Chapter 11- Feeling Down

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"This is good," Niall said, eating his spaghetti. His mouth was full, so some of his saliva spat out of his mouth. I cringe, it is disgusting. The table errupts into laughter. I look at them, sipping from my water, not getting why they are laughing.

I clear my throat "What?!?"

Harry giggles, "The way you cringed was hilarious!"

Taylor was laughing. Liam and Niall looked at her and started conversation with her. I felt weird. I turned away, it was like I was intruding something, which I wasn't. I don't feel good. My head is aching, and I feel like I'm gonna puke any minute now.

"Oh yeah, Taylor, we have a surprise for you." Liam smiles, Taylor furrows her eyebrows, and I see that she's excited. She's literally jumping on her chair.

Niall stands and holds her shoulder to keep her still. "You're going to tour with us!" The boys cheered while Taylor squealed. I stand up and hug her "AHHH!" I scream in delight.

"But my dad...." she trailed off.

Liam said "We talked to him, he said yes, you get to stay with us for three weeks!" Her mouth drops. "YAY!" We celebrate with a little ice cream. Then afterwards we head off to bed, for tomorrow. You never know what comes ahead.

I was in my pjs and Taylor was already sleeping in my bed. Taylor is like a close friend to me, even though we met each other only this week. She understands me, it's fun to talk to her. I couldn't sleep, so I went out to the balcony. I only realized that there was a balcony yesterday.

I felt the cool night hair against my skin. I shiver, but it was nice. The view was spectacular, the light were shining so bright, it made the town light up. I lean against the cold handle bars and sigh. I still don't feel well.

Maybe it was all the things that happened today. Seeing Niall and Liam, be so affectionate towards Taylor, makes me feel queasy. The boys are all my best friends, but Niall and Liam have something different from the rest. Is it jealousy? How can it be jealousy when you don't like like Niall? And what about with Liam? Yes, I do have feelings for him, but will he ever return them back?

I miss home. I miss mom. I miss dad. I miss Chris. I miss Sam. I miss everything back home. I just want to wrap the familiar comforter around me and snuggle against my oh-so familiar bed. I wanna wake up and find that the people I love with all my heart is just downstairs. Unlike now, their a million miles away.

I mean, I'm happy to be here with the boys. I really am, but just thinking that it will be months before I see them again. Sam....Oh I miss Sam so much, she's my best friend. I couldn't have lived without her and Niall's help. She means so much to me. I just want her here with me.

Tears sprang down my eyes. I grab my phone and dial Sam's number. It's nine pm here, I wonder what time it is back in Ireland.  "Hello?" Sam said, in a raspy voice. She answered on the fourth ring. Hearing her voice makes me smile.

"Sam?" I choked.

"Olivia? Is that you?" Silence. "I know I told you to call me, but at five am in the morning?" she giggles.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice seemed so different.

I heard a click on the other line. Did she hang up on me? "Liv, are you alright? Are you crying?"

I shook my head, then realized that she wasn't in front of me to see it. "No...I mean, yes...No...I don't know!" I sigh.

"What's wrong? Did the boys do something to you? Did they hurt you?" she sounds fully awake now. "If they did, you tell me, I'll travel all the way there and kick their arse."

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now