Phase 2 episode 16: The Blight Force revealed

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(After the Stewart family finish reading the book, the doorbell rings)

Mary: Who could that be?

(Mary walks to the door and opens it, revealing the Wilson family standing outside)

Mary: Zoey? Xavier? Clara?

(Mary closes the door as she, Zoey, Xavier and Clara walk into the living room, leaving the rest of the Stewart family speechless)

Max: Zoey, how's it going?

Zoey: Hey Max.

Daisy: (waves at Zoey) Hi Zoey.

Zoey: (waves back at Daisy) Hello Daisy.

Megan: So, what brings you guys here?

Mary: (whispers to Clara) Are you sure this is the right time?

Clara: (nods) Yes.

Max: Uh, what's going on?

(Xavier Wilson pounds his fists and transforms into King Blight)

King Blight: King Blight!

(Luna Wilson snaps her fingers and transforms into Queen Blight)

Queen Blight: Queen Blight!

(Zoey spins around and transforms into Princess Blight)

Princess Blight: Princess Blight!

(The Blight family strike fighting stances)

King Blight, Queen Blight and Princess Blight: Together, we are the Blight Force!

(Max, Dennis, Megan and Daisy were left shocked, speechless and eye widened)

Dennis: What the?

Max: Zoey is Princess Blight?

Megan: The Wilson family are super powered aliens?

Daisy: Zoey is a superhero?

King Blight: Yes.

Queen Blight: Yes.

Princess Blight: Yes.

Dennis: Wow.

Max: All this time, one of my own friends is an intergalactic space princess from outer space?!

Princess Blight: Yes.

Max: I can't believe this.

Princess Blight: I'm sorry Max, I really wanted to tell you when the time was right, I know you and Dennis are angry that I..

Max: Why would we be angry?

Dennis: It's amazing!

Princess Blight: Huh?

Max: It's cool that you're an alien superhero and possibly the strongest girl in the universe.

Princess Blight: (blushes) You really think I'm strong?

Max: (blushes) Uh...yeah.

Queen Blight: She always had a crush on you Max since you two first met.

Max: What?

Princess Blight: Mom!

Megan: Mom, Dad, did you knew Zoey and her parents were aliens the whole time?

Harold: Yes Megan, we knew all along.

Jade: Me too.

Mary: We found them in the Muirahara Woods when their space pod crashed landed on Earth.

Megan: Oh.

Queen Blight: Look, we need to tell you something that's really important.

Max: Like what?

King Blight: Do you all remember Zero's message?

(The Stewart family nods)

Princess Blight: We hate to say it, but it was transmitted throughout the galaxy.

(The Stewart family becomes shocked)

Max: What? The whole universe knows about me?

King Blight: I'm afraid so, Zero wanted to reveal you to the entire universe so that many beings on other planets would know about Monster Kid.

Jade: Oh my.

Mary: That's terrible.

Dennis: (cheers) Yeah, Max is famous throughout the universe!

(Everyone glares at Dennis, making him smile sheepishly)

Dennis: (looks nervously) Uh...sorry.

Max: Does this make me a target to any intergalactic supervillain?

Princess Blight: Yes.

(Max groans)

Max: Great, that's just great.

Princess Blight: (puts a hand on Max's shoulder) Don't worry Max, we'll help train you to fight Zero and the Solar Monsters.

Max: Really?

King Blight: Yes, with your help, we could defeat Zero and save the universe.

Max: Okay, let's shake on it.

(Max shakes hands with King Blight and Queen Blight)

Queen Blight: We're happy to have you as an ally Max "Z" Stewart aka Monster Kid.

Max: Thank you your majes...

(Max starts coughing)

Princess Blight: Max? Are you...

(Max spits out an egg out from his mouth again)

Daisy: Max is a daddy again!

King Blight: That's seriously not right for a human child to spawn eggs.

Jade: It's one of the mysteries of the universe.

(Jade giggles)

Dennis: Oh, so Aunt Jade makes jokes now?

Max: I suppose there's a galactic council involved?

Queen Blight: Yes, they believe you'll be an ally to them as long as you don't join forces with criminals.

Max: I won't, although that would be a last minute option when heroes and villains join forces.

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