Chapter 13- Bianca and Nikki

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"Olivia," someone whispered as they shook my leg. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the coulds, they were so puffy and white, the sky was cloudy and not sunny. I sit up, looking at Alice. She smiles at me and said "Liv, we're gonna have gues, my neighbors. Come on, their inside."

I look at her, guests? "The boys back?"

She shook her head, frowning "Nope, not yet." popping the p.

I sigh, standing up and going in the house. In the living I saw two girls who looked like my age, or a year younger. One was in a loose pink blouse, and white shorts, and black flats. She had brown eyes, purple glasses, freckles across her face, chest length brown hair and she had a smile on her face. The other girl beside her had black hair, it fell until her chin, and it was a bit wavy. She had dark brown eyes, she too was wearing glasses, she was in jeans, a red shirt and grey boots. They didn't look like each other, but they had their resemblances.

"Olivia, this is Bianca and Nikki." Alice said, I glanced at them and smiled. Bianca was the girlier one, while Nikki was more, boy-ish.

Bianca stood up and rushed over to me, tackling me into a unexpected hug. I hugged her, back, awkwardly. She smelled like the rain forest. "Olivia, it's so nice to see you again!" Again?

"Again?" I ask, dumbfounded.

Bianca stares at me with her huge brown eyes. "Are you sure you don't remember us?" I could sense this girl was a happy child.

I shook my head, "No, I'm sorry..." I tried to remember, but my head couldn't register Bianca and Nikki. "Are you guys sisters?" I ask.

Bianca nods, Nikki stands from the couch and stands beside Bianca. She snorts, "When we were little, we would come by your house and play. That was when we lived in Ireland. My mom and your dad are best friends. Until we moved here, to Chicago. The last time we saw each other was when we were seven and a half." she had good memory.

Then I suddenly remembered two girls, barbie dolls on each hands. There was a girl with long brown hair, that was braided into pretty braids. Then the other girl had short sleek black hair. Both had glasses, and they seemed like fun.

Bianca was the sweet, lovable, and nice one. While Nikki, she was really moody when I first met her, she was always grumpy and annoyed at either me or Bianca. I wondered if she got her period at a very very early age. I don't know.....

I also remembered that their mom and my dad used to date in college. It broke their friendship a bit, but they still managed to be best friends. It never really bothered me before, since I really didn't care. But now, I feel really weird and uncomfortable.

"Really? Oh, yeah, I remember you guys!" I said, "How are you?"

Bianca smiles brightly, "We've been doing fine, what about you?"

I nod, putting my hands on the pockets of my shorts. "I'm doing great,"

We did catching up. I realized that Bianca is still her usualself and Nikki is still her mean self. When we were young, Bianca and I called her Moody, since she was so bi-polor at times. We didn't know what her problem was. I never liked Nikki, she can be nice at times, but mostly moody.

There was this one time when the three of us were in the playground. I was building a sand castle with Bianca and Nikki was watching us. We finsihed, it was pretty and big, but a bit lopsided. I put O and B. Which means Olivia and Bianca. Nikki grunted "What about me?"

"You didn't even do anything!" Bianca questioned.

Nikki rolled her eyes "I handed you the shovel."

I rolled my eyes "That's barely doing anything, Nikki."

"Just put an N, that's all you have to do." She stated, in a icy way.

Bianca and I stood our ground. "No."

Nikki grew angry, she rose from where she was sitting and stomped on our castle. Bianca and I screamed "Nikki!!!"

She rolled her eyes and dusted her jeans, sitting back down. Bianca was trying to fix the castle we made, but it was completely destroyed. Bianca cried "What did you do that for?!?" Bianca said, angrily.

"You guys didn't want to share. It's not my fault." She said, playing with her black hair.

I said, "You didn't do anything Nikki, you can't take credit for something you did not do!"

Bianca pouted and stood up, running to the house. She was gonna call mom. "See, look! She's gonna tell your mom on you!" Bianca and Nikki were fraternal twins. They were complete opposites. They were only like 5 percent alike.

"You didn't have to smash the castle down, Nikki." I rolled my eyes.

She said through gritted teeth. "You didn't share!"

The doors opened and piled in five boys and a girl. They were nosiy as they entered, but kept shut once they saw we had guests. The boys were in their signature outfits, while Taylor was in a white tank top and blue pants. "Hello," they said, softly. Is this what I see? They are actually shy. Mhhhh....

Liam and I gaze at each other he smiles at me and I return it. "Um, guys, this is Bianca and Nikki. They live next door, and it turns out they were my friends when I was young." I explained. I glanced back and Bianca and Nikki, my mouth dropped slightly. Nikki was checking Liam out. I followed her eyes, and yes it was Liam she was checking out.

I shrug it off. They all gave their introductions, and went to their own rooms. They didn't seem to surprised to see them, maybe they already knew, so they came here for them. "We have to go, maybe next time we can eat dinner here?" 

"Sure," I smile, I hug Bianca and Nikki just nods at me and I escort them out of the house. I sigh heavily and slouch on the couch, falling asleep once again. 

A/N: Sorry this is so crappy :P I'll edit it soon, but here's to my friends Celine (Who is Bianca) and Nikki, hope you liked it! And Daph Daph, I'll add you in soon! Tasha I had writers block for your part, sorry, soon! 

Hoped you liked this guys! :D Comment, Vote and Fan! Love you all! 

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