed his eyebrow "I know you like her, a lot, Niall. When will you tell her?" he whispered. 

I shrug, finishing off my burger. Liam handed me half his burger and I ate it. He knew I was gonna ask. "I'm not sure, If I should. Let's not talk about this now." I told him. Looking out at the window, I closed it halfly, so the light wasn't waking people up. 

Liv and Niall. It has a nice ring to it. "What's up with you and Dani?" I asked Liam, he winced at the name. It was really weird. 

"Remember, we are only friends....I don't even know." he answered, sighing and stayed silent after that. So awkward....

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