Phase 3 episode 20: Pied Piper

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(At the park, Max Stewart and his best friend, Zoey Wilson are walking when a strange man wearing a red tuxedo, jumps out in front of them)

?: Yes, an audience.

Max: Uh, who are you?

Pied Piper: I am Pied Piper and I'm here to kidnap you two for ransom.

Max: Yeah, right.

Pied Piper: Yes.

(Max and Zoey keep walking, ignoring Pied Piper, much to his dismay)

Pied Piper: I hate being ignored!

(Pied Piper pulls out a flute and laughs evily)

Pied Piper: Yes.

(As Max and Zoey are continuing their walk, flute music is heard and suddenly, Zoey grabs Max, dipping him like in a dance)

Max: Zoey, what are you doing?

Zoey: Max, it's not me doing the moves, someone's controlling me.

(Moments later, the two involuntarily got back up, holding their arms out. As the music picked up, the two held each others' hands and started dancing to Pied Piper, who's playing the flute)

Max: What's happening?

Zoey: We're being forced to dance!

Max: What?

Zoey: I can't stop myself!

(Max and Zoey are dancing around Pied Piper)

Zoey: Oh no! Pied Piper is controlling us! Can you stop him?!

Max: No! I can't control my body!

(Max involuntarily picks up Zoey and tosses her in the air. She lands back in Max's arms as they continue dancing and pointing their fingers like in a disco dance)

Max: Forget about me Zoey, save yourself!

Zoey: It's no use, I still can't control my body! Try to resist Max.

Max: I can't!

(Max glances at the flute, seeing a Stewart Tech logo on it)

Max: Wait a minute.

(Max smirks)

Max: 9945!

(Suddenly, the flute deactivates and stops working, much to Pied Piper's dismay)

Pied Piper: What?

(Max and Zoey stop dancing as they catch their breath, panting)

Zoey: (panting) Thanks Max.

Max: (panting) You're welcome.

(Max and Zoey collapse from exhaustion)

Max: Okay, I can't move.

Zoey: Who wants to move?

(Pied Piper attempts to flee from the area, only to get surrounded by the police)

 Unnamed male Police officer: You're under arrested for stealing advanced technology from Stewart Tech.

(Pied Piper sighs in defeat)

(The police takes Pied Piper into a police car and drives to the police station while Max grabs the flute)

Max: I'm taking this to my Dad.

Zoey: Okay, mind if I go with you?

(Zoey blushes as well as Max)

Max: Uh...sure.

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