Chapter 25- I Have Completely Moved On

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Sorry I haven’t updated! Lots of things going on, I have school and it’s tough. So please bear with me.  I’ll try and update tomorrow so watch out for a chappy tomorrow! Haha love you all and thank you for EVERTYHING! 

This is more of a FILLER CHAPTER. Sorry it’s not really good, I rushed it since I have school tomorrow (a freaking Saturday) and my older brother needs the computer! -_-

Anyways, thanks my lovelies! If you haven’t notice I call my fans ‘lovelies’

Love you all!

Do you know that silence? That really awkward silence when you’re in class and no one answers the question the teacher asks you even though the topic was just discussed earlier? That silence is happening right as of this moment. But instead of being in school, we were backstage of the concert. Instead of not knowing the answer to the question it was because of a person. She seriously had to ruin everything. We were having fun and all she had to do was barge in and just ruin everything!

The way Taylor’s face fell when Nicole entered looking all happy to see us. Taylor looked like she wanted to punch Nicole’s face. If the boys weren’t here, I could have done it myself.

I glared at Nicole. “Nicole! You’re here!” Liam said, awkwardly. He was trying to sound enthusiastic but failed miserably.

“How’d you get in?” Zayn questions. That was a question lingering in my head. Weren’t the bodyguards around? They had to tighten the security due to reasons. Since fans go really crazy and sneak in backstage to meet One Direction.

Nicole walked up to Niall, and she clung onto him. “Oh, I snuck in. Im sorry. But there’s no harm in that right?”

Taylor tightens her grip on her shorts. I stood up and said “Tay, accompany me to the restroom…” It was more of a statement than a question.

Nicole snorted “Why don’t you go by yourself?”

My glare grew stronger. She strides towards me “Liv! It’s you. I didn’t recognize you.. You look really…different. Prettier,” she snorts. “But not as pretty as me.” She stuck her tongue out. “Who am I kidding? You are just as ugly as I remember you from high school.  I still wonder, up until now, why Niall became friends with you when he could have hung out with people better than you.”

“Nicole.” Niall said, sternly. Nicole sighed and crossed her arms. I was close to charging at her and tear her to shreds. But a hand held me back, turning, I see Taylor. I sighed heavily and walked out grabbing her hand.

“She is so frustrating!” I groan, leaning on the sink with my hands. Taylor sat on the clean part of the sink and leaned onto the mirror.

Taylor bit her lip, and looked nervously around the place. “I hate her so much.” I tell Taylor. “Do you know what she has done to me first day of high school? She has tortured me and killed every cell in my body. Nicole is a witch, more than a witch. I hate her guts.”

Walking up to the wall, I sank there and sat on the floor, my head resting on my legs. “She has ruined my life. Even before she was dating Niall, she was already mean to me. She grew meaner when she was with Niall and told me to stay away from him.” I shivered at the thought. “She also told me that how a bitch I was, how no one would love me, how fugly I was. She destroyed my whole entire high school life.”

“Olivia, this is Nicole, my girlfriend.” Niall introduced her to me over lunch. I study the girl before me. She had wavy blonde hair that was gorgeous, her blue eyes were radiating with joy and she had a smile that could actually cure cancer.

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