Chapter 49- It Killed Me

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"Boys! Shut up!" I laughed, on the hospital bed. Cel, my nurse was smiling at the five boys who prepared a dance number for me. "Oh my god! Stop! Please! Cel's getting mad, cause you guys are so loud!" I held my stomach and laughed. The five boys stopped and gave cheeky grins at Cel who was fixing my IV line.

"There you go!" She smiled at me. "You'll probably be discharged tomorrow. Your vitals seem to be stable." She fixed the medicine she opened and threw it in the trash can. She turned. "And boys, you know better to let her rest. She needs lots of it. Especially since she'll be having surgery when she gets back. No rough games." She smirked and went out of the room. The boys sighed and crossed their arms, like little children.

I have been locked up in this room for around three weeks, and I was getting antsy. My parents and Chris have been skyping with me and checking up on me once in a while, even Annie and Taylor called a few times. The boys were getting bored here, doing nothing and keeping me company. They leave me when they have rehearsals, but most of the time, they stay with me. I drink the bottle of water beside my bedside and stare at the boys who stared back at me. "Yay! Olivia's being discharged tomorrow!" Louis cheered, followed by the others.

I smiled. "I can't wait! I'm sick of this room." Everyone laughs.

A phone rang and Liam answered it. "Yo Paul! What's up? Yeah we're all with Olivia! What!? Now? But our concert is still weeks away! Paul..but..but..fine. See you in a few." The five boys frown once Liam hangs up. They were all whining and acting like babies. I laugh outside, but inside, I felt like I was pulling there career down. I didn't want that. I don't want to be labelled as the best friend who destroyed their careers. My mood falls down once again.

"Boys, you should go. Management will get mad again, I don't want that, neither do you. You've been with me for the whole time. Go and do your jobs! Do what you love!" I look up at them, smiling brightly.

They all sigh. "She has a point." Zayn said. "Management will blame us and do something we don't like."

The other boys nodded. "Okay. We'll be back later, Olivia! Get some rest?!" They lined up and kissed my cheek. Liam went last and kissed me full on the lips. The boys were cheering in the background. "I love you. Sleep, okay? Ill check in once in a while! I have Cel's number." He said seriously. I laughed and nod, waving all of them goodbye.

When they were gone, I sighed and turned the TV on. Friends was playing and I watched it for about twenty minutes until I fell asleep.

For some reason, I felt myself go. Everything was black and I heard people's voices. They were panicking. I couldn't tell what they were saying but after a few moments, I knew what they were talking about. Me. I was dying and I was aware of it. I started screaming and trying to wake myself up, but no use. I cried and cried, telling myself to wake up. Why was everything black? Why could I hear my voice and the others?

Then everything went silent.


I woke up, with a jolt of pain, down my spine. Then I started coughing, but not just coughing, with blood. Cel rushed to my side and handed me a bucket, holding it for me. "Oh dear," He pressed a button on top of my bed. After I coughed it all out, I laid back down and closed my eyes. 

"Wh-what happened?" I asked, looking around the room. It was empty, just me and Cel. Apparently she was keeping an eye on me, since there was a blanket and pillow on the armchair. She gave looked at me, with sad eyes. "You crashed, we did everything to keep you alive, and we did." She looked like she was about to cry. 

I bite my lip. "Does that mean...I'm getting worse? So I won't be discharged?" 

She shook her head, "You'll stay a bit longer for now. To make sure." I was about to cry. "I informed the boys, they said they'll be here soon. They're stuck with management." 

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now