Phase 3 episode 16: Max is the chrysalis

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(At Lucky Cat Cafe, everyone is watching the news)

Bluff: Breaking news: Max "Z" Stewart aka Monster Kid is currently trapped in some kind of cocoon and there is no way to get him out.

(Akiko covers her mouth in shock)

Cass: Oh my.

Bluff: There have been several attempts to break the chrysalis, but were unsuccessful.

Fred: Hey guys, I have a possible theory.

(The gang, minus Baymax look deadpanned)

Go Go: What?

Fred: My theory is that Max will emerge from the chrysalis as a new monster, possibly an insectoid kaiju or a completely different monster form.

Honey Lemon: Freddie...

Go Go: You cannot be serious? You really think Max will transform into a giant butterfly when he comes out of that chrysalis?

Fred: So you don't think he'll transform into a new monster when he comes out?

Go Go: Fred, there is no way Max could transform into a new monster because of those alien spores.

Wasabi: Yeah, I don't see it happening.

(Fred turns to Hiro for an answer)

Hiro: There might be a possibly.

Fred: Ha!

Bluff: The chrysalis is currently being moved to a Stewart Tech warehouse with special security.

(The chrysalis is currently secured in a Stewart Tech warehouse with Max still inside as he is secretly being watched by his arch-nemesis, Zero through a portal)

Zero: So Monster Kid is out of commission?

(Zero smirks as he laughs evilly)

Zero: Excellent.

(Zero opens another portal, showing one of King Ghidorah's tails, which is severed and is currently frozen in a cryogenics vault, at a containment faculty, somewhere in Japan)

Zero: Soon, you will rise again Monster Zero.

(Meanwhile at San Fransokyo Bay, Ataxidon emerges from the water and roars)

(Coming up next: Spore vs. Ataxidon)

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