Aquatic Monster Sagon

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(It was a normal day in San Fransokyo after Big Hero 6 saved Karmi from Momakase's trap on Akuma Island)

(Max is in the living room, watching the news with Dennis, Daisy, Megan and Mary)

Bluff Dunder: Breaking News now! Super heroic, super damage downtown today when Big Hero 6's leaping lizard failed spectacularly to catch the mutated menace known as Globby. Coming up, we have Dr. Harold Stewart here in the studio right next to me, telling us any info of the sea monster that showed up in downtown a few days ago.

Daisy: Dad's on TV!

Mary: Yes Daisy, your father's on TV.

Harold: Why, thank you Bluff Dunder, I did some research and found out that the monster is actually a living member of an extinct prehistoric species of giant marine creatures called the Sagonalus.

Bluff: Interesting.

Harold: The Sagonalus has 3 stages on its life cycle. Larva, juvenile and adult.

Bluff: Any other facts?

Harold: The Sagonalus has a beak mouth like a bird, feeds on fish, it even filter feeds through its gills in order to consume microorganisms like plankton and algae. The species itself are capable fighters, using giant needles hands as weapons and can jump into the air. Also, it can adapt on the surface.

(Harold's phone rings as he looks at a text)

Harold: (signs) My son, Max wants me to give the Sagonalus a name, Sagon.

(The scene cuts to the living room)

Max: Ha! I name the monster!

(The scene cuts back to the newsroom)

(Bluff's headphone piece beeps)

Bluff: (pressed his headphone piece) Yes?...Really?...Just happen? Okay. I sorry Dr. Stewart, but we're gonna have to cancel this interview.

Harold: Anything wrong?

Bluff: Well..

(A fully adult grown Sagon is walking on shore while many civilians are running away)

(Sagon roars as he stomps on several boats)

(An alarm goes off)

Police captain: This is the San Fransokyo Police Department! This is an emergency evacuation! A giant creature is on a rampage!

Felony Carl: (riding on his motorcycle) I'm getting outta here!

(Max is flying across the city and heading toward Sagon)

Max: Whoa, you've gotten bigger.

(Sagon uses his needle hands to destroy some buildings)

(Max lands on the ground)

Max: Hey Sagon!

(Sagon ceased his rampage for a minute and looks down at Max)

Max: Why don't you pick on someone your own size!

(Sagon blinks)

Max: Oh, so now the kaiju's ignoring me?

(The San Fransokyo news helicopter arrives)

Bluff: Breaking news: Max "Z" Stewart aka Monster Kid is about to face the monster we now call Sagon.

(Sagon looks at the helicopter and then the several civilians)

Max: Please, no.

(The civilians screamed)

Max: No!

Big Hero 6 and the Monster Kid of San FransokyoWhere stories live. Discover now